Fevipiprant Vs Setipiprant. Pgd2 Inhibitors.


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if anyone has a link/source to buy good uvb lamp *quality wise (shipping to europe) let me(us) know... always interesting.. even for skin a


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I have found this : https://books.google.fr/books?id=kBV9oRSyZVoC&pg=PA105&lpg=PA105&dq=9a+11b-pgf2+inhibit&source=bl&ots=XKeDWdygiS&sig=o70yyn3TI7A0moeldZnwaoZeZ2A&hair loss=fr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJh9Cv7OPWAhUEa1AKHX5gCvQQ6AEIVTAH#v=onepage&q=9a 11b-pgf2 inhibit&f=false

It stated that "CRTH2 Activation : Decrease cAMP"

And guess what upregulates cAMP? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6175546
"The increase in skin tyrosinase activity in response to UV was preceded by an increase in skin cAMP levels."
Also UVB is known to increase PGE2 by a lot.
interesting study does that me
an if we supplemebt with vit d their is more melanogenisis with the same uv exposure ? thats an interestinf feedback loop. so maybe not only direct uv is beneficial on scalp but internally helps as well ?