difference between T-Gel and T-Sal?



kindabaldingontizop said:
hey people, whats the difference between T-Gel and T-Sal?

TGEL is coal tar based. TSAL is salyclic acid based.


T/Sal fights crusty scalp build-up with maximum strength Salicylic Acid (3%) for resistant cases of psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. To maximize treatment, it is recommended that T/Sal be used prior to using T/Gel to loosen flaky scalp build-up. T/Sal contains no dyes, preservatives, or fragrance and is gentle enough for daily use. For best results use at least three times a week or as directed by a physician.

T/Gel contains 2% Neutar (0.5% Coal Tar), a solubilized coal tar extract that fights mild to severe itchy, flaky scalp conditions. With regular use, it can help make your hair manageable, full, and without flakes.

The bottom line is, TSal would be considered "extra medicated" and the diff between the two is they contain two different ingredients with similar methods of action, intended to handle the same type of condition from maybe a couple different angles.
