Finasteride Survey, Please Share Your Experience


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So i've been looking for a post like this, but i have not found one, if at any point someone made a similar post, please link it.
I see polar opposite opinions on finasteride. Some people say it ruined their lives, giving them unrepairable side effects, even after discontinuing the drug, and some people say it is a miracle drug.
Even though probably both versions are true, since it affects different people in different ways, i want to make a survey to know the likeliness of the effect of the drug.
In my case i have never taken finasteride and im considering taking it.
Please reply in the following way:
Time: <time that you've been taking the drug>
Side Effects: <if any, when did you first noticed them, and when did they go away, if they did>
Positive results: <if any>

So an example could be:
Time: 4 months
Side Effects: none
Positive Results: regrow some of the hairline.

Thanks to everyone participating!


Established Member
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Time: 8 months
Side effects: None
Results: Lost a lot of hair in the last 8 months, far more than before taking it, but the rate of hair loss is just now starting to slow down. What I lost has not grown back. TBH a bit disappointed for the risk.


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Time: 6 years off and on.
Side effects: all of them
Results: grew a lot of hair back. Got bad sides such as anxiety smaller penis gray pubic hair depression, mental cloudiness fatigue etc. Hair fell out quickly after I stopped taking the drug. Still trying to recover from the side effects. It's been a few years so I thinknthisnis as good as it will get.


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Time: 2 months

Side effects: increased shedding, body hair growth (I believe), increased body odor, increased anxiety and depression which is prob from the increased shedding and lost ground

Positive effects: none so far


My Regimen
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Time: 8 days
Side Effects: c*m is stringy, slightly increased shedding.
Positive results: None so far. Still have the "itch"


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Time: 6years
Side effects: unknown (none that i would be able to point out)
Positive results: Stopped hairloss and maintained, also had a transplant to fix hairline so im in it for life unless something major happens.


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My Regimen
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Time: 1-2weeks
Side effects: no morning wood, reduced penis size, watery semen, no sex drive,
positive results: none (way too short)


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Time : 1 Year
Side effect : Nothing (Lucky i guess)
Positive Effect : Some regrowth (Mainly because of minoxidil) et hairloss stopped ( I nearly 0 hairs )


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Time: 3 years

Side effects: almost entirely on the "sexual" side, though nothing severe. My penis may have lost some "girthiness," if you get the idea, but I can live with it (or at least my wife can), and I'm not sure it's the case even so. I seem to go through times when my libido dips to nothing and my erections get very... um... soft. It's not outright ED, but it's noticeable. It comes and goes, but honestly I'm used to it. I should note, however, that I'm not sure this is due to the finasteride. I've always had a very up and down libido. Finasteride may have just exacerbated it.

What I am certain of is that it has thinned out my sperm. It started to get thin after a few weeks, and has pretty much remained that way for three years.

No noticeable gyno (thank Jove). Overall, I can live with the side effects. They're there, but outweighed by the gains the medicine gives me.

One more detail I think you should add to the list of things people report on is the dosage and frequency of intake. For instance, I started with 1mg/per day but after a few months I decided to play it safer and cut down to 0.5mg/EOD and see how that worked for me. I've been doing that ever since and I'm happy with it.

Positive Effect: I may have lost a tiny bit of hair here and there (not sure), but I would say I'm better off than where I was before I started. My hairline has held and my crown has filled in.

For reference, I was probably around a NW2.5 when I started, and I do not use any other preventative or regrowth products aside from Nizoral.


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Time: 22 months
Side effects: watery sperm and accelerated hair loss.
Results: Saw no improvement only an acceleration of the process, hairline is now thinning and temples are gone. Side effects only appeared after using Androcur, which may have slowed my loss down a little bit.. Hair still looks 'good' to most people but its a far cry from how it used to be!


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Time: 3 months
Side Effects: Nothing that I can pin point as definitely being related to Finasteride. I still get the same amt of erections with the same hardness as before. I never had morning erections and still don't.
Positive Results: Some regrowth at the hair line and temples, though it could also be due to Minoxidil. Nothing extremely noticeable yet.
Other meds: Thyroid hormone/Naturthroid, Clomid and Truvada (HIV prevention drug)


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Time: 1 year 7 months
Side Effects: After 4 months felt pee pee shrinkage, tightness.
Started having little or no c*m when orgasm.
I cut back to half a pill and all went back to normal.
Then noticed a big shed (on crown).
Started full pill again. After 2 months hair density improved.
Now I'm back to pee pee shrinkage (4 months)
No real change in horniness overall.

I will go back to half a pill for 4 months again.
Seems that's the cycle.

Overall finasteride has stopped any more loss and the minoxidil helped keep, but not much new growth.


Senior Member
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Time: Going on 3 years (Since December 2015)
Side Effects: Possibly watery jizz.
Positive Results: My hair has maintained. I barely find myself posting on these forums anymore.