Dear Admin, Can We Please Get Some Moderation Up In Here?

That Guy

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@Admin Look, I know the mods and yourself have lives and can't deal with every little thing, but this forum is a sh*t show on the reg. You want to let people say whatever they want and that is admirable, but a line should be drawn when it disrupts the forums.

In the "New Research Forum", there are always users who don't even bother to read the research, trolling the thread with "This is never gonna work because it didn't in the 80s and you're all retards for believing such." Users explain why the present is different and said person continues to prat on with his/her worn out arguments. If you don't believe anything is ever going to work and have no serious discussion to contribute, maybe stop posting? We also have naysaying threads that basically only serve as an off-topic battleground. This kind of thing gets you banned on even the smallest of forums.

Gatton and Vincent are banned for bothering mods and questioning the site's integrity, but FoucaultII and Farkhairloss (raised suspicion as being the same) are able to badger me and I think hellouser as well, constantly. I've tried and thought I succeeded to amicably resolve this via PM with the former user, but he's right back to the steady stream of childish dislikes and hostile posts. Reporting them seems to do nothing. No one should need to put people on their ignore list because they are constantly ganged up on by them and it isn't really going to resolve the collateral issues anyway — these people should be dealt with.

This forum is the very best place on the web to read about new technology and chat with other people suffering from a condition that above all, damages self-image. Yet, we have users and threads mainly in the new research forum, screaming that everyone is a dumbass for believing in science or having a different opinion regarding it along with blatant trolls creating hostility — seemingly without consequence.


Staff member
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Totally understand where you are coming from. Believe me. After last week, I get it. Trolls are trolls. It's just an extremely slippery slope if we start deleting people who say things that others don't like. Typically we would look for numerous complaints from multiple established users before we do act on something like that. If the person is really disrupting the whole community, then it needs to be handled.

I don't think Vincent was banned just because he was questioning the moderators etc. Vincent was banned because he was conducting an all-out war against this entire website and was creating multiple new threads screaming lies, trying to turn everyone against the community.

Vincent was welcome to speak his mind for nearly a year and a half and I did nothing. I totally disagreed with him, every time he opened his mouth also. He repeatedly hijacked threads, and said things that I felt were factually wrong. He discouraged people from using a treatment that works, and probably caused quite a few people to continue losing their hair. But he was never banned.

We have to let people speak their minds, within reason. If you've got a handful of posts you can point to regarding a specific user, I know it's a pain in the *** to put together the documentation, but if you can show us how someone is clearly trolling, then we can do something about that. Even if it's just a warning, and a probationary period.

But if we get into the habit of policing this place like some of the other hair loss sites do, we're going to have a mass exodus of users, like those other websites. @Roberto_72 @Wolf Pack @Agustin Araujo


My Regimen
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people should just 'block' people they find bothersome.

Some dude asked me to 'blow him' --i blocked him.

Done. He does not annoy me anymore.
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