Do bald guys need to have more balls than guys with hair?


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Since I started buzzing my hair to a grade 1 I've noticed a few changes in the way girls react to me in night clubs. I've found that when I am on the dancefloor with my friends (all perfect Norwood 1s) I do not seem to attract many girls. The only girls that show any sign of interest are the less good looking ones (the overweight ones). Attractive girls seem to go for my hirsute friends instead.

However, because I like experimenting, I decided to bite the bullet and start using the dancefloor without my friends. I went over and danced in an empty space on the dancefloor where there was nowhere to hide - everybody would see I was dancing alone. At first I didn't like it because I felt like a bit of a loser. I couldn't help but think everyone was pointing and laughing at the sad guy dancing on his own. But after a few minutes I settled into it and then I didn't really give a damn about what people thought.

What happened is that girls started to join me. Suddenly there were lots of girls filling up the previously empty space and giving me lots of signals (eye contact, smiling at me, motioning for me to join them etc). And they weren't the overweight girls like before, they were the hot ones that you'd actually want to go home with. It amazed me that these girls wanted to dance with me despite the fact that I was on my own. I'm not sure why this happened, but I can only guess that it's because I projected confidence. I had the balls to do something that a lot of other guys just would not do.

So my question is, do balding/bald guys have to be a lot braver than guys with hair if they want to get attractive girls? When I dance with my hairy friends I am virtually ignored. When I dance on my own suddenly they flock like sheep.


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They were probably just interested in the empty space next to you :whistle:

I've been out on my own a few times, it's not that bad actually...


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ali777 said:
They were probably just interested in the empty space next to you :whistle:

I've been out on my own a few times, it's not that bad actually...
Maybe that was the reason, but they were definitely showing interest. It was pretty obvious. It was probably a bit of both. Maybe I just happened to be in a good position on the dancefloor. Also, yeah, clubbing alone is a lot better than I ever imagined it to be. If you can get over being self-concious then you can have a lot of fun. It's great to be in full control of the night out.


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dudemon said:
I'd say you're reading a little too much into it. Maybe a new song came on or something, that made the girls want to dance - the space you were in happened to be only place available on the dance floor.

Perhaps, you "thought" that more of them were making eye contact, but in reality there may not have been anymore than before. Maybe you were imagining things.

The question is: we're you rejected if you tried to hook-up before you did that? And, we're you rejected if you tried to hook-up after you did that?

Who knows, maybe they had a bet going on - on how bald you were, and they wanted to get a closer look? :dunno:
I didn't go into too much detail, but I was on that danefloor for about two hours. It was only at the start that the space was empty. After that it became full, and even then, I found that attractive girls moved closer to get my attention i.e. dance right in front of me whilst smiling and looking at me all the time. When I actively looked for groups of girls to dance with they were very welcoming and didn't mind dancing with me. As for the last question, I can't answer that until the next time I go out on my own. I didn't try to hook up as I just wanted to get used to doing it on my own and I wanted to try some other things out.

uncomfortable man

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I think we all might be underestimating toocool's dancing skills. :moon:Thats great though, I am happy that you discovered something. Yes, confidence made a difference for you but on the other hand, you don't have a glaring horseshoe on the top of your head, otherwise it would have been a different story completely. For instance, if it were me up there on the dancefloor instead of you then they would have given me a couple of glow sticks and sent me off to dance in the corner.


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I have to say this but, tocoolforhair, you're NOT bald, you are a NW2, mature hairline even, to read your posts you'd think you were cue ball bald. Maybe you want to be? Or maybe you just want to join the bald club.... not many cues to get in here.

With your amount of hair loss, women would not treat you any different, it's all in your head.


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toocoolforhair said:
dudemon said:
I'd say you're reading a little too much into it. Maybe a new song came on or something, that made the girls want to dance - the space you were in happened to be only place available on the dance floor.

Perhaps, you "thought" that more of them were making eye contact, but in reality there may not have been anymore than before. Maybe you were imagining things.

The question is: we're you rejected if you tried to hook-up before you did that? And, we're you rejected if you tried to hook-up after you did that?

Who knows, maybe they had a bet going on - on how bald you were, and they wanted to get a closer look? :dunno:
I didn't go into too much detail, but I was on that danefloor for about two hours. It was only at the start that the space was empty. After that it became full, and even then, I found that attractive girls moved closer to get my attention i.e. dance right in front of me whilst smiling and looking at me all the time. When I actively looked for groups of girls to dance with they were very welcoming and didn't mind dancing with me. As for the last question, I can't answer that until the next time I go out on my own. I didn't try to hook up as I just wanted to get used to doing it on my own and I wanted to try some other things out.

I dont think I'd read anything into this either, it seems like usual nightclub scenario to me.
At first the dancefloor is emptyish then as the night progresses people drink more. More people start dancing it gets crowded, inhibitions are lowered (alcohol) and people are more likely to interact.

Ps Your hairloss is not obvious.


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I know a lot of people from experience will disgaree. But at Uni I knew lots of girls who preferred bald men. - In that they'd actually go out of their way to pull bald men (Often bouncers) who were about 10 years older than them. I even had one girl say to me in my first year 'If you were bald I'd be all over you' - I think it was a hint at how young I looked at the time, I was 18 but looked about 16.

Either way, I go to Rizty's often, full of men in their 30s, often bald and they get as much female attention as any of the 20 year old students.


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Women always go for bouncers, its more to do with being drunk and wanting to get in for free than anything else.
But I have noticed that an above average % of bouncers seem to be bald.


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s.a.f said:
Women always go for bouncers, its more to do with being drunk and wanting to get in for free than anything else.

True, but I don't mean a bit of flirting - Actually going home with them and meeting them again. (Two of my housemates did in my first year and went out with them for a while, it was scary seeing two 6ft bouncers in your kitchen the next morning!) And not just bouncers.

uncomfortable man

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Bouncers, what a macho job that is. You can even be bald and do it. But I can not profess to hearing any woman say, "If you were bald I'd be all over you.". Where do you come up with this stuff? Oh yeah, on the topic of professions for bald men, body guards and even better, secret service men. I've seen some crazy looking bald white guys like that with the earpiece and the sunglasses. :punk:


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uncomfortable man said:
Bouncers, what a macho job that is. You can even be bald and do it. But I can not profess to hearing any woman say, "If you were bald I'd be all over you.". Where do you come up with this stuff? Oh yeah, on the topic of professions for bald men, body guards and even better, secret service men. I've seen some crazy looking bald white guys like that with the earpiece and the sunglasses. :punk:

Because most other jobs in the description say 'Must have a degree, 6 months experience and hair'? :mrgreen:

It was a one off to be fair, and a bird with a bit of a fetish for bald blokes (Strange as she was only 21 and good looking). She used to come back with 30/40 year olds.


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See it's not just your hairloss dudemon, the reason people are calling you gross is maybe because you actually do look freaky, with or without hair....


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Hammer87 said:
I know a lot of people from experience will disgaree. But at Uni I knew lots of girls who preferred bald men. - In that they'd actually go out of their way to pull bald men (Often bouncers) who were about 10 years older than them. I even had one girl say to me in my first year 'If you were bald I'd be all over you' - I think it was a hint at how young I looked at the time, I was 18 but looked about 16.

Either way, I go to Rizty's often, full of men in their 30s, often bald and they get as much female attention as any of the 20 year old students.

There is Ritz in Manchester and it's got a bit of a reputation for being a 30+ venue... We are probably talking about different venues.

When I was 22 I had a similar experience. I thought I got lucky one night, I took the girl to her place, etc.... But then she tells me I was too young for her. FFS, she was 19 or something, how is 22 too young for her?? Anyway, I had a few nights with her without the sex, then I gave up... I think she was looking for a sugar daddy.

I had a female friend who was seeing a bouncer, I've never met the guy but I know about the Brit's obsession with the bouncers. My theory is that most of them are bald because they are over 30 and the chances of being bald at that age are 50%. The two places I'm regular at have good looking bouncers, none of them are bald.

Completely irrelevant, but my housemates are both near 30, one of them is with a 22yo girl, and the other guy brought home a 19yo guy tonight :gay:. 10 years difference isn't really that much.


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dudemon said:
sh*t if it were me, the whole dance floor would have cleared, people would have left the club, and the bouncer would throw me out and tell me never to come back - for making everyone leave! :mrgreen:

I guess I scare people! I'm perceived as the big bad wolf or something. I guess women are scared of me - I don't know why. I guess they think I'm "shrek." I've been told by women that I remind them of a creepy guy who wears a ski mask and hangs out in the park. :ninja:

I try to be nice, but it doesn't matter. They are really scared of me. :tongue:

I think you need to see a shrink mate... Most of the time you sound too depressed.

I used to know this guy who was, let's say, below the average when it came to the looks, but he was the smoothest operator I've ever met. I don't know how he did it, but he always got the girls, not just any girl but good looking girls.

I think it's very easy to blame it on external factors and give up, but people that have the balls go out and get the best looking girls.

I really think you and uncomfortableman should post pictures to this forum, so that we can see what you look like.


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damn man really? that sucks dude....

owell, just don't go to too many places that require you to have good looks....

stay humble

Bald Dave

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Hammer87 said:
I know a lot of people from experience will disgaree. But at Uni I knew lots of girls who preferred bald men. - In that they'd actually go out of their way to pull bald men (Often bouncers) who were about 10 years older than them. I even had one girl say to me in my first year 'If you were bald I'd be all over you' - I think it was a hint at how young I looked at the time, I was 18 but looked about 16.

Either way, I go to Rizty's often, full of men in their 30s, often bald and they get as much female attention as any of the 20 year old students.

Bouncers are usually over 6 ft tall and look like hard b*stards. What if your only 5"6, puny and bald? Would the girls still find you attractive - i think not!


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Bald Dave said:
Hammer87 said:
I know a lot of people from experience will disgaree. But at Uni I knew lots of girls who preferred bald men. - In that they'd actually go out of their way to pull bald men (Often bouncers) who were about 10 years older than them. I even had one girl say to me in my first year 'If you were bald I'd be all over you' - I think it was a hint at how young I looked at the time, I was 18 but looked about 16.

Either way, I go to Rizty's often, full of men in their 30s, often bald and they get as much female attention as any of the 20 year old students.

Bouncers are usually over 6 ft tall and look like hard b*stards. What if your only 5"6, puny and bald? Would the girls still find you attractive - i think not!

Nah I've seen lots of bouncers under 6ft. - I'm taller than most around here, and I'm only bang on 6ft.

Being 'puny' is a choice, you could work out.


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Hammer87 said:
Being 'puny' is a choice, you could work out.

Not really if you're 5'6" naturally slim and only about 130lbs you'd struggle to put on even 25lbs of decent muscle. Unless of course you want to use roids and dedicate your entire lifestyle to bodybuilding.