Facial Acne VS Hairloss: which one would you rather have?


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Pretty straight forward, if you had a choice between these 2 unsightly conditions (assuming you had to have one), which one would you rather have? I think I'd pick the acne since treating acne is much easier than hairloss...


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Acne is often just a temporary teenage condition and is only visible relativly close up and is easier to cover up.
While Hairloss is forever and a bald head is noticible straight away.


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without a doubt i would rather have hair loss than acne. with hairloss, you can just shave your head and still look pretty good and normal. but a shaved head with big red ugly acne spots all over would look terrible. and acne causes scarring which can look pretty bad. i met a guy once before who had these sick scars all over his face that looked like he got burnt in a fire. one day i asked him what happened and he just said that he had "really bad acne when he was younger"


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Having suffered through both, I would easily rather have my acne return if it meant I'd have great hair. Acne is so much easier to treat than hairloss.


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Depends on the extent. If it was Horseshoe vs insane acne. I'd easily take the horeshoe, since im destined there anyway.

Acne makes you ugly no matter what. Not nearly always the case with baldness.


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ive got both though obviously the acne has faded a lot now. id welcome it back with open arms if it meant a cessation of hairloss.
you just have to be obsessive about cleaning you skin but at least with acne it pays off to a degree.


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Edward James Olmos has suffered severe acne which has scared his face. I don't think it makes him look less good though, it just seems to add a hardness to his face.





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Same with Bryan Adams I'll see if I can find a pic:[attachment=0:3hht3mxg]bryanadams.jpg[/attachment:3hht3mxg]
Ok cant find a decent pic because they are all touched up and I think he's had treatments but I have seen some pretty shocking pics showing severe pitting if you look at this img its just about visible.


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ive changed my mind. i thought we were talking spots rather than acne scarring. id rather have hairloss.


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I think it was supposed to be just spots but the thread veered off course. I'd still rather have zits and a full head of hair.

Doug Douglas

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Sean68 said:
ive got both though obviously the acne has faded a lot now. id welcome it back with open arms if it meant a cessation of hairloss.
you just have to be obsessive about cleaning you skin but at least with acne it pays off to a degree.
Cleaning your skin does nothing for acne, that's a myth. Retin-A and Acutane are the only medications I've ever heard of that can address acne. And this is kind of a layered question: acne, if not extreme, would be the choice, because there are medications that treat it if you start soon enough, and you can always have skin treatments done to fix it up more. But extreme acne destroys your face and makes you look pitted and old for the rest of your life. So: extreme acne vs. hairloss? Hairloss. Mild, typical acne vs. hairloss? Acne.


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At least the zits would have to be permanent for the comparison to be fair. I'd easily take the NW7 over permanent zits all over my face.


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Acne is almost always a temporary condition. M.p.b is permanant.