Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Aka the tranny thread
Someone mentions the transgenders and poof - Slappy appears.

Why so keen?

Do you get off to them?

I can imagine you have a couple of poster sized prints of Janey up on your basement bedroom wall, right? And you give them a little kiss as your mom tucks you in bed for the night.

I mean: Janey and the lolly pop was iconic, but was it better than Janey on the toilet. Hmmm I really can't decide, which one is your favourite?

Why don't you duck off with the trans stuff matey, eh

give it a rest

Mr. Slap Head

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Someone mentions the transgenders and poof - Slappy appears.

Why so keen?

Do you get off to them?

I can imagine you have a couple of poster sized prints of Janey up on your basement bedroom wall, right? And you give them a little kiss as your mom tucks you in bed for the night.

I mean: Janey and the lolly pop was iconic, but was it better than Janey on the toilet. Hmmm I really can't decide, which one is your favourite?

Why don't you duck off with the trans stuff matey, eh

give it a rest


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If you’re not a tranny, that’s even worse. You are a tranny simp

Fuckk dude, imagine degrading yourself so low lmao
Wow (just realised I didn't grace this with a response)

I'm guessing you are from the Bible belt or something?

Seriously tho its 2022, which era are you from? I really don't see the problem. You all seem to be accepting of the gays on here? Why not the trans?

Surely there's more important things everyone needs to focus on than have hang ups over a minority group?


Mr. Slap Head

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Wow (just realised I didn't grace this with a response)

I'm guessing you are from the Bible belt or something?

Seriously tho its 2022, which era are you from? I really don't see the problem. You all seem to be accepting of the gays on here? Why not the trans?

Surely there's more important things everyone needs to focus on than have hang ups over a minority group?



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Wow (just realised I didn't grace this with a response)

I'm guessing you are from the Bible belt or something?

Seriously tho its 2022, which era are you from? I really don't see the problem. You all seem to be accepting of the gays on here? Why not the trans?

Surely there's more important things everyone needs to focus on than have hang ups over a minority group?


What has year to do with acceptance? So in 2023 we should be accepting pedophiles, 2024 is the year of acceptance of rape? Wtf logic is that

I don’t know what Bible Belt means

You’re seriously ficked up in the head if you’re simping for deformed abominations lmao

Wtf minority group? Since when did freaks become a minority group? You’re perhaps confusing blacks or native Indians with pedophiles, faggots and abominations ie LGBTUXYZ

Disgusting filth. You belong in a mental asylum getting serious help or lobotomised. SIMPing for abominations, just wow that’s super fcked up


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Someone mentions the transgenders and poof - Slappy appears.

Why so keen?

Do you get off to them?

I can imagine you have a couple of poster sized prints of Janey up on your basement bedroom wall, right? And you give them a little kiss as your mom tucks you in bed for the night.

I mean: Janey and the lolly pop was iconic, but was it better than Janey on the toilet. Hmmm I really can't decide, which one is your favourite?

Why don't you duck off with the trans stuff matey, eh

give it a rest
Mmmm janey mmmmmm, deserves
What has year to do with acceptance? So in 2023 we should be accepting pedophiles, 2024 is the year of acceptance of rape? Wtf logic is that

I don’t know what Bible Belt means

You’re seriously ficked up in the head if you’re simping for deformed abominations lmao

Wtf minority group? Since when did freaks become a minority group? You’re perhaps confusing blacks or native Indians with pedophiles, faggots and abominations ie LGBTUXYZ

Disgusting filth. You belong in a mental asylum getting serious help or lobotomised. SIMPing for abominations, just wow that’s super fcked up
My god your Little speech makes me want to top you bad, lube Up boy im penetrating deep inside of you ;)


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And women :)


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You are probably better off without the balls tbf. That way the person you top might feel your micropenis enter.

Again not sure if you are looking for a serious answer or just being childish again?

To regain your balls try clomid.