Do you pretend to not care?


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Who do you confide in about how your hair loss affects you. Do you pretend to everyone that you don't care about it, whilst secretly feeling like absolute Sh*t inside. Do you joke about it, pretend you don't even notice it or do you tell people how depressed it makes you.

I shaved my head recently as my hair went from a bad NW2 (but acceptable) to a bad NW3 in a matter of months. It was supposed to be me taking control, and 'manning up' but It just depressed me even more. My head shape is so f*cking ugly, and I never realised it when I had hair!!
So I jumped back on the big 3 in one more desperate attempt to get some hair back! (few months ago I tried finasteride but had sides) I'm not very optimistic and it is seriously affecting me more than I ever thought it would. It's all I think about, and it's all I've thought about for months.

Anyway, to others I try and act like it's hardly on my mind. People say "how come you shaved your head" (despite it being pretty damn obvious why) I just shrug and say "I was thinning a bit at the front and it was annoying me" as if it's no big deal.
If someone makes a joke, I just laugh and give some half hearted banter back. Where as really I want to smash their f*cking head against the wall!!!!! that or cry)

I have told my parents, my brother and a one of my mate's how much it's affecting me, but there's no point really. They just say the same **** that it doesn't look too bad, loads of people are bald, some girls like bald men (that's what my mates g/f and brothers g/f said which is absolute bollocks) or they say how much worse other things are and how lucky I am that it's only baldness I have to worry about or "imagine loosing a limb or eyesight etc. It just make me feel guilty for being 'vain'.
The most annoying one was my Dad telling me how i'm over reacting, that it's not a big deal and I need to get over it. It annoyed me because he is 60 with a NW2 hairline and a slightly thin crown and he has a bottle of f*cking alpecin in the shower. I'm a NW3 going on 4 at 26!

Yea so do you tell people how it affects you? do you pretend you don't care? And if you do tell people, how do they react?


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Never joke about any issue that you may have because others will pick on the self pity, just look at them like they told you a lame joke and that baldness is nothing special, you need to disarm them but without making it look like you got hurt from their comments.
Yes everyone said the same thing to me but we know that's not how it works in the real world. For people that may care I just say that the social discrimination is real, mention the itch which drives me insane, that the different temperatures on the scalp are annoying, shaving the head is a chore and an extreme look so it's not an option. There's ways to express how baldness affects you without people making jokes at your self pity, you don't want to become that person that makes jokes about themselves as a defence mechanism to avoid others from making fun of you.


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I have my sister and cousin to talk to which is helpful. They are the only ones really. My sister is very cool about listening to me ***** about my hair loss for extended periods of time.

My cousin is also balding he's the one who told me about finasteride. We both just b**ch about how we got screwed in the gene pool.

As far as talking about it I don't bring it up I shaved my head and keep it buzzed now bc it looks like **** when I grow it out. Very thin on top. I've also started wearing hats a lot.

I've had friends poke fun of me already( one kid in particular ) like he was out to make sure everyone knew I was balding. I just give him a blank stare and pretend like I didn't hear it when really I want to knock his teeth down his throat.

As for acting like it bothers me? no I just try and play it cool when in reality it's eating away me from the inside out.


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The privileged fuqks will eat you alive if you alert them...whether consciously or unconciously.

And the thing that really gets me pissed?
These privileged full heads somehow feel it's well within their rights to poke fun at male pattern baldness!!

We are supposed to just 'man up' and take it.
Yet, I see the concern on these full heads faces when they are checking out my hair.
They think I don't notice, but I do.

The thoughts running through their heads would be something like this: "Damn, will that be me soon?"
"How will I cope?"
and.."He'll, the jokes will then be directed at ME."

They are all scared of loosing hair, someday.
Every single one of the dishonest, shallow, judgemental fuqks!!


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You could turn the joke on them and say something like "the reaper of baldness told me you're next". Or you could be like "yeah, it sucks but it is what it is..." people tend to be nicer if they know you care; if you joke on yourself they will joke too. Of course there's always assholes who like to point it out every time they see you, but they are a minority, really.


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This is the ONLY place where I vent about my many many physical faults. In day to day life, I put on a mask and pretend to be a confident, don't care that I'm ugly, dude. Even my parents don't know this. A few days back my dad asked me why I don''t have a girlfriend. That was a difficult question to dodge.

Blackg put it best: "The privileged fuqks will eat you alive if you alert them...whether consciously or unconciously."


My Regimen
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i vent to certain close friends and a couple trusted people in real life every now and then. i do it very rarely though as I know they don't understand and I also run the risk of being demeaned for it.

if someone is a delusional blue piller i stop venting to them


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How did your break from go Exodus?


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I don't talk about it with anyone. Nobody gives a fuck because they don't want their hair privilege compromised. Life as a fullhead is nice but only so at the expense of bald men.


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I though you took a break *because* you were about to lose it due to the depressing aura of


My Regimen
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I though you took a break *because* you were about to lose it due to the depressing aura of
its the baldness itself that creates the depression lmfao. so quitting here definitely didn't do ****. all it did was make it so i had no one to talk to

THAT was the deepest circle of hell. being able to talk to you guys about it at least makes this a few circles out


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My feeling is I just don't want my hair loss to progress any further. If you look deep into my hair, you can probably see thinning. I'm okay with that, as long as I don't have noticeable hair loss. Because even if you look at children's hair you can see scalp with them as well. But hair does help you feel better. Losing hair is like losing an old friend. You just don't want that to happen. IMO, hair loss before the age of 70, is pre-mature hair loss.


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I don't talk about it with anyone. Nobody gives a fuck because they don't want their hair privilege compromised. Life as a fullhead is nice but only so at the expense of bald men.

The same thing happens to bodybuilders. If someone says they use steroids they go like "You just don't have confidence man. You don't train hard enough". Youtube is filled with ripped juiced dudes telling kids to just eat protein and break their backs training while enjoying their steroid privillege.

People always want to hit you when you're down because it makes them feel superior. This is why I never complain to people not familiar with an issue.


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On the subject of bodybuilding, check out this brutally honest video on the importance of genetics:

This dude tells is as it is -- his advice on how to train differs depending on whether steroids are being taken or not.


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Bodybuilding is largely dependant on steroids and your response to them and training. That is if you want to actually you look like you lift. Considering 95% of people look like cap, even amongst those that juice. Don't have the right genetics, knowledge and respondents drugs.

But then again there are genetic freaks out there and I see this first hand within central america in he poorer sides of the city where crappy gyms are available and little steroid access if any at all. I was very surprised at the genetics of these men all though some where on the gear
How I wouldn't know considering drugs are hard to obtain

Even these skinny ***gots on YouTube who claim natural won't tell yu the truth. They are tiny with crappy genetics response to hormones but preach lies. That nigck eright fella is the only natural lifter.. and guess what he looks like a water logged crap.

I been in this game for awhile


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Bodybuilding is largely dependant on steroids and your response to them and training. That is if you want to actually you look like you lift. Considering 95% of people look like cap, even amongst those that juice. Don't have the right genetics, knowledge and respondents drugs.

But then again there are genetic freaks out there and I see this first hand within central america in he poorer sides of the city where crappy gyms are available and little steroid access if any at all. I was very surprised at the genetics of these men all though some where on the gear
How I wouldn't know considering drugs are hard to obtain

Even these skinny ***gots on YouTube who claim natural won't tell yu the truth. They are tiny with crappy genetics response to hormones but preach lies. That nigck eright fella is the only natural lifter.. and guess what he looks like a water logged crap.

I been in this game for awhile
I can confirm. I have used steroids in the past. Even though I looked good by general people standards I really didn't make the progress hoped to on AAS despite busting my *** (didn't miss a gym session, woke up at 5am to prep meals and go gym before work, zero social life etc. before any of you told me I didn't lol). I knew a guy who lifted half-assed 2-3x a week, had a terrible diet whilst also went out to get drunk multiple times a week blew my progress away on his 500mg/wk Test E cookie cutter cycle. And he stayed pretty dry too, despite of his diet. Gave bodybuilding a go, but guess it wasn't for me. Some people are made for bodybuilding...most are not. Nowadays I just lift casually to stay "in shape".


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That Youtube guys is right but still downplays the importance of steroids. "Yeah, I take steroids but I am still superior because not all guys on steroids look like me". And he's lying about normal people being able to look like him, it's not humanly possible. Even historic sterongmen didn't looked like that.

Of course genetics are still important on steroids but that's not an issue. Most gym guys don't want to compete. I don't even like those extremely huge dudes and I think neither do woman. Women (everyone in fact) like men with above average phisique (six pack, broad chest and strong arms, nothing huge) and steroids can get you there with your average genetics. The vast majority of those men with perfect bodies we see everywhere take steroids or very rarely are natural but take photos after a pump so they look bigger and more vascular. A normal male even with excelent genetics will not look like that when taking his shirt off.

Wolf Pack

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Good information from the guys above. I myself workout, but never have taken steroids. You can tell I work out, basic lean build with some muscle, but that's where it stops lol. If I wanted to go all out I would take roids, eat more, lift more seriously. I would get bigger but I reckon not massively. Instead I just go infrequently to maintain the little I have.

Some shape and decent looks is enough. My frame is naturally masculine which helps too. Big hands and no narrow girl shoulders e.t.c.


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My natural state is girlish. Thin wrists, flabby body, very weak, round face.

I have to lift to get some resemblance to being a man.

It took me YEARS to bench 135 lbs (60kgs).