Fevipiprant Vs Setipiprant. Pgd2 Inhibitors.


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Actually, since like 6 months I have stopped wasting my time talking and dreaming about future treatments and have started saving money for a future FUE in one of Europe's top doctors.
You will become realistic and disappointed as well when you reach eventually the level of knowledge I have and when you get countless disappointments from hairloss industry, like us, older members.
Have a nice day :)

You're just bitter coz of your old age, old man. It's not my fault if I was born in the good time to take advantage of medical progress ;)
I've already made a FUE at 19 1/2,and I repeat myself : you don't know sh*t,neither how a follicle works,or what exactly does a PG in the body and even less Costa knowledge. Do your homework and just an advice : FUE only moves a follicle of a place A to a place B and a donor area isn't illimited. If you don't take fina,it will fall again years later,you're only buyin' some time and don't solve the problem.
Have a nice day too !
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You're just bitter coz of your old age, old man. It's not my fault if I was born in the good time to take advantage of medical progress ;)
I've already made a FUE at 19 1/2,and I repeat myself : you don't know sh*t,neither how a follicle works,or what exactly does a PG in the body and even less Costa knowledge. Do your homework and just an advice : FUE only moves a follicle of a place A to a place B and a donor area isn't illimited. If you don't take fina,it will fall again years later,you're only buyin' some time and don't solve the problem.
Have a nice day too !

Damn man, calling a 27 an old man....f*** i feel old now despite being 31...
Anyway, you'll see how fast it passes, don't want to spoil the surprise

BTW, a FUE at 19 ??!...don't say 1/2 that's for kiddies ;)
Seems pretty young for this kind of surgery...my derm always recommended this in the thirties, not before, maybe give your hair some time to figure out the progress of Androgenetic Alopecia, you don't want to get at the old age of 30 with some patchy holes in your head and only the transplanted ones left
That would be a really Nicolas Cagest situation
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Only concern about all this PGD2 things is the uncommon side effects...prostaglandin role's is fairly new

Don't know if it's because of the topical protocol, or maybe it is use by some adipocyte's cells...anyway some users of Bimatoprost are reporting strange fat and muscle atrophies, reported in some studies...but not in the official side effects !

Periorbital muscle atrophy associated with topical bimatoprost therapy

Changes to upper eyelid orbital fat from use of topical bimatoprost, travoprost, and latanoprost.

Guess all treatments comes with a messed up side effect, and ended up looking like a HIV patient is....well pretty f***cked up
Again Bimatoprost is a PGF2α analog, not the same receptors as PGD2 ones but who knows with what special spicy suprise it will come with !
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Actually, since like 6 months I have stopped wasting my time talking and dreaming about future treatments and have started saving money for a future FUE in one of Europe's top doctors.
You will become realistic and disappointed as well when you reach eventually the level of knowledge I have and when you get countless disappointments from hairloss industry, like us, older members.
Have a nice day :)
You clearly have no idea what to expect of a FUE. If you think that hair transplants is a cure, you are simple more dumb than maradona ( or use more drugs than him )


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Damn man, calling a 27 an old man....f*** i feel old now despite being 31...
Anyway, you'll see how fast it passes, don't want to spoil the surprise

BTW, a FUE at 19 ??!...don't say 1/2 that's for kiddies ;)
Seems pretty young for this kind of surgery...my derm always recommended this in the thirties, not before, maybe give your hair some time to figure out the progress of Androgenetic Alopecia, you don't want to get at the old age of 30 with some patchy holes in your head and only the transplanted ones left
That would be a really Nicolas Cagest situation

Haha I was eggagerate things a lil bit,but this is how I feel about him,he talks like he is 50's,his youth wasted and fucked up. Still he can improve his condition he is bitter bout science.
No offense to people of this age,I will be here soon too haha !

Yep super young,but I've got no choice at this time,it was either FUE or either NW4.5-5 look.
By the age of 30's there will be plenty of other options and maintenance is possible actually ;)


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So is this bad concerning seti or not?

From what I understand,using ROS signalling is good but with lil level of it. PGD2 increase ROS signaling way too much,and leading to oxidative stress and convertion of weak andros to testosterone and thus,enhancing DHT level in scalp.

So,PGD2 is the ultimate boss. If you don't take care of it,you will never have a chance to maintain your hair.


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From what I understand,using ROS signalling is good but with lil level of it. PGD2 increase ROS signaling way too much,and leading to oxidative stress and convertion of weak andros to testosterone and thus,enhancing DHT level in scalp.

So,PGD2 is the ultimate boss. If you don't take care of it,you will never have a chance to maintain your hair.

High response to oxidative stress could also explain why balding hair always look like dizzy, old and with a poor quality.
Miniaturisation process is bad for the hair quality too tho

oxidative stress plays a significant role in the whole aging process, at cellular level, degrading cell, DNA integrity...and considering this, i don't know if damages are reversible
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High response to oxidative stress could also explain why balding hair always look like dizzy, old and with a poor quality.
Miniaturisation process is bad for the hair quality too tho

oxidative stress plays a significant role in the whole aging process, at cellular level, degrading cell, DNA integrity...and considering this, i don't know if damages are reversible

HRT males who goes tranny recovered easily 2-3-4 Norwood thanks to estrogen. So yeah,for me that's reversible :)


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You're surrounded by cult members, they prefer the hope that pseudo-science brings.

Cult members ? Pseudo-science ? yeah right...a man who spent the last 20 years researching hairloss is obviously a scientologist who knows nothing on the subject

Don't talk about pseudo-science and keep your "128 diode 650nm laser" remedy, this is some good science right there !


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Cult members ? Pseudo-science ? yeah right...a man who spent the last 20 years researching hairloss is obviously a scientologist who knows nothing on the subject

Don't talk about pseudo-science and keep your "128 diode 650nm laser" remedy, this is some good science right there !

I don't even use a laser it is was a joke learn sarcasm m8.


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There is no point talking to ignorant fools @JeanLucBB ;)
It's like re-living 2015 again,with Swisstemples,pge2 and pgd2. But according to ADickInTheDark we dont even know how FUE works hahaha.
It's hilarious to see ignorant, passionate members arguing about sh*t that won't solve their problems and attack those who simply tell them the truth :D


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Anyone know how viable fevi is to penetrate as a topical?


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There is no point talking to ignorant fools @JeanLucBB ;)
It's like re-living 2015 again,with Swisstemples,pge2 and pgd2. But according to ADickInTheDark we dont even know how FUE works hahaha.
It's hilarious to see ignorant, passionate members arguing about sh*t that won't solve their problems and attack those who simply tell them the truth :D

@ at me abelibacuck if you have the balls to.
Close your mouth old man.You're just talking non sense
Blablabla I have started saving money for a future FUE in one of Europe's top doctors blablabla

I already had one and in France. You ? Zero. You talk for nothing and blow hot hair.Silly to talk about things I really know :)
It's like 2015 blablablabla look at my ignorance and doesn't understand a word of people here.

There is bullshit members who open their mouth like ya and I shall repeat myself since you like twisting my post :
you don't know sh*t,neither how a follicle works,or what exactly does a Prostaglandin or a T reg in the body and even less Costa knowledge and science"

I never talked bout if you know how a FUE works.Go and make some babies to your lovely surgeron He will make you a discount price for your future surgery ;)

You don't know sh*t,have shitless knowledge,and just trolling around.
Please, if you don't have the science or knowledge or the patience to understand,leave intelligent,polite and curious people in peace.

"passionate members arguing about sh*t that won't solve their problems and attack those who simply tell them the truth"

Hahahaha ! Lol ! Quite a good one old man ! The truth hahahaha what a cheeky bast*** ! Yeah,won't solve the problem, I never said that PGD2 blockers are almighty and will make all of our hair back by itself,but it's part of the process ;)

Peace out old man,take your medicines don't worry it will be alright go make your FUE,leave this thread with people arguing about solid science and click on the red cross :)


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There is no point talking to ignorant fools @JeanLucBB ;)
It's like re-living 2015 again,with Swisstemples,pge2 and pgd2. But according to ADickInTheDark we dont even know how FUE works hahaha.
It's hilarious to see ignorant, passionate members arguing about sh*t that won't solve their problems and attack those who simply tell them the truth :D

Yeak i know this disease is driving you mad, known this for a while now too, and reply to this kind of sh**post is the same as pissing in the wind but anyway...
Who said PGD2 antagonist is the cure ? No one...Just a pro-inflammatory marker suggesting a strong immune response from the body located in the scalp of baldies like us, and mast cells in particular.

This is what mast cells activation looks like during an anaphylaxis choc

Immune system, immunology, allergy and immunotherapy is still quite puzzling, ever for modern medecine, and yes good medecine takes actually TIME, real f*****g TIME, you don't mess with the immune system like that.

Now yeah, obvisouly, some random user, with all the knowledge acquired by every means, like Swisstemples, rubbing some PGD2 bought on an obscure Chinese online store is gonna do...nothing...BUT there has been some studies on it, and on Wound Induced Hair Follicle Neogenesis that strongly suggest that PGD2 reaction through Gpr44 messed up the process of WIHN

Prostaglandin D2 inhibits wound-induced hair follicle neogenesis through the receptor, Gpr44

Dr. Cots, during his research, faced the fact that this has to be inhibited in order to achieve the srongest result of WIHN, Follica protocol will have other chemicals and drugs, working in synergy, this is just a single piece of that messy complex puzzle we are talking here.

Concerning link between DHT and PGD2, no one has ever made that link or published it yet, no one can't connect dots yet....PGD2 might be elevated cause immune response to DHT is powerful, powerful enough to f*****g our hair obviously, anyway WE DON'T KNOW YET, and by WE i mean MANKIND
Cots himself said that regimen like Finasteride will most likely have to be pursue

Allergan is testing this hypothesis as we speak, and I insist on term "hypothesis", results and tests will provide proof...or not, that's how science work btw.

Regarding Wound Induced Hair Follicle Neogenesis, this process is known for nearly 70 f*****g years ! studied, dissected, analysed, there is litteraly tons of paper and evidences that this actually WORKS
you want it ? you name it :

Observed in mammalians like mice, swine, and even humans...
Now, Cots and his team spent many years using actual scientist methods discovering inherent mechanisms of that natural regeneration process in order to enhance it, and again it takes time, real time.

People you denigrate their works spent actually many years to achieve this kind of breakthough, and for most of them are quite underpaid.

Of course, easiest way is to run to your precious plastic surgeon, crying and hoping he will solve all your aesthetic problems, but truth is, he doesn't give a rat sh*t about you, he will ask top dollars for a two hours surgery and will be driving his porsche to his f*****g golf course with his plastic surgeons pals having a good laugh about old ladies, and millenial men now, craving for botox, boobs jobs, abs jobs, *** jobs, nose jobs whatever, and how easy it is to make good money on mankind hang-ups.

FUE is like flipping a coin, results can be natural, or you end up like a f*****g doll, spotted miles away with a fake result, and your surgeon will don't give a sh*t about that, he will just offer to make another surgery and....rollercoaster is back on
You can ask him anything, like you ever want to be a dolphin ? Swim in the ocean with your dolphins friends ? I can make it happen.


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Yeak i know this disease is driving you mad, known this for a while now too, and reply to this kind of sh**post is the same as pissing in the wind but anyway...
Who said PGD2 antagonist is the cure ? No one...Just a pro-inflammatory marker suggesting a strong immune response from the body located in the scalp of baldies like us, and mast cells in particular.

This is what mast cells activation looks like during an anaphylaxis choc
View attachment 64721

Immune system, immunology, allergy and immunotherapy is still quite puzzling, ever for modern medecine, and yes good medecine takes actually TIME, real f*****g TIME, you don't mess with the immune system like that.

Now yeah, obvisouly, some random user, with all the knowledge acquired by every means, like Swisstemples, rubbing some PGD2 bought on an obscure Chinese online store is gonna do...nothing...BUT there has been some studies on it, and on Wound Induced Hair Follicle Neogenesis that strongly suggest that PGD2 reaction through Gpr44 messed up the process of WIHN

Prostaglandin D2 inhibits wound-induced hair follicle neogenesis through the receptor, Gpr44

Dr. Cots, during his research, faced the fact that this has to be inhibited in order to achieve the srongest result of WIHN, Follica protocol will have other chemicals and drugs, working in synergy, this is just a single piece of that messy complex puzzle we are talking here.

Concerning link between DHT and PGD2, no one has ever made that link or published it yet, no one can't connect dots yet....PGD2 might be elevated cause immune response to DHT is powerful, powerful enough to f*****g our hair obviously, anyway WE DON'T KNOW YET, and by WE i mean MANKIND
Cots himself said that regimen like Finasteride will most likely have to be pursue

Allergan is testing this hypothesis as we speak, and I insist on term "hypothesis", results and tests will provide proof...or not, that's how science work btw.

Regarding Wound Induced Hair Follicle Neogenesis, this process is known for nearly 70 f*****g years ! studied, dissected, analysed, there is litteraly tons of paper and evidences that this actually WORKS
you want it ? you name it :
https://scholar.google.fr/scholar?hair loss=fr&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1&q=wound+induced+follicular+neogenesis&btnG=

Observed in mammalians like mice, swine, and even humans...
Now, Cots and his team spent many years using actual scientist methods discovering inherent mechanisms of that natural regeneration process in order to enhance it, and again it takes time, real time.

People you denigrate their works spent actually many years to achieve this kind of breakthough, and for most of them are quite underpaid.

Of course, easiest way is to run to your precious plastic surgeon, crying and hoping he will solve all your aesthetic problems, but truth is, he doesn't give a rat sh*t about you, he will ask top dollars for a two hours surgery and will be driving his porsche to his f*****g golf course with his plastic surgeons pals having a good laugh about old ladies, and millenial men now, craving for botox, boobs jobs, abs jobs, *** jobs, nose jobs whatever, and how easy it is to make good money on mankind hang-ups.

FUE is like flipping a coin, results can be natural, or you end up like a f*****g doll, spotted miles away with a fake result, and your surgeon will don't give a sh*t about that, he will just offer to make another surgery and....rollercoaster is back on
You can ask him anything, like you ever want to be a dolphin ? Swim in the ocean with your dolphins friends ? I can make it happen.

It's only flipping a coin if your research into surgeons is as sh*t as the research from these idiot scientists you're referencing.


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It's only flipping a coin if your research into surgeons is as sh*t as the research from these idiot scientists you're referencing.

Yeah ? and you will ask what ? about 100 000 grafts ? he will graft pubes too ?


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Regenerative medecine is the key, not just for hair but for everything, sooner you get that, sooner you will start respecting people work, plastic surgeons are f***ing jokes

helping disfigured people, yeah of course i respect that, but spoiling people for minor surgeries or injections, f*** them, f*** them good