Does Anyone Else Feel Like Their Entire Life Would Be So Different If Only They Looked..


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Growing up i was red pilled early. I went to parties as a 16 and 18 year old and couldn't understand how my friends (who were tall and good looking) could get girls so easily despite being awkward and having no "game".

After spending time online i realized that looks were super important for attracting girls. This made me depressed because i knew i wasn't naturally attractive. I'm 5'6.5, pale, naturally dark cirlces under eyes and average facial features + receding hair.

For the last 5-6 years of my life i have going to extreme lengths to compensate for my looks. From exercise, to obsessive eating, to skin routines to fasting etc etc.
I have noticed such a huge difference in the way people and women treat me when i'm looking good (tanned low body fat etc). Despite this, and despite the fact that this had lead me to having some ok success with women i constantly feel like a fraud. Deep down i always feel like that ugly short guy. Moreover, as soon as i stop caring with my routines i go back to looking ugly and get treated differently. This makes me sad and obsessive. Sometimes i just want to end it

I think, if only i was above average height, normal skin, normal looking guy, normal hairline I could just work, eat what i wanted and not cared so much about my appearance. I have friends like this who i envy.

Such is life for the genetically inferior i suppose. I suppose too i'm lucky and fortunate i have no diseases, and wasn't born with disabilities, not poor etc. But this doesn't stop the thoughts and feelings.

Anyone else experienced something like this?


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Yeah, I feel exactly the same way. While everyone is quick to parade some higher sense of values, deep down in its core, a lot of life/ social dynamics boil down to your physical appearance, or more specifically, the image your appearance projects.

Can you list some of the things you've done that had the greatest impact on your looks? Tempted to try them out.


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yeah, i was born ugly, acne ridden (genes passed from my worthless ugly piece of sh*t subhuman father), greying hair since 19, balding since same age, but it accelerated to extremes at ~24 yo.

i got redpilled really early, because i have a brother who is much much better looking than myself, simply due to bone structure and head/face shape, got lucky and undeservedly was just born this way.

also as you say, when i have maxed looks with styled frauded hair, maxed clothes, maxed skin, deep inside i realize that its fake and my genetics are sh*t, i will still break out in some time, my hair still falls out, and im actually ugly.

so yeah, life of genetically inferior males is permanent slowly torture


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Fix whatever you can, don't dwell on what you cant. Simple, but not easy!

Work on cultivating your other talents, there's a big world out there and not every society is as superficial as the west.


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I was always known of my thick hair, and losing it at 17 was premature death, without it iam 6 if at max


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Why do you brainwashed guys worry so much about having a tan? Because reality TV told you it's a must to have a healthy glow?

It's bullshit! A pale natural skin tone is way more youthful and cherubic looking than that weathered, beef jerky appearance of brown skin.


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i was fat in my youth, had an underbite.

there was no point to go to parties at the time because they always followed this scheme:

- hanging mostly out with you other (unattractive) friends talking about grades, school, computer games, sports, gossip
- exhausting convos with girls
- going home alone drunk after waisting a lot of money

always preffered not go to parties at this time.

got underbite corrected, lost weight, grew 15cm between 16 and 20.

difference between night and day regarding social life - you have way more opportunities. parties and social gathering can be fun. girls are easily to talk to.


Experienced Member
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i was fat in my youth, had an underbite.

there was no point to go to parties at the time because they always followed this scheme:

- hanging mostly out with you other (unattractive) friends talking about grades, school, computer games, sports, gossip
- exhausting convos with girls
- going home alone drunk after waisting a lot of money

always preffered not go to parties at this time.

got underbite corrected, lost weight, grew 15cm between 16 and 20.

difference between night and day regarding social life - you have way more opportunities. parties and social gathering can be fun. girls are easily to talk to.
how did u correct underbite


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a little better?

Growing up i was red pilled early. I went to parties as a 16 and 18 year old and couldn't understand how my friends (who were tall and good looking) could get girls so easily despite being awkward and having no "game".

After spending time online i realized that looks were super important for attracting girls. This made me depressed because i knew i wasn't naturally attractive. I'm 5'6.5, pale, naturally dark cirlces under eyes and average facial features + receding hair.

For the last 5-6 years of my life i have going to extreme lengths to compensate for my looks. From exercise, to obsessive eating, to skin routines to fasting etc etc.
I have noticed such a huge difference in the way people and women treat me when i'm looking good (tanned low body fat etc). Despite this, and despite the fact that this had lead me to having some ok success with women i constantly feel like a fraud. Deep down i always feel like that ugly short guy. Moreover, as soon as i stop caring with my routines i go back to looking ugly and get treated differently. This makes me sad and obsessive. Sometimes i just want to end it

I think, if only i was above average height, normal skin, normal looking guy, normal hairline I could just work, eat what i wanted and not cared so much about my appearance. I have friends like this who i envy.

Such is life for the genetically inferior i suppose. I suppose too i'm lucky and fortunate i have no diseases, and wasn't born with disabilities, not poor etc. But this doesn't stop the thoughts and feelings.

Anyone else experienced something like this?

Dude, I relate to this so hard. Same thing with me. I'm 168cm. In early high school I was cool enough I could hang with the really good looking popular dudes. My one friend was tall, good looking, and could meet like 10 girls in a night not even trying. I was invisible even though my personality was just as good. I got fat at one point and in my mid 20s I became obsessed and lost it all. I would do the same. Eat an obsessive diet to maintain my abs and lean look, crazy skin care, exersize. I tried so hard then my hair started to go. I know now that no matter what I do it will always be fruitless, and I will always be less good then others around me.

I wish so much that I could just be normal, and live life doing things others don't think twice about. Only thing is I do have some health problems. They are bad enough that I can't do most things I used to like to do. My life is like a waking nightmare. Normal people don't know how good they have it for real.