Experimenting with essential oils + microneedling


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Post on behalf of poster JonM

I'm 31 and have been slowly losing my hair since 19. But I mean *slowly* - I still have quite a bit of hair left and not yet any truly bald spots, although it's gotten pretty thin in the front and on top. I have serious reservations about minoxidil and finasteride and decided to try a natural approach. I haven't started microneedling yet but I've been using essential oils for 6 weeks and just this week noticed new growth at my hairline. I experienced increased shedding during the first ~3 weeks of use.

Below is my essential oil blend. One big question I would love help with...my hair is light brown and has always turned a little blond from sun exposure, but this effect has been magnified considerably since starting the oils. Even a little sunlight and it goes very blond, much more than I'm used to. It's kind of awkward because I need to either figure out which oil is responsible and remove it or start applying the oils to my entire head instead of just the top. My research has turned up nothing.

My other question is whether I'm overdoing it on the strength. My blend is about 20% essential oils, 80% carrier.

1 tsp pumpkin seed oil (carrier oil)
rosemary oil: 4 drops
green tea extract: 3 drops
saw palmetto extract: 8 drops
bhringraj oil: 6 drops
peppermint oil: 4 drops
thyme oil: 2 drops
lavender oil: 4 drops
cedarwood oil: 2 drops

I mix up 20 doses worth of this at once and apply it to my scalp every night (mostly) for 30-60 minutes. I've also been taking pumpkin seed oil capsules daily (1000 mg) for 5 months although I suspect this isn't doing anything.

I just bought a Dr. Pen Ultima A6 and am going to start microneedling this month. Will report back with progress!


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I've used it for a year, didn't do sh*t.
You're promoting it everywhere probably at some cost, so I should join you from the other side and warn everybody that "divine herbal oil" is a scam, totally useless.
You can put ketchup on your scalp instead, same effect.
I am not promoting it as I never posted that thread for one and secondly I found them from that thread. I find they help and by recommending a company that sells good products does not mean I am promoting or have affiliation with the company. You just sound upset and negative, good luck mate.


My Regimen
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I've used it for a year, didn't do sh*t.
You're promoting it everywhere probably at some cost, so I should join you from the other side and warn everybody that "divine herbal oil" is a scam, totally useless.
You can put ketchup on your scalp instead, same effect.

This guy had a 6 months difference with rosemary alone. I disagree with your statement.



My Regimen
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I am using peppermint, lavender, cedarwoord and rosemary oils for about 8 months, 2 hours twice per week. No improvement yet...


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OP here with an update (thanks Noah for posting when registration was broken).

HAIR AHOY! After only 3 microneedling sessions I am seeing TONS of new hairs sprout up, especially at my temples. It's not worth posting pics yet because the new hairs are so thin and short that they're almost invisible. But hopefully with time I can coax them into growing out and thickening like the surrounding hair. I find it encouraging that my scalp is so responsive to the needling, even if the progress is small right now. Can't vouch for growth at the vertex because I can't see back there well enough. Definitely growing up front.

Hardekz I think you'd need to be applying more frequently, daily if possible. I recommend adding saw palmetto for increased DHT blocking.

Since the first post I have reduced my essential oil content to 12%. Don't want to overdo it, especially since there is the small chance of side effects from saw palmetto. Have not noticed anything suspicious so far.

As for the color change, I've stopped worrying about it. Now that I'm not obsessing about it, I don't think it's really all that noticeable. My hair is always kinda blonde anyway.

I have just started daily scalp massages too. Onward!!


My Regimen
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Im a bit afraid of using saw palmetto, some people got libido side effects and other things like that. My only regimen so far is microneedling and oils... i dont lose hairs anymore, but no regrow at all..

Thinning Sucks

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I’m back to adding a few mix squirts of the oils to minoxidil - trying again since getting worse diffuse.