Down in the dumps


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I put on some concealer yesterday and my hair looked almost flawless, I almost cried. For that day I had the concealer on my battle with hair loss was over, this knightmare was over. Having such thick hair as a child/teenager, hair loss never even entered my mind, now I struggle with it all the time. I know there are many things in life worse than hairloss but being single and trying to find a mate when your hair is disappearing really puts a damper on the old confidence levels. I'm 26 and recently decided to go back to school, but this hairloss thing is really holding me back from asking some cute girls out. The thing is most students are a year or two removed from high school and the closest person they know who is balding is their grandpa or maybe their dad. A 19 or 20 year old girl would definately not be as open to dating a bald/balding person as someone my age or older. I swear, if DHT was a person, I'd cut his balls off, blend them up real good in the blending machine, then make him eat it. I'd torture the sh*t out of him.


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be more confident and you should be okay

6-7 years from now, you'll see a lot more men with hair loss

there will still be single women then too....try to enjoy life and just keep your head up!


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DHT is not the enemy. Its our sensetive hair follicles that is the enemy. But I know how you feel dude, its especially hard being surrounded by other young handsome guys with full heads of thick hair. Its like what hope do I have? :dunno: But dont give up, 80% of the battle of asking out women is confidence and attitude. Many of those younger girls like an older guy around 26-27 and they will not care about your hairloss if you carry yourself well and with lots of confidence, but if you go into your shell, they definately wont go out with you. Infact it wouldnt matter if you had hair or not!


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ps1freak said:
be more confident and you should be okay

6-7 years from now, you'll see a lot more men with hair loss

there will still be single women then too....try to enjoy life and just keep your head up!

Yeah, you got a point. In the end when I'm an old man I'll probably laugh.....or all the time wasted worrying about hairloss. I've been waisting my life away for too long f*** IT, HERE I COME WORLD!


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Well, things were going kind of good until the girl that I've been obsessed with for a few months has now found a new boyfriend. I mean come on, I cant find a job, cant find a girlfriend, cant find any hair on top of my head.................suicide is looking better everyday. There is a couple of tall trees in the yard that could be used for hanging myself or I could go the more fun route and drive my car off a cliff. Yeah...yeah....yeah I know that some people have it worse but that thought dont make me feel any better at all. When I found out she's interested in another dude I wasnt as mad as I thought I would be because it's just another thing piled onto the huge pile of sh*t known as my life. I'm an adult, and I should just move on, but I think about this girl too much. I should just cut off my balls and penis and donate them to science.........they'll probably be shocked anyway....."we've never seen one this small." SOMEONE SHOOT ME!


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Dude you may not have any hair on head right now but there is some really promising studies/wouldbe potential cures that are looking to be released within the next 5 years. Namely Follica. Get things in perspective man! Until the cure comes (and it will within the next 10 years at the latest) consentrate on your mind, body and soul. Eating well, working out and getting a strong confident mind. Then in 5 years when hair multiplication or follica is available u will get revnege on all your enemies by looking younger then them (because you will have looked after yoursefl), be more fit an healthy and have a FULL head of hair!! :)

Suicide is for chumps and wimps :thumbdown2:

If worse comes to worse just lock yourself down in a bunker and start studying and experimenting and see if you can come up with a cure yourself, you could be a hero :)

Bottom line is never lose hope :)


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Hey 'thanksgrandpa' im in the exact same boat as you mate, can't find a job, the girl of my dreams is with some other chump and i seriously just cant be arsed anymore, its not even my hair thats getting me down, its just this peice of sh*t life, where no matter how hard you try to make things good, sh*t just never seems to work, ive cut all contact with that girl, you should do the same, totally screws with your head bigtime, erase her outta your life and time will do the rest, thats what im doing....i live with my cousin and his family, my cousin is moving out soon with his girlfriend, hes got a great job and has a great future, im 5 yrs older than him, ive got absoluetly nothing to show for my life so auntie and uncle are moving abroad at the end of this year, which means i have to find a new place to live....hell i cant even get a f*****g job to move future is looking very bloody bleak right now....dont bother with suicide, been there loads of times, its not the answer, i dont usually feel this sh*t, but i guess its just one of them days, 5am in the morning and im sat here at the computer, cant sleep, no one to talk too *sighs* im 24 and i should be enjoying my youth, but no...its all going to f*****g friends, nothing....worst thing is waking up everyday to the same old sh*t....thinking maybe something good will come along...never does....everyone is living out there lives around me, while im stuck here inside my own head....rant over! :lost:


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Why dont you work from home? Start your own internet business or something? I know exactly how you feel, believe me ive been very low, unemployed, thinning hairline, fat and over weight, just generally unhealthy looking and looking old well above my years. And yes sadly suicide even crossed my mind (many times actually) sometimes it takes being at the bottom of the barrel of life to get things in perspective. But you lads will come through it, i know you will! This is the kinda thing that builds character and in time you will be a much better man for it :)


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I think my last post came across a little strong, im not massively depressed, at the moment im doing my driving lessons which i love, cant wait to start driving! so that is kind of a step forward, its just this whole job thing...once i find a job everything else will fall into place for me, only reason im down is because i have nothing to do, i sit at home allday doing nothing, i dont have any friends to hang out with or anything, and being inside so much really does drive you nuts lol...i dont give a sh*t about my hair or about women because theres more important things that need dealing with, like finding a job and saving up so i can move...i just dont like seeing everyone around me living out there lives while im kinda stuck at the moment, i wanna be working and meeting people and doing things, i dont wanna waste my life doing nothing....will see what happens in the next few month, just so badly want a job...can buy a car then aswell and all will be alot better!!! :punk:


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Yeah no doubt about that, as much as I hate working the feeling you get at the end of the day after a hard days work gives you a great sense of achievement. You will find a job man, just hang in there. I spent many months unemployed myself a couple of years ago so my advice is this

1. Dont be to picky when it comes to getting a job, anything will do for now to get you started and you can look for a another job you like while still working in the other job you dont like. At least your not doing nothing.

2. Apply for as many jobs as you can. Like send off applications to like 50 a day. It really is a numbers a game, the more you apply for the better chance you have getting a response back.

Good luck :)


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Ackers24 said:
Hey 'thanksgrandpa' im in the exact same boat as you mate, can't find a job, the girl of my dreams is with some other chump and i seriously just cant be arsed anymore, its not even my hair thats getting me down, its just this peice of s*** life, where no matter how hard you try to make things good, s*** just never seems to work, ive cut all contact with that girl, you should do the same, totally screws with your head bigtime, erase her outta your life and time will do the rest, thats what im doing....i live with my cousin and his family, my cousin is moving out soon with his girlfriend, hes got a great job and has a great future, im 5 yrs older than him, ive got absoluetly nothing to show for my life so auntie and uncle are moving abroad at the end of this year, which means i have to find a new place to live....hell i cant even get a f****ing job to move future is looking very bloody bleak right now....dont bother with suicide, been there loads of times, its not the answer, i dont usually feel this s***, but i guess its just one of them days, 5am in the morning and im sat here at the computer, cant sleep, no one to talk too *sighs* im 24 and i should be enjoying my youth, but no...its all going to f****ing friends, nothing....worst thing is waking up everyday to the same old s***....thinking maybe something good will come along...never does....everyone is living out there lives around me, while im stuck here inside my own head....rant over! :lost:

Yeah, looks like we're rowing together in the same boat. The thing is I would wake up early in the morning because I couldnt stop thinking about this chick, she was the only reason for really waking up at all. The guy she's seeing is of course a bozo and despite my hair loss I'm still better looking than this guy. Life is really kicking me in the balls now. I'm hoping to get into a fatal car accident today.........SWEET RELIEF!

Bald Dave

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Hey, there really is more to life than women! I mean a man should never devote his entire life to a women but rather devote it to his achievements! Women (especially young ones) never know what they want in life so you could be the perfect boyfriend and treat them like a queen but they will still find something wrong :thumbdown2:! I know of guys that treated their girlfriends real good but eventually the girls got bored with them! The fact of the matter is that there is nothing wrong with you but is more the girls problem! Just think f*** it and go do something that you enjoy! Go out with your mates and enjoy your life! You will meet someone eventually just don't go looking for them because they will eventually find you!


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thanksgrandpa said:
Ackers24 said:
Hey 'thanksgrandpa' im in the exact same boat as you mate, can't find a job, the girl of my dreams is with some other chump and i seriously just cant be arsed anymore, its not even my hair thats getting me down, its just this peice of s*** life, where no matter how hard you try to make things good, s*** just never seems to work, ive cut all contact with that girl, you should do the same, totally screws with your head bigtime, erase her outta your life and time will do the rest, thats what im doing....i live with my cousin and his family, my cousin is moving out soon with his girlfriend, hes got a great job and has a great future, im 5 yrs older than him, ive got absoluetly nothing to show for my life so auntie and uncle are moving abroad at the end of this year, which means i have to find a new place to live....hell i cant even get a f****ing job to move future is looking very bloody bleak right now....dont bother with suicide, been there loads of times, its not the answer, i dont usually feel this s***, but i guess its just one of them days, 5am in the morning and im sat here at the computer, cant sleep, no one to talk too *sighs* im 24 and i should be enjoying my youth, but no...its all going to f****ing friends, nothing....worst thing is waking up everyday to the same old s***....thinking maybe something good will come along...never does....everyone is living out there lives around me, while im stuck here inside my own head....rant over! :lost:

Yeah, looks like we're rowing together in the same boat. The thing is I would wake up early in the morning because I couldnt stop thinking about this chick, she was the only reason for really waking up at all. The guy she's seeing is of course a bozo and despite my hair loss I'm still better looking than this guy. Life is really kicking me in the balls now. I'm hoping to get into a fatal car accident today.........SWEET RELIEF!

you are in wrong forum buddy. you need to get on a depressive suicidal forum...u will probably get more help there than you will here. good luck.


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the problem with modern world is that the roles have changed by 180 degrees. 50 years ago women were dressing nicely and thought "did I look good, will someone find me attractive". Nowadays men do that. I know it might seem hard or easy to say but you have to be a CONFIDENT MAN not a wimpy crying baby girl!! Nature/God/(insert whatever you believe in) gave us certain characteristics. We like achievements, we like competition, we like to be the best. Sorry but there is no room for crying in front of the mirror because you saw 5 more hair in the sink. This is reserved for girls. Don't wait for girls to come to you and say that you look great. You have to be the f*****g man here. You don't have to be a photoshopped pussy-guy from a poster you need to be confident, you need to know what you want, and you have to be yourself. You might look like sh*t with shaved head, but even Quasimodo would get eventually get laid if he wanted to. Looks doesn't matters that much to majority of girls (smart ones I might add - but I think we all assume those are good?). Some might jump on me and say that looks matters to them. Yes because roles changed. Nowadays men shave their legs and balls etc. 50 years ago women cared to look great and men needed to be strong, confident, and just tidy.
If a girl defines you only by the way you look she isn't worth anything, she's insecure and doesn't know what she wants or she just want to rule you. Either way don't waste your time thinking if a girl will date you or not, or if she only accepts guys with Norwood 0. Just go to her and find out. The answer is no? well move on, just like that. Not happy with you hair? Shave it. Don't like it? Spray it black. It's your fuckin' life mate!!

sorry for a rant and bad grammar

Rock on norwood'ers


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thanksgrandpa said:
The guy she's seeing is of course a bozo and despite my hair loss I'm still better looking than this guy. Life is really kicking me in the balls now. I'm hoping to get into a fatal car accident today.........SWEET RELIEF!

So it's obvious she's not dating him cuz of his looks. She's dating him over you because you are a complete vagina that has no confidence whatsoever. It's not hair you are lacking, it's self esteem. And last I knew, self esteem doesn't come in the form of follicles on your head.


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Lets try not to kick him when he's down, okay? I find that when things are sucking really bad, it helps to have some kind of project to focus on; writing, making music, rebuilding a car engine, whatever. Something that will help you focus your frustrations onto something creative really helps I find...and then sometimes you'll be free from it and be able to enjoy life for a while.


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malibujoe said:
thanksgrandpa said:
The guy she's seeing is of course a bozo and despite my hair loss I'm still better looking than this guy. Life is really kicking me in the balls now. I'm hoping to get into a fatal car accident today.........SWEET RELIEF!

So it's obvious she's not dating him cuz of his looks. She's dating him over you because you are a complete vagina that has no confidence whatsoever. It's not hair you are lacking, it's self esteem. And last I knew, self esteem doesn't come in the form of follicles on your head.

I totally agree with you man, if I was ugly or unattractive at least I would have an excuse. I'm no Brad Pitt but some girls still try to talk to me. I've been trying to get myself out of this pitt for the last few days and I'm feeling a good bit better. At least I've learned a lesson, that I should just ask out the girl as quickly as possible instead of worring about my hair or my looks not being good enough for her.


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thanksgrandpa said:
malibujoe said:
thanksgrandpa said:
The guy she's seeing is of course a bozo and despite my hair loss I'm still better looking than this guy. Life is really kicking me in the balls now. I'm hoping to get into a fatal car accident today.........SWEET RELIEF!

So it's obvious she's not dating him cuz of his looks. She's dating him over you because you are a complete vagina that has no confidence whatsoever. It's not hair you are lacking, it's self esteem. And last I knew, self esteem doesn't come in the form of follicles on your head.

I totally agree with you man, if I was ugly or unattractive at least I would have an excuse. I'm no Brad Pitt but some girls still try to talk to me. I've been trying to get myself out of this pitt for the last few days and I'm feeling a good bit better. At least I've learned a lesson, that I should just ask out the girl as quickly as possible instead of worring about my hair or my looks not being good enough for her.

you are growing up right before my computer! i love it.


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Ouroboros said:
Lets try not to kick him when he's down, okay? I find that when things are sucking really bad, it helps to have some kind of project to focus on; writing, making music, rebuilding a car engine, whatever. Something that will help you focus your frustrations onto something creative really helps I find...and then sometimes you'll be free from it and be able to enjoy life for a while.

dude, I feel for the guy but saying to him that all is gonna be good and all that sweet stuff won't make it better. He has to understand few things and as I'm reading his latest post I can see he is slowly getting it. Thanksgrandpa look, if you want to date a girl just try and go to her. You are not losing anything!! If you don't go to her there won't be a date, instead you will drive yourself with false hope, imagination and "what ifs". As for the looks again. For a man women looks is most important thing, she can say "hi" and you are sold if she looks great. For women nice looks is a nice bonus but more important is what you gonna say and how you gonna say it.

My friend once told me a story. He made an experiment. He was in other city, he went to some club where he didn't know anyone. He carried himself like a million bucks, he was arrogant, confident, basically he was in the ZONE (mood). He observed the reactions of girls. They were more interested in him, and were letting him do things that some Brad-Pitt-kinda guys who were there couldn't. And he is no Brad Pitt, far from it actually....