Eye Bags Related To Use Of Minoxidil


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Hi guys,

I don't want to affirm that Minoxidil causes dark circles under the eyes or not. For some it does, for some it doesn't. In my case it gave me dark circles.

So, for those that have dark circles related to Minoxidil:

1. Are they permanent?
2. If not, what did you do in order to make them disappear?
3. If they disappear, how many months it took?

Again, this is not a thread confirming that Minoxidil causes dark circles or not (I know it's a hot debate). I just want to read the experience of others Minoxidil users suffering the same.

Thank you,
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Sorry, I meant "dark circles" under the eyes, not eye bags. Eye bags are gone completely after leaving Minoxidil. But dark circles stay.

(can't edit the title of the thread it seems)


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Just get a quality, cosmetic, under-eye product. Many are effective for people with dark circles that don't use Minoxidil.


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Perhaps you should try going to sleep on a more sensible time.


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Perhaps you should try going to sleep on a more sensible time.

I don't have the skin texture or tone to get dark circles typically, but fatigue and severe lack of sleep on occasion, has had me looking like Svengoolie.


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Well… I was expecting different answers, and of course it's not related to sleep. Cosmetics is a no-go. For those suffering dark circles related to minoxidil:

1. Are they permanent?
2. If not, what did you do in order to make them disappear?
3. If they disappear, how many months it took?


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Hello Michaelbb. Sorry you aren't getting the answers you asked for. I only used minoxidil for a couple months but the scaly forehead, new wrinkles, dark circles, and etc were too much for me.

1. are they permanent? I think that depends on how long you use it but in my case which was a very short time each time I have used it. They were not permanent for me and went away within a couple weeks of me eating, sleeping healthy and using facial lotion.

They have come back now that I am using finasteride and I am considering retinol, retin-a or something of the sort. I currently use a vitamin-e serum mixture with lotion on my face daily. Hope this helps.


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OP im on oral minoxidil and can confirm it does
cause dark circles. Do i care?


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They will go, its caused by water retention.

Reduce your dose for a few weeks and it will return back to normal. If you are using 1x a day (7 x a week), then just do 1x a day (5 x a week), take the weekends off.


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Lots of things cause bags under the eyes:

1. Allergies. Only five percent of the medication is Minoxidil. 95% is something else.

2. Age. As we get older, some of us will get bags.

3. Lack of sleep.

The list goes on. We need to stop blaming the circles on Minoxidil.
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The dark circles are due to the skin getting thinner and the fat disappearing, the skin sunks and you get the rings.


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Yeah it causes dark circles, dont apply if ur head is wet, try and wait at least 2 hours after a shower


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Don't believe in this....unless you use already an eye cream or not washing your hands after applying minoxidil and touching around your eyes area.


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I recently increased my minoxidil dosage (using it for 10 years but recently increased it to 1.5ml twice a day 5% - up from 1 ml twice a day 5%) and the dark circles became noticeable. But they were partly also caused by bad sleep cycles, and a number of other activities. I have got my sleep under control and with proper face / eye care substances, i have managed to reduce them.

Completely gone - nope, but i dont expect that to happen cos:

(1) I have been using mino for 10 years and they have been there; and
(2) I think i may have them genetically.

I look ok with the reduced dark circles so i guess not too worried about it. I've seen people with far worse dark circles than mine.


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I've been using oral minoxidil for about two weeks, and I also used it at a higher dosage for approximately three weeks about eight months ago. During both periods that I've used it, it has made my eyes very puffy and swollen looking, and has also given me dark circles around my eyes. A few people have commented on my puffy eyes, including my dentist who thought I must have hay fever (which I don't have). I've only been taking it at 1.25mg a day this time around, and I've still had these same eye issues that I had the first time around, so I've decided to stop using it for good. Today was the last day I'm ever going to be putting an oral minoxidil pill in my mouth, as there's no point growing some extra hairs if its going to make me look like a raccoon.

Some guys such as myself do get this eye puffiness and the dark circles from using oral or topical minoxidil, unfortunately. These sides are definitely real, and are 100% caused by the minoxidil.