Dutasteride To Maintain A Norwood 1.5


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With 27 you might have also just have a matured hairline.
I would look at your hairline for short/thin hair. That might be a sign of baldness. But if you hairline just changed a bit and otherwise looks healthy you might also dont have Androgenetic Alopecia.
If you are going to see progression and hairs at hairline growing shorter than I would jump on Avodart. If not, than its not necessary. But be honest to yourself.
My derm also told me I had no Androgenetic Alopecia when i came with 16/17. I fcking hate that idiot. Stole me time.

But my father is bald and the father still is the best method to decide whether you will get baldness and in which age (chance of 70%+-). So since your father is not, I wouldnt place a bet that you really have Androgenetic Alopecia. Just be honest to yourself.


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Dude, I am 20.
I was scared of Finasteride a bit.
But as I become more depressed I started with it. I gave it it 10 months with no results. My hairloss still progressed and I was so angry. Then I finally decided to jump on Avodart. I take it every day 0,5mg.
And it really decreased hair fall, finally.

Dont let people scare you. Looking back, I would have started with Avodart with 16. But all those idiots scared me.

I read so much about hairloss, so fcking much, I had so many tabs open, my browser crashed.

What I would recommend you is: Jump straight on Avodart 0,5 every day. Dont do this sh*t with once a week or EOD.

Start Avodart and dont read much on forums. Here are so many people, who tell you just that nothing has worked for them, or they tell you that Finasteride/Dutasteride destroyed their life blabla, or even crazy stuff like Dutasteride destroys your hairline. I even read about a guy here, cutting off his testicles.

—-> Jump straight on Avodart 0,5mg every day and hold tight. And dont read more posts. (PS: my only sideffect is less semen)
Try it withought Minoxidil first. If you see worsening, which is highly unlikey, then consider starting Minoxidil after 6 months+. But I wouldnt start it until necessary.
And stay positive my friend. Good Norwood 2 is considered a mature hairline, which most adults get. There is no Norwood 0 or Norwood 0,5. Norwood 1 is the the „normal“ hairline. Just telling you because I read people claming other stuff, which is just wrong.

How long before you stopped seeing hair fall out? Im 4 months on avodart daily and im still losing hair.


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I take dutasteride twice a week.
Only prostate pain here and there so far (was the same with finasteride, the pain will go away like it did with finasteride i presume).
I Recently started dutasteride tho, almost 1 year on finasteride now (i take both meds).
Still no real regrowth, all i want is my crown to fill back up and be at ease.

Norwood 1.5 or so here too, at age 27 i lost a f*****g ton of crown hair in just a short months, you'd think i didnt have androgenic alopecia before that, its a joke how fast that sh*t came, so my advice:
Hop on meds n sh*t RIGHT NOW.

Some lose hair over time slowly, some f*****g lose it all in 3-4 months or so (like me and my crown).

And yes, look at your father, and mother, i thought i didnt have Androgenetic Alopecia since my moms family side doesnt, but i was just like the newcomers we see here, they in denial, because My bro and father were a different story, i should had been honest and not blind.


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I take dutasteride twice a week.
Only prostate pain here and there so far (was the same with finasteride, the pain will go away like it did with finasteride i presume).
I Recently started dutasteride tho, almost 1 year on finasteride now (i take both meds).
Still no real regrowth, all i want is my crown to fill back up and be at ease.

Norwood 1.5 or so here too, at age 27 i lost a f*****g ton of crown hair in just a short months, you'd think i didnt have androgenic alopecia before that, its a joke how fast that sh*t came, so my advice:
Hop on meds n sh*t RIGHT NOW.

Some lose hair over time slowly, some f*****g lose it all in 3-4 months or so (like me and my crown).

And yes, look at your father, and mother, i thought i didnt have Androgenetic Alopecia since my moms family side doesnt, but i was just like the newcomers we see here, they in denial, because My bro and father were a different story, i should had been honest and not blind.

How long have you been taking both duta and finasteride?

I take duta daily but not seeing anything so going to add finasteride daily as well.


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Well, finally after reading your posts and talking with other people in a similar position, i will start taking 0.5 mg of avidart every other day starting tomorrow. I have small hairs on the hairline and all males in my family except my father went bald early, if i see that i experiment any sides i will just stop with the treatment, i just dont wanna risk losing my hair in the next few years, hope that starting with the treatment will make me stop worrying so much about my hair

if i have any sides or any bad experiences i will post again in the next few weeks/months, if not, that means that im doing fine or that i died because of it or for another totally different reason.

But i will try to remember to return to post here every year or so ;) , thank you guys.

Just in case anyone is curious, avidart is 20€ the 30 pill box here in Spain.


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Well almost six months taking it every other day and here are my experiences.

The first two weeks after I started the treatment I had a massive libido loss, I continued taking the pill as I imagined that it could be me just worrying to much about it and at one point my libido came back , but in retrospective I think it never went to the point it was before taking the pill, I feel like when I'm in taking it my libido is less stable, some days is normal and others it's not at all . Until the 4 month back, everything went pretty much normal, that's what I told to my doctor, that also told me that my hair already looked better.

Now for the last month or so , I think ive been experiencing some more serious sides , like , a sense of pressure on the perineum area, softer erections, sometimes even underwhelming orgasms, a few times even it felt a bit painful, and my libido is halved , semen is also not watery but actually the opposite, thicker than before and it kinda oozes out. So , knowing that, even tho I think my hair looks better (not much better tho because my hair loss was quite minor already , in fact noone except my doctor that didn't really check it much noticed) I'm thinking about reducing the dosage or stopping the treatment completely. What do you guys think? How much time will it pass until i can recover from the sides if they are actually being caused by the drug? Should I change my routine to 3 times a week first and see how it goes?

Thank you


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I still can get an erection whenever I want but I need to touch myself in order to do it, that wasn't the case before , I just worried that It will get worse because that will be sh*t for my relationship, and my libido some days is inexistent.

My plan is to quit the pills for two weeks / one month and if the sides go away try to lower the dosage to a pill every three days , but I don't know how much time does it take for my body to get rid of it. And I don't know if it's a good idea

Actually I had severe anxiety for the last month, that could be affecting my libido too for sure...