Don't Laugh, Considering hair transplant, What Questions To Ask Dr?


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33yr old
I am just learning about hair transplants but have had a decent results maintaining for a few years.
Is this too little to consider a hair transplant? How many grafts would I need? Why would anyone choose FUE? FUT seems way better.

I am in Chicago and am complaining what questions I will ask the Dr on my first visit.
I don't even know where in Chicago I should look at yet.

Here are questions I will ask....any more?

Show me before and after of people like me and with my condition
How hair transplant many have you done
Do you have a large gallery of before and after pictures
What are the benefits of waiting one more year or more
What are common risks or complications
Who are involved in the process will anyone else do any of the work
How long has your clinic or this location been open
How many days off work, days until physical activity, days to unnoticeable are expected
How to avoid doll hair
How to ensure single hair grafts in the front
Are microscopes for selecting grafts
How can you achieving a natural density
How do you reduce scar formation
How common is hair loss behind hair transplant
Price/graft or area


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Also, is there even for sale, a guide for getting a hair transplant in general?
Or a guide for clinics in Turkey or Tijuana?
Something that is more definitive?
I am want to be well educated and informed, thanks.


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You could have those temples filled and the hairline lowered if it bothers you
You would need to stay on hair meds

As far as info is concerned all you have to do is read the many posts here on hair transplant


Senior Member
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If you're in Chicago you'll probably get shot on the way the clinic

What is your budget? Turkey & Belgium have the best in Europe , Hasson & Wong in Canada. I don't know about USA tbh lol


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You could have those temples filled and the hairline lowered if it bothers you
You would need to stay on hair meds

As far as info is concerned all you have to do is read the many posts here on hair transplant

I was on finasteride for two months had no side effects until I got water sperm so I quit, everything else was fine though.
I take minoxidil twice a day, and have a whole routine.
What do you mean by "hair meds"?


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If you're in Chicago you'll probably get shot on the way the clinic

What is your budget? Turkey & Belgium have the best in Europe , Hasson & Wong in Canada. I don't know about USA tbh lol

When I first started considering this I thought $5k, but I am thinking in the USA that may not be enough. Seeing how in Turkey I can get it done for $2k, I would be open to going learning more about that.


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There are many clinics you can find in different countries. If you need a guide, you can check out the ISHRS website and ask them questions. If you need a guide in Turkey, I can try to help. I know the ISHRS doctors in Istanbul and who performs the surgery and which clinic uses technicians. Also, you can ask agencies too, they are more like a bridge between you and clinics
Can you give me some information on a doctor in Turkey


Established Member
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33yr old
I am just learning about hair transplants but have had a decent results maintaining for a few years.
Is this too little to consider a hair transplant? How many grafts would I need? Why would anyone choose FUE? FUT seems way better.

I am in Chicago and am complaining what questions I will ask the Dr on my first visit.
I don't even know where in Chicago I should look at yet.

Here are questions I will ask....any more?

Show me before and after of people like me and with my condition
How hair transplant many have you done
Do you have a large gallery of before and after pictures
What are the benefits of waiting one more year or more
What are common risks or complications
Who are involved in the process will anyone else do any of the work
How long has your clinic or this location been open
How many days off work, days until physical activity, days to unnoticeable are expected
How to avoid doll hair
How to ensure single hair grafts in the front
Are microscopes for selecting grafts
How can you achieving a natural density
How do you reduce scar formation
How common is hair loss behind hair transplant
Price/graft or area
You may want to jump over to the microneedling thread..guys having success lowering their hairline.
Better than a transplant..thats for sure


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I haven't heard of them. You can ask them if there is any technician involvement and if they do FUE or FUT. Actually, this might be the best guide to use, you can check these 6 things and see if it is a good fit for you

While I appreciate the existence of this '6 things' guide which you often posted, I think it is worth acknowledging a few issues.
I think there is clearly a strong bias for FUE over FUT, as well as inaccuracies. I do not believe this statement should be made: 'FUE method requires its surgeon to extract each hair follicle individually. At the end of the extraction part, overall graft health is higher than the FUT. Naturally, when after the surgeon plants these follicles, they have a better chance of adapting their new position and giving a more natural look to the patient. Also, random harvesting leaves no scar, and in a few weeks, the patient’s scalp heals.". For a complete newbie learning about transplant procedures, this is very misleading. They shouldn't be led to simply believe FUT is inferior and has no place in the industry.
Also this is concerning: "You can still use Finasteride to decrease your DHT level if you are a mail.". What illiterate person even published this? It shows no attention to details and comes across highly unprofessional and untrustworthy.


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Great catch with the mistake. Nothing there says that FUT have no place in the industry but I see many patients asking clinics about the linear scar and clinics usually say it is not that bad, we do better than others so you don't have that. And eventually, patients realize it is there and they have to live with it.

I simply believe that in 2019 with all this technology and resources, one should not have any linear or square or whatever shaped scar anywhere. I personally will not get FUT ever just because of that. But it is the patient's decision if you don't trust doctors in Europe or Turkey, and if you don't have more than $15,000, you will get a FUT procedure and you will still solve your hair loss problem. I just want to make sure that people are aware of this possible problem, and know that they have different options.

After what they do is their business and hopefully, they can be happy with the outcome. As long as the patient is happy, it doesn't matter if it is FUE or FUT.

Well, I feel that the wording is also unfairly suggesting better results with FUE over FUT (where they said 'overall graft health is higher' which should have no dependence on the choice of technique). I for one went for FUT, after initially wanting FUE, reason being I do not want a full shave. I know most of you will not agree with my approach but because I prefer keeping the hair long, it would have taken a few years to catch up with FUE, but with FUT it will look 'normal' after 18 months or so.
As you said, it is what suits the patient that matters, but such articles are biased and does NOT provide a real insight for the newbies.
I also suspect there are vested interest with such websites. The unprofessional appearance or lack of language skills are also not helping them coming across as a credible source.
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You probably have plenty of questions about your hair transplant. Your all queries are tried to be answer here so you can confidently make decision regarding hair transplantation.

Q. What is hair loss caused by?
Ans. Hair loss is caused by numerous reasons that can be genetic and hormonal as well. 95% of hair loss is caused by condition called androgenetic alopecia that is commonly referred as male pattern baldness. Age is also a factor in hair loss issue.

Q. What is hair transplantation?
Ans. It is surgical technique in which hair from donor site (area with much hair growth) is transplanted onto bald area on the scalp.

Q. How painful the procedure is?
Ans. Virtually, hair transplantation involves little discomfort. With the new technique anesthesia is delivered painlessly. Patients are also prescribed medication to help them relax.

Q. Are there any side effects of hair transplantation?
Ans. Hair transplantation is the safest restorative procedure that is free from any kind of complications and side effects. Although there occur mild pain, swelling in the donor area after undergoing the surgery but it subsides within few days. Patients can manage to avoid all side effects if the post operative instructions are followed.

Q. Can women benefit from hair transplantation?
Ans. Yes, women can also benefit from hair transplantation. There can be observed thickness in hair after undergoing hair restoration surgery.

Q. What factors affect the density of hair?
Ans. Density of hair is affected by quality of hair at donor area and the size of the bald area. If the bald area is small and quality of donor hair is good then it results in good density of hair.

Q. What is processing time of hair transplantation?
Ans. Hair transplantation takes four to six hours. However, the process of hair transplantation also takes more than one session. Duration of the procedure varies depending upon the size of session.

Q. Will I have any scarring?
Ans. There is no scarring involved in hair transplantation. All wounds and scars heal with time and covered with newly grown hair.

Q. What is the recovery time?
Ans. Healing time is rapid as refined micro hair transplantation procedure is less invasive and cause less incisions.

But i found the some side effects here:
checkout once