Finally Did It (My Journey) (Castration)


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Hello all, I will keep this short.

Straight male here.

Was fighting hair loss for years, (i am 30 now). Started from age 18.

Suicidal depression is the least of the things i endured, due to the shape of my head and NW6 hairline.

I decided as Sonolm (a member on here) did, and injected my testicles with the chemical he did.

I was taken away by the emergency services of my country after 5 days, when gangrene and rot set in.

I will finally have hair, I will go on estrogen and do what i have to do, to have hair again.

It feels so refreshing to let go of all my worries now, no more thinking of transplants, or laser caps (they dont work), or being a hat prisoner.

Any questions are most welcome.



Androgenic Alpaca

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Edited: @Hair_Or_Death I really hope that things work out the best for you. Taking estrogen should help a lot with hair growth if you're willing to deal with the other feminizing effects. I'm sorry that things got so serious for you that you felt the need to do this. I don't want to sound like I'm being negative towards you, but I really want to discourage other people from doing the same thing

If anyone else is seriously this distressed about hair loss, don't do this.

There's much safer and partially reversable methods of stopping androgen production from your testes. Contact a doctor and request antiandrogens before trying to do an orchiectomy in your bathroom

OP, I hope that things work out for you
Last edited:


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Dear op,
I hope you are doing okay. As it stands, im happy you are happy, lets keep it that way. However, I want to remind you that there is a reason we evolved into the social creatures we are. We have achieved so much technologically and socially through collaboration. Perhaps we will achieve great things if we collaborated emotionally too. There are people and services that you may think are pointless. However, they exist because sometimes our brains are echo chambers that new perspectives. Plus talking with other people can be fun and sharing some of your worries can relieve your anxiety. Please reach out if you ever feel alone. Whether it be the people around you or a dedicated specialist. We are in this together even if you dont realize. Everyone is hiding their pain, some are just better than others at it
Finally, if you ever feel like you need someone in your corner at any point in time, please feel free to DM me it.
Stay safe op. Its upwards from here :)


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Last time i heard he said castration and estradiol wasn't enough, so he started using minoxidil to try and fill in his crown, don't know how he is doing now.


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I don't believe this. If true it's incredibly stupid. It won't regrow your hair, and there are drugs like bicalutamide and cpa that would essentially do the same thing as castration


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Someone needs to make an iceberg meme, but for hair loss treatments


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Hello all, I will keep this short.

Straight male here.

Was fighting hair loss for years, (i am 30 now). Started from age 18.

Suicidal depression is the least of the things i endured, due to the shape of my head and NW6 hairline.

I decided as Sonolm (a member on here) did, and injected my testicles with the chemical he did.

I was taken away by the emergency services of my country after 5 days, when gangrene and rot set in.

I will finally have hair, I will go on estrogen and do what i have to do, to have hair again.

It feels so refreshing to let go of all my worries now, no more thinking of transplants, or laser caps (they dont work), or being a hat prisoner.

Any questions are most welcome.


This is a very poor idea for anyone considering this in the future. Banding is likely to be safer but orchiectomy is not very expensive. Goddess bless. I hope your situation in life stabilizes without testosterone as it has for so many of us. Remove them for the hair but enjoy the benefits of a life not marred by androgens.


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Edited: @Hair_Or_Death I really hope that things work out the best for you. Taking estrogen should help a lot with hair growth if you're willing to deal with the other feminizing effects. I'm sorry that things got so serious for you that you felt the need to do this. I don't want to sound like I'm being negative towards you, but I really want to discourage other people from doing the same thing

If anyone else is seriously this distressed about hair loss, don't do this.

There's much safer and partially reversable methods of stopping androgen production from your testes. Contact a doctor and request antiandrogens before trying to do an orchiectomy in your bathroom

OP, I hope that things work out for you
There are plenty of people on here who will provide guidance about HRT as a less dangerous and less permanent way of trying out a testosterone (largely) free life.


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Will never understand this reasoning.

By every rational measure a hair system is superior to HRT aka chemical castration with so many fcking side effects, risking your health + a big chance your hair will still be average at best.

A hair system sucks for maintenance but that's it. You will never achieve the same density or quality as with a hair system.
That depends on the person. For non-breeders, the estrogen experience might be far superior to the androgen experience in just about every way. There's a reason why 99 percent of the non-drug offenders in jail are male. There are many for whom the "male" experience is pretty much dismal and bleak from day one. Most of the "sides" from MtF HRT that don't involve loss of strength would pretty much be seen as improvements in life experience and longevity, along with hair and better skin among the features. Being male just for the sake of "cause I was born that way" is not a particularly compelling reason to wear a toupee.


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You are 30 years old, why do this? You will never be able to f*** again in your life. Man I'm 19 I'm NW4 and every day I have sucker ideas but castrating myself would never occur to me
Of course they will be able to have sex again and as a guy, just as a bottom. And actually, with v****, they might still be able to top if there is still any sex drive left. That can be variable but progesterone apparently can bring back the desire as might larger amounts of estradiol.