Does slow hair growth = male pattern baldness ?


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Hey guys i've tried researching this but have not found an answer.
Does slow hair growth indicate male pattern baldness?

Ever since i was young my hair grew very fast and very thick. After nearly 2 weeks of getting a haircut my hair would already be long and thick again.
Im 21 now and my hair has thinned at the front and my right side has slightly receded. I'm not sure if its just a mature hair line or male pattern baldness but what i have noticed is my hair seems to grow very slowly, as in It's been nearly 2 months since my last haircut and my hair is still kinda thin on the top and sides. Although the fringe is long. Does this indicate male pattern baldness? That my frequency of haircuts has dramatically decreased? Or does this normal as you get older?
(btw im 21)


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My hair has definitely slowed in terms of growth rate over the years. It became especially bad in areas that were strongly effected by male pattern baldness. I think the weaker a hair is, the longer it takes to grow. And the hair definitely won't be as healthy in general which effects how it looks. My regrowth is all growing at the same rate as everywhere else is now for the most part since they have mostly all thickened up to the point of looking like my natural, healthy hair and not hair that is being killed by male pattern baldness.


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Are you a vegetarian by any chance? The structure of a hair follicle is protein. You need to eat protein to get good hair growth.


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My hair has slowed in growth on the top. My sides still grow the same as they always did.


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I am a vegeterian but you can get good protein from all sorts of veggies.

Have you counted how many grams of protein you get a day? I bet it isn't enough to keep healthy hair. It is also iron, zinc you need and other vitamins like B-12.

Bad nutrition=hair loss

I wonder how many vegans are getting a hair transplant to save what they lost due to nutrition.


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Yes, My hair used to be the same thickness all over and grow at the same average rate of 1/2 inch a month, My hair loss started at 16 thinning on top at first and then receding (temples) at 17 Now I am 19 and for the last year or 2 it has been growing MUCH slower on top whilst the back and sides are growing normal length. I have been growing my hair for 9 months and fringe/bangs still has yet to reach the bottom of my eyebrows, Where as before this dreaded male pattern baldness struck it would have been down to the bridge of my nose by now.

So yes it does grow slower due the disruption in growth cycles (Spends more time in the resting and falling out phase, then it does in the growing phase) And that is why it gets thinner and shorter.

It sucks because it ends up looking like a mullet and a mess with no style to it.

Wolf Pack

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If it grows slower to prior, it's not a good sign as others have noted. Indicates weakened hair basically. Mine still grows really fast on top for example, ideally I would cut my hair every 3 weeks.


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im scared guys

my hair makes me look so much better and improves how i look

with my hair i would legit become so depressed/suicidal