finasteride better than dutasteride in some casese? BRYAN take a look


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JayMan said:
The recommended dose for prostate is 0.5 mg, so that's considered a "full" dose on here for hair as well. I'm on it, you should look into it. Or did you have sides on the full dose?

There is no recommended dutasteride dose for hairloss. Saying we should take 0.5mg every day is like saying back in the late 80's that men should take 5mg of finasteride every day for hairloss. If you are so concerned about growing hair, take 2.5mg or more. But there is a trade off.

I think that because of half life issues, if you take dutasteride twice a week, you should first take it every day for a few weeks just to build it up a bit in your system. I doubt 2x per week would build up enough to ever be effective. The guys doing 0.1mg per day actually took 0.1mg per day, not 0.5mg every 5 days.


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I was on full dose for about 3 months, I didn't get any sides which was great as on finasteride I suffered from tiredness so bad I reduced dose significantly. Shows how some people get no sides on dutasteride compared to finasteride.

I dropped dose to 3 times a week after 3 months as my hair became dry and straw like which was weird as I suffer from greasy skin. The last couple of months I dropped it to twice a week and i've just started finasteride 0.25mg on the off days. What hair I have is in good condition now, but I lose a lot every night and in the shower and it never seems to come back.

I guess i'm just searching for a combination that works.

I stupidly tried Spectral DNC again for a week and it wrote off what was left of my thin heavily receding hairline so I stopped it. Think that hair is gone forever.

I really don;t know what to do other than accpt my fate.

I could up my dutasteride dose again but every day I felt was too much, could try 3-4 times a week as a max and see if that helps. All I want is stabilisation. Would be great to go to hairdresser and have same haircut just once instead of discussing how its even thinner and getting a different cut each time.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
I think that because of half life issues, if you take dutasteride twice a week, you should first take it every day for a few weeks just to build it up a bit in your system. I doubt 2x per week would build up enough to ever be effective. The guys doing 0.1mg per day actually took 0.1mg per day, not 0.5mg every 5 days.

I think taking an Avodart every day for only three or four consecutive days would be MORE than enough for that specific purpose, if it's even necessary at all. I have my doubts about that.

And it would be fascinating if Gisleskog et al had done one of their graph simulations on that last scenario (0.1 mg/day, versus 0.5 mg every 5 days), so that we wouldn't have to guesstimate how those dosing schemes would compare.


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Bryan said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
I think that because of half life issues, if you take dutasteride twice a week, you should first take it every day for a few weeks just to build it up a bit in your system. I doubt 2x per week would build up enough to ever be effective. The guys doing 0.1mg per day actually took 0.1mg per day, not 0.5mg every 5 days.

I think taking an Avodart every day for only three or four consecutive days would be MORE than enough for that specific purpose, if it's even necessary at all. I have my doubts about that.

And it would be fascinating if Gisleskog et al had done one of their graph simulations on that last scenario (0.1 mg/day, versus 0.5 mg every 5 days), so that we wouldn't have to guesstimate how those dosing schemes would compare.

Am I understanding you correctly in that one need only take Avodart ED for 3-4 days to build steady state? And henceforth can safely drop to EOD? Wouldn't that increase the risk of reflex hyperandrogenicity? Or would the risk of that be much lower, due to the long half-life of Avodart, than if one were to take Propecia EOD? Thanks.

P.S. Anyone know if a less than 0.5mg Avodart dosing will be out in the near future? Is there any way to take 0.1mg or 0.25mg with a 0.5mg liquid gelcap?


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No smaller dose will come out in the next 5 years.

If you want to take 0.1mg per day, cut 2 0.5mg capsules and rinse them into a small plastic bottle, like a well rinsed out minoxidil bottle with dropper. Use the dropper to transfer 10mL of Everclear to the bottle. Mix. Now each 1mL has 0.1mg of dutasteride.

Warning: it tastes very very bad. Only squirt it into a mouth full of milk or water, and then swallow fast, and quickly rinse it down.

For best results, take 0.5mg per day for a week before dropping to 0.1mg per day.


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reverie said:
Am I understanding you correctly in that one need only take Avodart ED for 3-4 days to build steady state?

It depends on WHICH level of steady-state you're talking about! :)

I obviously meant that taking an Avodart for only three or four days is more than enough to achieve finasteride levels of inhibition.

reverie said:
And henceforth can safely drop to EOD?

It would take a lot longer than just three or four days to achieve the steady-state that you'd have with EOD use.


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Thanks CSS...I think I may just take the whole 0.5mg then, if it's that nasty. No use in not being able to get/keep it down. Do you know what the DHT inhibition would be for just 0.1mg then? I guess there is a chart on this forum I need to search for...

Bryan, thanks for clarifying. I did mean how many consecutive days of 0.5mg Avodart would I need to take to reach the steady state 95% (or whatever figure is quoted) DHT inhibtion that Avodart affords. (Not finasteride levels of inhibition...I'm bypassing finasteride, don't think it will help me.) Do you have any opinion on saw palmetto? Or there any evidence (conclusive or otherwise) that sp blocks 5ar-1?


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reverie said:
Thanks CSS...I think I may just take the whole 0.5mg then, if it's that nasty. No use in not being able to get/keep it down. Do you know what the DHT inhibition would be for just 0.1mg then? I guess there is a chart on this forum I need to search for...

Taking 0.1 mg/day of dutasteride gives you very similar levels of inhibition as taking a Proscar every day. On average, of course.

reverie said:
Bryan, thanks for clarifying. I did mean how many consecutive days of 0.5mg Avodart would I need to take to reach the steady state 95% (or whatever figure is quoted) DHT inhibtion that Avodart affords.

You get close to full steady-state after about 3 months of daily Avodart. Check out the following graph:

I personally penciled-in the vertical dashed line corresponding to the standard Avodart dosage.

reverie said:
Do you have any opinion on saw palmetto? Or there any evidence (conclusive or otherwise) that sp blocks 5ar-1?

I don't really have much of an opinion of saw palmetto, one way or the other. The relevant scientific evidence seems rather sparse and inconsistent to me, so I haven't paid much attention to it.


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i personally believe, each person needs to find a dosage that is right for them. everyone has different levels of sensitivity to dht and some have more dht then others. they key is to find the right balance where you get no sides and hair doesn't shed. its all about hormonal balance once your learn more about the body you will realize that.


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JayMan said:
Have I asked this before NIck?

Why are you not on dutasteride every day?

You are NOT on a full dose of dutasteride. The recommended dose for prostate is 0.5 mg, so that's considered a "full" dose on here for hair as well. I'm on it, you should look into it. Or did you have sides on the full dose?

the recommended dose for prostate cancer does not correlate with the recommended dose for hair. ie/ 5mg of finasteride for prostate, 1mg for hair.

following the above example, taking lower doses of dutasteride than 0.5mg a day seems a good idea.

collegechemistrystudent said:
No smaller dose will come out in the next 5 years.

If you want to take 0.1mg per day, cut 2 0.5mg capsules and rinse them into a small plastic bottle, like a well rinsed out minoxidil bottle with dropper. Use the dropper to transfer 10mL of Everclear to the bottle. Mix. Now each 1mL has 0.1mg of dutasteride.

Warning: it tastes very very bad. Only squirt it into a mouth full of milk or water, and then swallow fast, and quickly rinse it down.

For best results, take 0.5mg per day for a week before dropping to 0.1mg per day.

there is ABSOLUTELY no need to follow the ridiculous instructions given above. if you want to take 0.1mg of dutasteride a day, take 1X0.5mg tablet every 5 days. the halflife will take care of the rest. you could even take 2 tablets once every 10 days, or 4 once every 20. your 5ar inhibition would still be steady.


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philly said:
powersam, UNFORTUNATELY what you're saying is not correct. The half-life of dutasteride drops considerably when taking only 0.5mg every 5 days.

hair loss of 0.5mg/day is 5 weeks approx.

hair loss of 0.1mg/day is 3 days approx.

hair loss of 0.5mg every 5 days is unknown.

eh, i'm usually at least half right. will wait till Bryan weighs in with how often you really need to dose. absolutely no way anyone needs to cut up dutasteride pills though thats for sure.



Are you still out there? Have emailed you and PM'd you with no reply.

Dont reply here, I wont be able to find it :)
