Did Anyone Maintain With Setipiprant


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I spent a lot of time looking on this site for setipiprant logs, but after all this time I can't find any that are particularly helpful. I found a single report of hair thickening when used with CB, but that's it. Can some of you share your experiences with it? In terms of maintenance


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Seti is too expensive to use at the dose that is/will be used in the Allergan Phase 2A: 1000 mg daily.


I think they chose that amount based on yet released data/research. I priced out Seti to see if I could get enough to package in pill form 1000mg a day for a year. It was insane. Honestly, I'm surprised some entrepreneurial supplier hasn't decided to produce batches large enough to lower the price. I think there's a large amount of us who would buy it if it weren't entirely outrageous.


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Thanks Monoid, that's basically the kind of response I'm looking for, just whether or
not it worked. Hellouser, what did it do for you?

Tress Dreams, the pricing is unfortunate but Seti's efficiency or lack thereof could potentially be used to point us to cheaper PD2 inhibitors already available. Asking about seti is the best option to find out about experimental efficacy since the most people have tried it.


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[QUOTE = "Gone, poste: 1393481, membre: 128546"] J'ai passé beaucoup de temps à la recherche sur ce site pour les journaux setipiprant, mais après tout ce temps je ne peux pas trouver qui sont particulièrement utiles. J'ai trouvé un seul rapport d'épaississement de cheveux lorsqu'il est utilisé avec CB, mais voilà. Peut certains d'entre vous partager vos expériences avec elle? En termes de maintenance [/ QUOTE]
Vous devez voir ici


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I looked at fevipiprant too. If DP2 antagonists work then I'd probably try a cheaper experimental that's already available. One thing that's not clear is if seti or fevi or other DP2 antagonists prevent the binding of 15-dPGJ2. Judging by the Cotsarelis study it seems even more harmful to hair growth even if it is found is smaller amounts. The closest we get to a confirmation that Gpr44 antagonists would help that problem is that 15-dPGJ2 "likely" uses that same receptor. How the f*** have they not confirmed this from then until now, that's kind of important. I found this graphic too but I don't know if it's proven that it does use the same receptor that these drugs antagonize. I guess they can use that receptor it's just uncertain if they do in hair loss.


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I looked at fevipiprant too. If PD2 antagonists work then I'd probably try a cheaper experimental that's already available. One thing that's not clear is if seti or fevi or other DP2 antagonists prevent the binding of 15-dPGJ2. Judging by the Cotsarelis study it seems even more harmful to hair growth even if it is found is smaller amounts. The closest we get to a confirmation that Gpr44 antagonists would help that problem is that 15-dPGJ2 "likely" uses that same receptor. How the f*** have they not confirmed this from then until now, that's kind of important. I found this graphic too but I don't know if it's proven that it does use the same receptor that these drugs antagonize. I guess they can use that receptor it's just uncertain if they do in hair loss.
does it mean it might be risky to block dp2 with seti and fevi?


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Seti is too expensive to use at the dose that is/will be used in the Allergan Phase 2A: 1000 mg daily.


I think they chose that amount based on yet released data/research. I priced out Seti to see if I could get enough to package in pill form 1000mg a day for a year. It was insane. Honestly, I'm surprised some entrepreneurial supplier hasn't decided to produce batches large enough to lower the price. I think there's a large amount of us who would buy it if it weren't entirely outrageous.

that's it! I'm organizing a 1000 people GB! jk, but I can't wait to see the results of that trial!

By the way, anyone knows why they're doing IIA and IIB instead of just II and then III?


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I just spent like an hour trying to find the answer to that, why they're doing phase IIb, but I couldn't find anything.
does it mean it might be risky to block dp2 with seti and fevi?
Risky in terms of side effects, yes, but both drugs do the exact same thing, combining them shouldn't be much worse unless it causes one of them to build up in the blood stream. This would be toxicity and as far as we know, we don't know what this looks like. Luckily taking both would be unnecessary.

If you're referring to its effect on 15-dPGJ2, we want it to be blocked from the Gpr44 receptor just like these drugs do for PGD2. It's known that 15-dPGJ2 does use Gpr44 as a receptor, but unknown if it does so in the scalp (similar to how we know testosterone uses 5-alpha reductase to convert to DHT, but the type of 5-AR enzyme varies throughout different parts of the body). The graphic I linked shows its other receptors. If 15-dPGJ2 is not blocked from the receptor with Setipiprant or Fevipiprant then you could instead use a PGD2 or PGDS (synthase) inhibitor (PGD2 is metabolized to 15-dPGJ2) but you'd have to get it online or some non-fda-approved source, and using drugs like that would likely have different/more side effects since it would affect all of the receptors that PGD2 and 15-dPGJ2 use.


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Did they notice any hair regrowth in their trials?

I think one of the studies was only 12 weeks so it may not have been long enough to show increased hair as a result. It looks like there's a 52 week trial in the EU:


I'm not waiting around for these. The best quote for 1g of seti (daily dosage) for a year that I've had was from a seller on Alibaba at 6.75 daily, $2463 for a year.

Anyone in the Pacific North West want to grab beers and do an in-person group buy? If 4 of us order together I bet we can get it down to $5 daily. That's 1825 a year and I'm in if we can negotiate that. I'd prefer doing it in person though, since we'll be consolidating funds into one of our paypal accounts and placing a single order. (mods please edit if this isn't allowed)


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Im new to reading about Seti

Im looking for something to add that might aid in the shedding...

what is the dose people use to reduce shedding?

Any side effects at all?


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I haven't read of anybody having success with TM30089, or that "OC" treatment.

Ever made the realization that DP2 antagonists are simply nowhere as good as finasteride and dutasteride?

It's a tier 2 or a tier 3 treatment.

Setipiprant is going nowhere. It's a disgrace.

Observations tell all.

May good science prevail, this is a joke.

RU serious

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Im new to reading about Seti

Im looking for something to add that might aid in the shedding...

what is the dose people use to reduce shedding?

Any side effects at all?

I'm on roughly 100mg daily, it's a very low dose and 1/10th of what they were using in the trials. Side effects included mild insomnia which went away when I just used it in mornings and dry mouth which went away over time. It did seem to reduce my shed though, and I like to believe I'm maintaining on seti, RU, nizoral and dermarolling.


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Ever made the realization that DP2 antagonists are simply nowhere as good as finasteride and dutasteride?

It's a tier 2 or a tier 3 treatment.

Setipiprant is going nowhere. It's a disgrace.

Observations tell all.

May good science prevail, this is a joke.

I've never understood why people would think it would cause regrowth, inhibitors have never caused anything more than mild thickening if you're lucky.


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I've never understood why people would think it would cause regrowth, inhibitors have never caused anything more than mild thickening if you're lucky.

Cotsarelis didn't completely brush off the possibility of regrowth.

“We certainly think it would be good at preventing hair loss,” Cotsarelis said in an interview with the Daily Mail, “but we don’t know for sure that it would regrow.”


But it's pretty safe to say that the odds are against most people :/


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Cotsarelis didn't completely brush off the possibility of regrowth.

Could care less what Cotsarelis says.

Observations are of importance, Cotsarelis is irrelevant.

Unless you live in a unicorn world.

If you have more than 5+ DP2 antagonists that have ran clinical trials across thousands of people and hair growth hasn't been reported as a side-effect then you simply know they won't induce regrowth.



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I think one of the studies was only 12 weeks so it may not have been long enough to show increased hair as a result. It looks like there's a 52 week trial in the EU:


I'm not waiting around for these. The best quote for 1g of seti (daily dosage) for a year that I've had was from a seller on Alibaba at 6.75 daily, $2463 for a year.

Anyone in the Pacific North West want to grab beers and do an in-person group buy? If 4 of us order together I bet we can get it down to $5 daily. That's 1825 a year and I'm in if we can negotiate that. I'd prefer doing it in person though, since we'll be consolidating funds into one of our paypal accounts and placing a single order. (mods please edit if this isn't allowed)

Why not just wait for Allergan to release data? Or better yet, volunteer for the trial. You'll get a double blind placebo controlled trial that directly compares against finasteride. It should put many questions to rest...