Does The Pill help??


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Hi Everyone!

I've been experiencing thinning hair for about 3-5 years now and i'm getting pretty tired of the lack of attention i've been given through doctors. There is no female hair loss on either side of my family, no alopecia, nothing. My loss may be related to stress but i've also had a hard time with unbalanced hormones (or so i'm told). Anyways, as of late, i'm trying The Pill to see if any symptoms will go away, mainly the thinning hair. Has anyone else tried this? how has it worked? I'm on one called Micronor and have been for nearly a month. How long does it take?

somone uk

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from what i read it can cause hair loss,
hair loss has over 50 different causes
the effect of stress is overestimated and highly misunderstood, stress can cause your hair to shed but it doesn't cause hair loss unless you're under constant stress and it usually treats itself
if you're thinning it might be an iron deficiency, if i were you i would go get your iron level checked, and tell your doctor you want a level of at least 80


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see, i have been tested a few times for iron deficiencies because my sister used to have one. Nothing! They tested me for Hypothyroidism and i was on pills for a while and my hair stopped falling out but it started up again, i was treated for Adrenal Fatigue and again, the hair stopped falling out but just like before it started up again. So here i am with the pill and praying some good luck will happen. I can't take this anymore! I can't do a darn thing with it and it is so frail..

somone uk

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how long ago were you diagnose with Hypothyroidism and Adrenal Fatigue?
treating any form of hair loss can take 6-12 months to show results
but if i were you i would go see a trichologist (experts in hair and scalp conditions), because you sound like you are getting episodes of telogen effluvium and usually it has an underlying cause, the no hormone pills can fix this because it's a problem independent to hormones
telegen effluvium is excessive shedding of your hair (bare in mind it's normal to shed up to 100 hairs a day) and it usually has an underlying cause
the problem is you have either had 2 separate conditions that cause telogen effluvium or 2 misdiagnosis

i would go see a trichologist, the chances are he'll order a few tests, the problem is normal doctors don't usually know much about hair loss nor what boundaries, might be quicker if you showed him some of your previous test results