devastating affects of regaine. With pictures


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hey hey, exactly one month on regaine.....still shedding :(
its had the most effects on my temples in on month i now have a v shape,
however i am hopeful....the male pattern baldness tightning / tingling / itch has stopped 3 days ago(woop woop) so i was hoping i would stop point in posting pics just yet,give it another two weeks



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hi guys, ok update.....

first month...horrible shedding between 100 - 150/200 hairs a day when i wash my hair....last week the itch/tightening/irritation went...shedding slowed over the weekend 20/30hairs yesterday in shower and saturday and sunday, washed again today....8 hairs! :)

hoping this is the end.....we will see

can see bum fluff on temples, and for some reason the top doesnt look as bad...more like first pic now...anyway i will wait two weeks and post the hoping that keepthehair was correct!!!!!

many thanks for peoples time and help....



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...the very next day the male pattern baldness burn came back, still shedding every day when wash my hair 100-150 hairs....7-8 months on propecia, month and a half on regaine....this isnt funny anymore....infact this is very sh*t. Surely shedding should have stopped now. Im going to take and put pics up scared of taking the photos.....


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Use the nizoral twice a week to begin with, some use three times, but it's a strong shampoo and may burn the scalp if used too often. Use a conditioner afterwards.

Sometimes when people use minoxidil their scalp can be in a bad way before using it from the inflammation from male pattern baldness, and minoxidil can further inflame it. You could try using it once a day and build up, or if that fails try a different kind of minoxidil....

How long have you been using nizoral?


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ok nearly into two months regaine, nearly at 9 months propecia. nizoral twice a week. still shedding for nearly two months, the amount is less though. Is there still likely to be any success if im still shedding now. Im going to put some pics up friday, cos im not quite sure whats going on up there and would like your opinions



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not soo devestating.....


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Yea i think also that some people just dont respond well to minoxidil, im one of them tried three different times in 8 years years every time it made my hair worse. Not sure but my theory is that it causes inflammation in my scalp therefore causing more hair loss. After I stopped always seemed to recover what i lost but my hair never looked good while using it, the longest I ever used was eight months. Now i take finasteride every other day , and saw palmetto on the days in between to lower sides and i just ordered spectral dnc rs instead of spectral dnc. Will see im maintaining with finasteride so will see if the rs will help at all plan on using at least eight months.


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Excellent results! Just goes to show how one's hair can thicken back up if they ride out the shed.

Congrats :punk:


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wow man, with it all pushed forward and dry it looks MILES better. the lighting might be slightlyyy making it look better than it is but really, that's definitely a hell of a lot better than it was before. grats for riding out the shed man, this thread is something anyone going thru shedding should look at.


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update,. no shed for the last 3 months. going to upload some pics later. Want your opinions please.....


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ok here is one taken today....letme know your opinions. 15 months on treatments. read my story, look atmy pics and let me know????

guna stick around on here for a few days



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Definitely maintaining and it look likes you gained some density as well.
It's a bit hard to tell with the angle of the pic as they are not the same as the originals.


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hi guys. picture taken from today. exact same place in the house, the light on the most recent one is better as the others were done at night. what do you think. I freaked myself out because I took some pictures when wet and it doesnt look good and thought i was doomed. But then im thinking well it was probably like that 15 months ago but i never knew cos never took a wet picture to start with. the one below is dry. would you say im maintaining??? 15 months on propecia, 9 on regaine. Also some kid in another forum said if you havnt noticed improvement by 15 months it doesnt work for this true?



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Maintaining in and of itself is a success, never underestimate that. We all want more than that but as I said, maintaining is a small victory.


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im happy with maintaining, i'd be cool with that...and hopefully i will....any one else had a similar experience like my story....


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My Regimen
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hey man, you on foam or liquid ? also when you where on finasteride alone did you notice any shedding ?

also how long has it been since you last minoxidil shed ?

also congrats... you ahve done well buddy


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hey man thanks, yes shed for 3-4 months solid on finasteride alone but hair was really thick so didnt notice visibly. then shed again when started regaine (liquid) for another 3-4 months....first picture...basically ive shedded on and off all the time....I stoppedshedding again in December and havnt had one since. usually 5 hairs when i wash now and a few when i style my hair...but my doctor says the average person loses 100 a day! i'd say ivegone back to a Norwood 1.5 - 2 but i dont think this can be helped from reading other posts. i'll post some of my hairline soon