didnt take my cap off


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so i met this girl for the first time in 4 years(before i started balding). i was wearing a cap and never took it off that day when we met. things went well and i can tell she likes me. anyways so the next time we meet she will see that im balding. and she even works as a hairstylist, thats even worse. any advice suggestions?


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My Regimen
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My only suggestion would be not to hide it in the 1st place. It will only make things worse. She'll be thinking "oh that's why he wore a cap all the time!".


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damn..what an akward situation. Ive had the exact same thing. I wear a lot of hats and many women i meet like me when im wearing my trucker hat or beanie and usually i get a date. But then obviously on the date you cant be wearing a hat again coz that would just be weird and prove ur hiding something.

How bad is your balding, compared to when the last time she saw you?

So many hairdresser chicks are hot, i know quite a few and they are smokin and they all have really cool young, hip, funky hair doo's with lots of colour. And in my experience they love there guys to have the same. I dont know man, you my risk making a fool of yourself here, thats why in general i prefer to meet women without the hat so they know what they are getting. Personally Id give this a miss.....


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metalheaddude said:
So many hairdresser chicks are hot, i know quite a few and they are smokin and they all have really cool young, hip, funky hair doo's with lots of colour. And in my experience they love there guys to have the same. I dont know man, you my risk making a fool of yourself here, thats why in general i prefer to meet women without the hat so they know what they are getting. Personally Id give this a miss.....

Making a fool out of yourself .... by having hairloss? :smack: Yeah you fool what were you thinking by choosing to loose your hair like that. :roll:
Just go meet her dont mention it and act like you dont even care, I'm sure she's seen hairloss before and knows that some men do get it. Its not like you wore a hat because you got horns growing out your head or something.
And if she is repulsed by a bit off hairloss then thats too bad, move on.

Hans Gruber

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metalheaddude said:
i know quite a few and they are smokin and they all have really cool young, hip, funky hair doo's with lots of colour. And in my experience they love there guys to have the same. I dont know man, you my risk making a fool of yourself here, thats why in general i prefer to meet women without the hat so they know what they are getting. Personally Id give this a miss.....

not the best advice ever given............ :thumbdown2:

just go see her and if she likes you less as a person because of your hair then she aint worth it,she'll most likely be cool about it.


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Im just trying to save him embaressment. Thats why I asked him what his hair was like when he last saw her comapred to now. You dont know, she could of met him when he had a full head of hair and now he has a full NW7. Now if you were a girl would you be shocked by this? I know I would. I takes a man with some serious balls to rock up with NW7 after she last saw you will a full head of hair. I commend the man that does. But i couldnt do it personally. I would prefer to have the woman see me without the hat first, then she knows what she is getting. I just fear for the reaction this girl might give him. Might damage him for life.


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thanks a lot for the advice guys. so im meeting her tomorrow after work. i dont think
shes the type who would tell me to my face that shes repulsed by it but she just may
not be interested anymore after seeing it. so should i call her afterwards or just leave
the ball in her court?


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metalheaddude i dont know what Norwood i am right now. i did have a full head of hair 4 years ago. ive got diffuse thinning all over. looks pretty bad under lights


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Sometimes this forum is the worst thing for people suffering from hair loss.

In 150 years you will be dead and no one will know that you existed. It is how it is. You are just a human fumbling around on the planet, rise above those who are not aware of this.

Go on that ffffucking date and focus on the good parts of yourself, confidence will come. If you act cool as hell and confident even though you are losing your hair, you may start something special with someone.

I have been in the same situation as you before and you have to bite the bullet, be a man, and move forward towards getting things accomplished, being healthy, and getting success. YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO WORRY ABOUT YOUR HAIR! YOU HAVE OTHER THINGS YOU NEED TO DO!


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I dunno, some guys wear hats all the time. The only time you ever really HAVE to take it off, is in the bedroom. I mean, I guess if you were going to some fancy shmancy restaurant or something, it might be the etiquette. But this is a first date kind of thing, right? Is it even a date, really?

You could always stall, and order some concealer...

On a different note, and I could be way off here, but has anyone else noticed that male hairstylists often tend to be balding in some way? Just sort of an obtuse observation I've made.


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Yeah I tend to agree with ghg and metal dude, when you first meet a woman, meet her without a hat so she can see you but, I guess its too late now. Don't wear the hat this next time you'll see her, make sure she sees you for who you are. If you have toppik or a concealer use it.

Hans Gruber

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blueshard said:
Sometimes this forum is the worst thing for people suffering from hair loss.

In 150 years you will be dead and no one will know that you existed. It is how it is. You are just a human fumbling around on the planet, rise above those who are not aware of this.

Go on that ffffucking date and focus on the good parts of yourself, confidence will come. If you act cool as hell and confident even though you are losing your hair, you may start something special with someone.

I have been in the same situation as you before and you have to bite the bullet, be a man, and move forward towards getting things accomplished, being healthy, and getting success. YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO WORRY ABOUT YOUR HAIR! YOU HAVE OTHER THINGS YOU NEED TO DO!

exxxxxxactly! ive been in the same situation with a girl who is now my wife to be,she met me when i had a little temple recession but a solid hairline,im now a nw2.5 and it really looks thin when longer,and she was into floppy hair on guys too.

needless to says shes f*****g awesome and says she loves me no matter what and she even advises me to have a bit of a stomach cos she likes to poke it but thats too much info for you lot :)

what im saying is,get out there man! once you meet the right woman you just know that nothing matters but for how you click as people

you have NOTHING to lose :)


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libertine said:
blueshard said:
Sometimes this forum is the worst thing for people suffering from hair loss.

In 150 years you will be dead and no one will know that you existed. It is how it is. You are just a human fumbling around on the planet, rise above those who are not aware of this.

Go on that ffffucking date and focus on the good parts of yourself, confidence will come. If you act cool as hell and confident even though you are losing your hair, you may start something special with someone.

I have been in the same situation as you before and you have to bite the bullet, be a man, and move forward towards getting things accomplished, being healthy, and getting success. YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO WORRY ABOUT YOUR HAIR! YOU HAVE OTHER THINGS YOU NEED TO DO!

exxxxxxactly! ive been in the same situation with a girl who is now my wife to be,she met me when i had a little temple recession but a solid hairline,im now a nw2.5 and it really looks thin when longer,and she was into floppy hair on guys too.

needless to says shes f****ing awesome and says she loves me no matter what and she even advises me to have a bit of a stomach cos she likes to poke it but thats too much info for you lot :)

what im saying is,get out there man! once you meet the right woman you just know that nothing matters but for how you click as people

you have NOTHING to lose :)

Hey I agree with both of you in theory. You're 100% right. But it still takes a lot of balls to do this. I commend the man that does, i really do :woot:


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justin said:
I dunno, some guys wear hats all the time. The only time you ever really HAVE to take it off, is in the bedroom. I mean, I guess if you were going to some fancy shmancy restaurant or something, it might be the etiquette. But this is a first date kind of thing, right? Is it even a date, really?

You could always stall, and order some concealer...

On a different note, and I could be way off here, but has anyone else noticed that male hairstylists often tend to be balding in some way? Just sort of an obtuse observation I've made.

lol i know quite a few balding hairdressers. Many famous male celeb hairdressers are bald too. Many of them are gay too. Its just the industry.

Hans Gruber

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metalheaddude said:
libertine said:
blueshard said:
Sometimes this forum is the worst thing for people suffering from hair loss.

In 150 years you will be dead and no one will know that you existed. It is how it is. You are just a human fumbling around on the planet, rise above those who are not aware of this.

Go on that ffffucking date and focus on the good parts of yourself, confidence will come. If you act cool as hell and confident even though you are losing your hair, you may start something special with someone.

I have been in the same situation as you before and you have to bite the bullet, be a man, and move forward towards getting things accomplished, being healthy, and getting success. YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO WORRY ABOUT YOUR HAIR! YOU HAVE OTHER THINGS YOU NEED TO DO!

exxxxxxactly! ive been in the same situation with a girl who is now my wife to be,she met me when i had a little temple recession but a solid hairline,im now a nw2.5 and it really looks thin when longer,and she was into floppy hair on guys too.

needless to says shes f****ing awesome and says she loves me no matter what and she even advises me to have a bit of a stomach cos she likes to poke it but thats too much info for you lot :)

what im saying is,get out there man! once you meet the right woman you just know that nothing matters but for how you click as people

you have NOTHING to lose :)

Hey I agree with both of you in theory. You're 100% right. But it still takes a lot of balls to do this. I commend the man that does, i really do :woot:

it does and it doesnt,when you just think ah what the f*** im better than this/that it gets a lot easier.


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tell us what happens tomorrow.


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jimjohn said:
will do. but u guys gotta be supportive if it doesnt go well

Of course we will dude! We are all in the same boat here :)

Actually I have a date with a girl ive been chatting with on the internet for about 2-3 years and she is going to be in town in about 2 weeks time and she really wants to see me and she is like totally hot. Unfortunatelly she has only ever seen pics of me when I had full and thick hair, my bad :$

But im hardly going to send her pics showing off my thinning regions under a 300w globe either am i? :nono: