Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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But you said that it goes away and then comes back, right? (Could be some unexpected form of Telogen Effluvium)
Also, there are tons of ways of having hairloss on different parts of body. An expressed gene shows effects under normal circumstances. You can't expect to have the same facial hair on eflornithine, right? Maybe it's your regimen that affects your chest hair. :oops:
Everywhere else but not so much the chest and stomach. after a few months all of the thick chest hair fell out. hundreds could be pulled out by the slightest tug.. it comes back some every few months but thinner and never close to the same extant, I imagine because of minoxidil stimulation synchronizing anagen and because hair grows in cycles.. Its kinda like what happens when people take minoxidil alone without changing hormones. there's ups and downs but overall downward trend in the long run.

my arms however are even more hairy than before HRT, probably because of minoxidil, but legs are slightly less hairy overall (although still hairy because I was really hairy before so basically they went from very hairy to hairy lol).. but they go through cycles of thickening for a few months then massive shedding, repeat. The arms shed too but not as much as legs.

I know that estrogen administration to mice causes hairloss through ERalpha receptor but in human scalp hair ER beta is prominent and good for hair. Also I know that ERalpha is responsible for mammary development, so my theory is that there might be more ER alpha in the chest area making it more sensitive


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Lol, I meant it could completely disfigured your skin, cause skin cancer or make you die even on a single exposure.
... what if i just use, a tiny tiny bit?


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I deleted the message and would like to reason why: there isn’t much of a point using it because it’s a waste of money! You are most likely fine with what you are using, especially since bicalutamide does whatever to T and DHT.


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... what if i just use, a tiny tiny bit?
It needs to be delivered specifically to the dermal papillae and nowhere else to make sure it's safe. Now, how do you ensure that your tiny tiny amount is just delivered to the hair follicles and nowhere else? Also, I don't think that the complex is available anywhere because it's potentially lethal, but you can ask a researcher to perform a test for you if you have contacts with them and if it's successful, ask them to formulate some for you.


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but you can ask a researcher to perform a test for you if you have contacts with them and if it's successful, ask them to formulate some for you.
of course I don't have any special connections like that :confused: lol


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what dose of (orally) dexamethasone are usefull?

i order the 4 mg dose ..

i am now on estradot 75 twice a week (E2), 12.5 mg CPA, 1.25mg finasteride, circle 100mg P4 10 days a month (11-20th)
i have for these feminization HRT a prescription from my doctor (after visiting the psychologist) :D ;)

but it isn't enough .. i want my NW0.0 hairline back

sometimes my hair are oily


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what dose of (orally) dexamethasone are usefull?

i order the 4 mg dose ..

i am now on estradot 75 twice a week (E2), 12.5 mg CPA, 1.25mg finasteride, circle 100mg P4 10 days a month (11-20th)
i have for these feminization HRT a prescription from my doctor (after visiting the psychologist) :D ;)

but it isn't enough .. i want my NW0.0 hairline back

sometimes my hair are oily
Are you a woman?


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pic taken about 2 years after the big boy pic, shows how f*****g hairy I had gotten, compared to now (hiding giant nipples)

received_1344038192363170_1_2.jpg -------> chest.jpg


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Your gynecomastia doesn’t look as significant as I thought! I thought they would be bigger...
it looks bigger at other angles Lol. but I'm selective with public pics


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it looks bigger at other angles Lol. but I'm selective with public pics

What did your middle parting look like at the four month mark? And what did your crown look like? My crown currently looks like this... It’s still bad but luckily it’s not as bad as before... I was diffuse thinning in an NW7 pattern which is just :confused::eek::mad::eek::mad::confused::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::confused:

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everything but the temples thickened up really fast.. the temple areas improved extremely slowly

this was about somewhere between 3 and 4 months:
View attachment 124403

I wish I used oral minoxidil now...! :confused: It would have sped up the process, especially since your hair looked thicker than mine at that point!!!


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I wish I used oral minoxidil now...! :confused:
that was BEFORE oral minoxidil.. I was only using topical once per day (half of what is normally recommended)