Dr Hakan ********* experience (not good!)


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Hi all! I'm 3 days post op with dr Hakan *********. I'll introduce myself first.
As many of you start out, I've been a spectator on this forum (and others) for a long time, but have joined today to share/gather info.

My story is nothing special. Started noticing I was going bald at age 18. This was such a shock to me at such a young age, I hadn't even reached my young adult years and I was already losing my hair! My youth was taken from me! Now aged 22, with it really becoming noticable (I was always able to cover it up with hairstyles) I was desperate for a change. I was embarrassed, and it had stopped me going out to social events (I'm a popular guy; was out all the time). Hair piece? Looked into it. Couldn't hack the thought of wearing one. Accept going bald? Was always the last option. But I wanted to change my fate and do something about this depressing situation many of us go through. Anyway, I'll cut to the chase.

After lots and lots of research, years of tips and tricks, what to do and what not to do, I gathered my only other option to have hair was a transplant. Trying to avoid going into too much detail here (!), but in the end I narrowed it down to dr Hakan *********. His work was brilliant, natural hairlines and happy customers. What could go wrong?!

Fast forward to March 22nd 2016. I flew to turkey (I am from uk) on my own, which was always a bit scary, but was fine. So I landed in Antalya, I went through customs etc, and was told i would be met by 'Muslum', dr doganays right hand man. Instead, I was met a miserable looking bloke holding the ahd clinic sign. I think his name may have been ihmad? I'm not sure. But he was the driver. He didn't talk much, not a problem. I tried starting conversation many times but got ignored. Whatever. I'm not here for him! So I got dropped off at some shabby hotel (forgotten the name, will do some research if people want to know). I was confused as I was told over email I would be staying at the 'private hospital', so I got out, went to reception where nobody spoke English. I could make out just what they were intending to say, and went up to my room. The room was not nice, not dirty, but just not what I expected after I was told I'd be staying in some lush private hospital! The bed felt like a plank of wood and you could hear everyone talking from every other room. As I was given Muslums contact number, I messaged him asking why I was in this hotel rather than the hospital. "The hospital is full", was my reply. Not a problem but thanks for the heads up! So I tried to get comfortable, then noticed I had forgotten an adapter to charge my phone (not that I could use it anyway, the wifi was terrible and so was the signal). I went down to reception and asked in the best way possible where I could find an adapter/phone charger. He pointed down the road. So off I went! It was dark by now, and the streets were a bit dingy. Stray dogs and cats everywhere, people looking me up and down as I walked past. I'm a big guy so am not easily intimidated, but this was something else. Anyway after much commotion, I found an adapter and went back to my room. I just couldn't relax so text Muslum again. "Is there anywhere else I can stay? I am not happy here" I said, hating to be the moaning one but at the end of the day I am the paying customer! (Plus I wasn't even told about this place ) he rung me and told me he would talk to his driver. He called again and said the driver would be with me in 20 mins, and i am now staying at the hospital. Why couldn't I stay there in the first place?! It was at this point I just had a bad feeling about the whole entire trip. But, I am a positive person, so tried to focus on the good! I arrived at the hospital, taken up to my room, whilst being stared out by possibly every person I walked past. whatever! I was never going to see them again! So I arrived at my room, it was okay, the tele had been unplugged and taken off the wall which was a bummer but I told myself I'd keep myself busy. At this time is was around 8:30pm. I was asked (I think) if I wanted dinner, and said yes. The wifi was a little better, was now able to contact family, girlfriend etc. It got to 10:30pm and I still hadn't received my dinner! So I went out and again tried to explain I hadn't received it. The two nurses seemed to just laugh at me (and to each other) but said dinner is coming in 5 minutes. By 11pm I finally got my dinner. Nothing special but It's free with the price (another reason I chose *********). I was knackered by this time, and layed down to sleep. The nurses weren't helpful to me the whole trip at all. They seemed to literally just laugh, making me feel a little uncomfortable and didn't seem to want to help me at all. I was woken up at around 6am to have my blood taken by the nurse, and then fell back to sleep. My breakfast (one egg, a dry roll, 3 slices of cucumber and a slice of cheese) was bought to me at around 7am. I was still knackered so slept again, and was going to eat it when I woke up. I woke at 8:30am, to shower and get ready for my consultation with the dr at 9:30. Muslum came to my room and introduced himself, I tried to put yesterday's events behind me as I was focusing on the surgery and results! He took me over to the other side of the hospital, where I met a woman, and they sat me down and asked me questions. (History of male pattern baldness in family, my lifestyle, if I am on propecia etc). Then dr Hakan ********* arrived. He doesn't speak a word of English so Muslum translated for both of us. He asked what I wanted (a straighter hairline, to fix my nw2.5 and to make me happy again!) and I told him. He drew out a hairline which I was happy with, and we were all set for the surgery. I was taken to get my hair shaved, washed, and pictures taken. Then I was taken in for my first part, the extraction from the back of the head.

After reading a few other posts about dr hakans staff being 'untrained, dropping tools and swearing', I had asked in the email if dr Hakan could do my whole precedure. I was told no, as he would be too tired to do my inplantation at the front. As this was the most important part of the surgery, I accepted this would be the case. So the nurses worked away extracting the grafts. There was tutting and mumbling, and it felt as though the new guy was being trained doing my extraction. But I let them carry on. They are professionals after all !
This took about 2 hours, then I was taken to eat my lunch, then to go for the implantation with the dr. This went alot smoother, the injections were painful, but I clenched my jaw and got on with it. There was also 'huffing', and just a general atmosphere of the dr being annoyed at something. I don't mean to be picky with all the details, but in this situation I would prefer to feel at ease and comfortable, not having people tut and mumble (I can imagine swearing in Turkish)! But I kept thinking of the results.

He finished up, and I was given a mirror. My heart sunk. This was nothing like the hairline we had drawn out. It was 3/4 inch higher than what we had agreed on. I could even still see the felt tip further down my head! I was confused and asked what had happened. The nurse in the room at the time didn't speak English so didn't know what I was saying! Muslum finally came in after a while and I explained it to him. "It is just swollen" he said, "it looks worse than what it actually is". After clearly seeing the felt tip lower than my newly grafted hairline, I was skeptical and felt a little betrayed! But, it was not the worst hairline in the world so didn't beat myself up. It was just not what we agreed on! I was taken back to my room where Muslum told me to rest for 2 hours. There was literally nothing else to do and I was knackered, so I just stayed in my room for the rest of the night.

The next day, I was taken to have my hair washed for the first time, and told about post op meds etc. As I only had hand luggage (my fault), I couldn't take back the shampoos they provide as they were 200ml (you're only allowed 100ml max), but they gave me a list of things I should get instead. "Wash tomorrow and as soon as you get home", I was told. "Then wash twice a day using this stuff" etc. "Any questions you have, you have my number so whatsapp me anytime", Muslum said many times and lastly when he dropped me off at the airport. All cool. Happy. Won't go into detail about the flight home so fast forward to 25th March (yesterday).

The cream I got told to get, bepanthen, was so thick I physically couldn't get it out of my grafts where I was supposed to place it, 20 mins before washing it off with baby shampoo. My girlfriend literally spent 2 hours (no exaggeration!) trying to pat it off my head. We hadn't even put much on! It was just so thick. I messaged Muslum on whatsapp asking for advice. "It is fine mate you will get it out", I told him how long it had taken us! "Baby oil mate" was his reply, I gathered he meant use baby oil instead. As it was 11pm, I wasn't going to get it tonight! So this morning my gf went out and got some for me. Definately less thicker and easier to get off. But, and a big but. I was still confused. In all this confusion, I searched the ahd clinic website, and read the instructions they gave me several times to see what they said about washing, and how gentle you must be. By word, and on one part of their website, it says "days one two and three wash twice a day", etc. But on another part of their website, it says "don't wash for 2 days after the surgery". I was literally baffled, panicked a bit and messaged Muslum again. Blue tick. (Read it but not replied). I asked him another question. Blue tick again. I was panicking at this point that I'd done something wrong, maybe loosened the grafts or anything! So again I messaged him as he was literally ignoring me! 20 mins later with the cream still in my hair and me running around like a headless chicken, I went back onto whatsapp. Muslum has blocked me. Yes, literally read my messages and actually blocked me. I couldn't see his picture in the corner and I couldn't message him. Wtf?! So apart from this utter rudeness and unprofessionalism, I am still a little confused about washing my hair! I followed doctors orders, to then see they say something completely different on their website! I have proof of it all by the way, from the messages with Muslum to the website stating different wash times. Will post if people want proof.

Anyway rant over. Sorry for the massive essay! I am not usually one to moan believe it or not, but I was and am simply not happy with the ahd clinic, and how they've gone about everything. Doesn't seem professional to me at all. After seeing all the happy customers I thought I would be in the same boat, clearly not. Ah well here's to looking forward to my results. If anyone has any tips on anything, please share below, as not only have I been blocked, my emails aren't getting responded to either.
Thanks for reading.


My Regimen
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I am sorry to hear this man. I have always admired his work and he was a big consideration of mine. Lately, I have been reading more and more negative things about his clinic and don't know what to truly believe and that's disheartening. Do you have pics of the grafts?? Perhaps Swoop can chime in, because I believe he had a really good experience at the same clinic. Hang in there man. Rest up and let those things heal. You can just wash gently with baby shampoo and you should be fine. I doubt you removed any of the grafts unless you were very vigorous.

- - - Updated - - -

This is very bad. After *********'s recommendation was pulled off on hair restoration network the clinic said that ********* will start implanting grafts himself. Who did the implantation in the end? I don't want to scare you but the implants that were done by some of his techs didn't ended up looking bad.

Where did you see the good ********* results btw?

didn't end up looking bad, or did end up looking bad?? We would need some pics to determine what's going on. I couldn't read through your entire thread, but hopefully you are on finasteride???


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My Regimen
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That sucks man that you had such a negative experience. I had a good one but that doesn't mean that others can't have a bad experience. There are more negative things being reported by other people with him lately. He also lost his recommendation over at HTN. Perhaps the influx of new customers makes it more of a hair mill nowadays. A quantity over quality thing while it should be always quality over quantity. Strange because these issues seem to have popped up recently. I can only speak of my experience and my result, but that doesn't have to mean anything obviously.

Anyway that doesn't mean you will get a bad result whatsoever. You got to be patient now. Thanks for reporting your story, it's always in consumer interest to do that. Can you post pictures detailed pictures by the way?


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1500 grafts. Forgot to add that haha. Yeah of course man. Fingers crossed it will come
out okay! I never knew that about the refunding, where did you read that?


My Regimen
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View attachment 39305

View attachment 39306

View attachment 39307

Hey man, yeah your story really inspired me, and is definitely one of the reasons I was comfortable with dr *********. But as you say, it should always be quality over quantity. And as my experience wasn't the best, I'm just hoping for some good results. I'm not looking to put people off dr *********. Just giving my experience. Thanks for the reply anyway.

Yeah dude, super solid recipient site placement. Even when zoomed in, I think your results will give a good illusion of full density. Im pumped for you... post some updates every few months.


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The hairline is not natural looking, it should have more of a rounding. Sorry to say something negative but there is no reason to put in one that straight and in a V pattern. Also the advise for baby oil if that is what they said was rediculous.


Senior Member
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Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. His hairline does not look very natural. Did you ever consider Erdogan? I am starting to think going to Turkey just to save money might not be a good idea anymore. I think Rahal is a safer bet even if he is more expensive.


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My Regimen
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Do you have before photos? I'm assuming the areas the grafts were placed were not completely bald because that's a HUGE area for just 1500 grafts. I think the hairline will be fine when it grows out. Looking full is more important than having a straight hair line, it should be a massive improvement.

Still glad I chose Dr De Reys in Belgium though.


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When you grow the hair you need to comb it over the thinning on the temples or just keep the hair buzzed.


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This is very bad experience ,it shows its just about money for this doctor now. They have lots of customers, so they dont care about you much. They know others will come and pay.They know you can do **** about it anyway.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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I agree, this hairline actually looks pretty unnatural and concerning, I didn't want to depress the OP, but this just shows that ********* doesn't care about patients. The OP still might buzz the point of the V hairline shape to round it a bit so all is not lost. Keeping fingers crossed for him that the transplanted hair turns out satisfactory.

Btw. why is everybody going to ********* and considering these days anyway, just google WARNING, if considering Dr Hakan *********, read this first andDid Dr Hakan ********* use fake accounts for publicity?Read this and decide it yourself and you can see that they are really shady.

What about doctors like Dr. Kyriakos Maras or some others? There must be more doctors within the similar price range that are not this unethical.

I don't think people should be considering ********* anymore, I've heard one too many bad things about him recently and he's also been pulled from the HTN recommended surgeons. I'm certainly not considering him anymore. And this OP's experience sounds like a nightmare. I hope the results turn out well at least.


My Regimen
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I don't think people should be considering ********* anymore, I've heard one too many bad things about him recently and he's also been pulled from the HTN recommended surgeons. I'm certainly not considering him anymore. And this OP's experience sounds like a nightmare. I hope the results turn out well at least.

I know... this is kind of sad. I don't know who to trust anymore. I still have a lot of stock in Hasson and Wong and the Shapiro's. I think they would be my top choice.


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Thanks for sharing your experience. So the nurses/techs did all the extracting and the doctor did the implanting correct? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around with the doctor doing the extracting? Especially with the risk of transection I would think the extraction process is the more delicate of the two that requires more skill.


Established Member
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Aggressive hairline at 22 but honestly it's hard to say with this photos. I'm sure it'll be fine.

I talked to 3 Dr's and surprisingly Cole seemed the most legit. The others it was proceed with caution but I'm sure they would do amazing work.

Charlie Brown

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Aggressive hairline at 22 but honestly it's hard to say with this photos. I'm sure it'll be fine.

I talked to 3 Dr's and surprisingly Cole seemed the most legit. The others it was proceed with caution but I'm sure they would do amazing work.

Did you talk to Dr. Cole personally or get a consultation with him? I was interested in consulting with him, even offered to pay a small fee but the receptionist/sales person told me that he does't meet for consultations in person, only online consultation where you send in photos.


Established Member
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Did you talk to Dr. Cole personally or get a consultation with him? I was interested in consulting with him, even offered to pay a small fee but the receptionist/sales person told me that he does't meet for consultations in person, only online consultation where you send in photos.

In person. Really depends on their schedule. Most of these offices are terrible for consultations. I was quoted 1200-3500 graphs needed online. I said how in the hell does a person budget for that big of spread.
I visit the Dr. I'm not dropping $15k and not seeing the Dr.
Repairs are another animal. The majority of coles work are repairs.