Do yourself a favour and stay away from the forum and mirror


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monty1978 said:
I think you must be demented.

Firstly I got better years after discontinuing CBT so it wasn't the CBT. CBT didn't work because the experiences I had were not created by me nor were they warped perceptions of reality and they did and do continue. Get that into your head. For the record I have not and am not saying catagorically that CBT doesn't work.

Secondly, find me a single quote where I am wallowing or being negative. Make sure you put it in context now, I am allowed to ask questions pertaining to any health issues I may have. You are deliberating creating a negative persona stance for me to try and bolster your arguement for CBT. As I said I feel you are a sanctimonious character who's agenda is to tell the world how great you are rather than the righteous and benevolant force for good I'm sure you think you are.

In fact I am sure you will find maybe a quote or 2 in my 2000 posts where I may be leaning on the negative side so I'd rather ask the forum. Do you guys have be down as generally negative? I'll stand corrected if more than 3 people say so and do my damndest to address my infectious negativity :)

Monty - you've just 'protected' yourself with that last paragraph as you very well know and now you're asking a forum of people who in my opinion are in quite a depressed state while visiting if you;re positive which is just ridiculous.

The reason CBT did not work for you is that you basically don't understand it. That is quite obvious immediately as is the fact that you have a negative attitude.

Answer me this....EVEN IF I were this 'sanctimonious character' who's agenda is to tell the world how great I am, which actually to me is quite laughable given my previously very low self esteem ...what is wrong with that IF the advice I am giving is positive? Your post basically says to me 'sh*t this guy actually knows a bit about CBT and the fact that what I said is incorrect so actually I'll just question his motive and call him demented'. Very sad. Crawl out of your own shadow and realise that nothing I have said on this thread is untrue.


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and just for your benefit because I genuinely believe you don't understand this:

CBT is not just about dealing perceptions which are untrue. it is about challenging those perceptions - finding out if they are realistic (the MAJORITY of the time they will not be) AND THEN if they are realistic, challenging your own internal beliefs and rules so that you can deal with those experiences differently. YOU YOURSELF DID THIS by saying you weren't gonna give a sh*t about how those people treated you. You may not have done it at the time of undergoing CBT (which you obviously misunderstood!) but you did exactly what CB therapists teach nevertheless. In saying CBT didn't work for you - you're completely misunderstanding things. If you apply it more every day then it can and will change your life.

Hair loss and the reactions of those people are only issues if you let them be. Simple as that. Call me whatever the f*ck you want.

uncomfortable man

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As far as your take on finasteride I'm indifferent. For the record, I've never taken the stuff myself but if it helps someone, anyone prevent or even postpone the kind of reality being bald has provided for me then I encourage them to do so. It's not easy loosing all your hair at 23 and having to face what should have been the best years of your life with this aesthetically debilitating condition that undeniably has a negative impact on your life. There is a strong prejudice against bald people in our society if you've bothered to notice. So strong in fact that it drives young men in droves to sites like this, paranoid that they are going bald and looking for help. I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy.... which is why I personally feel insulted by your ignorantly brazen claim that baldness doesn't matter when you have not even experienced it yourself. You have yet to wake up my friend!


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monty1978 said:
I do however have a negative attitude about you and your true agenda. If you are so full of sweetness and light perhaps you would find it in yourself to be the bigger man let people be. Instead you choose to come and tell us baldies that we're not just baldies, we're crap baldies, we're the worst cos we're the ones who have been emotionally effected by the experience.

bizarre. My advice is there for people who want to take it. I'm not dictating anything - but this is not a place of mentally healthy people. It is not a good place to be to get better. I have been through this sh*t ...I know how it feels - I have been and still sometimes am a 'bad baldie as you put it - someone who is emotionally affected by it. But I'm working hard not to be and I will get there - just like plenty of other guys in this world who don't let it have an effect on them.

But tell me how to think or feel without walking the same path at the same speed and trajectory at exactly the same time and having the exact same experiences I have had and I would ask you not to presume how, why or what I am feeling!

It's no wonder that therapy 'didn't work' for you with that attitude. I could say exactly the same to my counsellor for example - but what good would that do me? None. Look mate, I'm not going to tell you anything - you find your way, but yes you have a lot of negative posts just like everyone else here (attribute it to whatever - my belief is that it's impossible to be on this board without getting down about hair loss).


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uncomfortable man said:
As far as your take on finasteride I'm indifferent. For the record, I've never taken the stuff myself but if it helps someone, anyone prevent or even postpone the kind of reality being bald has provided for me then I encourage them to do so. It's not easy loosing all your hair at 23 and having to face what should have been the best years of your life with this aesthetically debilitating condition that undeniably has a negative impact on your life. There is a strong prejudice against bald people in our society if you've bothered to notice. So strong in fact that it drives young men in droves to sites like this, paranoid that they are going bald and looking for help. I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy.... which is why I personally feel insulted by your ignorantly brazen claim that baldness doesn't matter when you have not even experienced it yourself. You have yet to wake up my friend!

Nothing about hair loss is easy. You seem to presume that with a NW3 and diffuse balding in a NW6 pattern that I have no idea of the impact of hair loss. I naturally had very fine hair anyway so minor changes made a big difference to me. I've spent over a year with a completely shaved head and also don't think I have the head shape for it..with big ears etc.

There is a prejudice against it and generally it will decrease physical attractiveness somewhat. So...what am i gonna do? Waste half my life thinking about it and chatting on here? Even worse...try to treat it with hormone altering drugs and still be obsessed and unhappy (The exact same guys here who say get on finasteride and forget about it also say that they still hate their hairline...its just ridiculous).

Or am I just going to work on my mental state so that I don't care about it anymore (just like milions of guys in the world who are aren't always upset about their hair loss), keep myself in good physical shape and just be attractive in other ways?

You have the mindset of a beaten man when really there was nothing that wrong in the first place. Again I'll say it - Some people have it much, much worse than you and make more of their lives.


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Manutd4545 said:
Hairloss is an issue for any person who experiences it, it just depends upon how big of an issue you make it.

Correct. Which is what I'm saying.

Some people are devasted and withdraw from most of their social life while others try to control it, get on with their life as best as they can and help out others on these forums.

Please tell me that was just a typo or something and not an attempt at forum bias. There are some other options to you know- like getting on with life and not bothering to control it or 'get support'!!!!! Jeez.


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Doesn't it say not to mix finasteride and anti depressants? U all need to get off the depression pills that's by far more dangerous in my book. I've been on finasteride 5mg for a year and now trying oral spironolactone for six months.

Women are wacky being bald isn't the end of the world. Saw a cute 18 yr with a guy about the same age and without a doubt he will be bald by mid twenties if not sooner.

Now my neighbor girl who's the same age and looks amazing has the same bf with a nw3. Both those guys aren't by any means good looking.


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gunmaster said:
Doesn't it say not to mix finasteride and anti depressants? U all need to get off the depression pills that's by far more dangerous in my book. I've been on finasteride 5mg for a year and now trying oral spironolactone for six months.

Women are wacky being bald isn't the end of the world. Saw a cute 18 yr with a guy about the same age and without a doubt he will be bald by mid twenties if not sooner.

Now my neighbor girl who's the same age and looks amazing has the same bf with a nw3. Both those guys aren't by any means good looking.

I don't take anti depressants because I saw what they did to my dad. Having said that - if you find right ones then i believe they can be safe and save lives.

Finasteride for hair loss...personally I don't think it's safe or worth it under any circumstances. For prostate cancer, fine.

and yes, there are bald guys with HOT girls everywhere. My cousin is like NW6 and has amazingly cute girlfriend. People who don't believe that its possible for them just because they have hair loss have other issues...simple as that. I've been guilty of those thoughts myself many times, i know.


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Manutd4545 said:
What makes you think it is not safe under any circumstances?

My personal belief is that restricting an important and natural male hormone for cosmetic effect is not a safe thing to do. Those who supposedly have 'no sides' (who usually if you question them further have had at least some) don't know for sure what restricting those hormones is doing to their long term health. There are many, many doctors who warn against blocking DHT just for cosmetic purposes period. And then there are the really unlucky ones who have the obvious and major, life changing side effects. None of it makes any sense.

In my opinion, the moment you get 'ball ache' or more watery semen which it seems pretty much everyone does then you're doing your body some damage.