Dealing with psychological troubles with hair loss?


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Wearing a wig is basically telling the industry that the current options are good enough. Which is a lie. That's just allowing things to continue to progress at the current incredible slow rate.

It's either REAL hair or no hair.


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Wearing a wig is basically telling the industry that the current options are good enough. Which is a lie. That's just allowing things to continue to progress at the current incredible slow rate.It's either REAL hair or no hair.
If I have the choice between living comfortably with a hair system or spending half my life stressing and sitting on hair loss forums hoping for a cure all the time, I'll choose the former. Even if male pattern baldness got the same amount of funding and attention as cancer or alzheimer's there's no guarantee whatsoever that better treatments would be found faster than now. You can't necessarily solve a problem faster (or at all) just by throwing more money and scientists at it.


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What about a hair system? You can't pull those off even if you wanted to.

I'm looking into systems, actually have an appointment with a hair replacement place this tuesday. going in to see what options there are for my hair loss

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Wearing a wig is basically telling the industry that the current options are good enough. Which is a lie. That's just allowing things to continue to progress at the current incredible slow rate.

It's either REAL hair or no hair.

a wig is not a viable solution for hair loss, but it's like joan says, a bald woman would be stared at for all the wrong reasons and i dont wanna be that woman.


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I'm looking into hair systems myself. I'm on finasteride but I'm already NW3 with diffuse thinning so I'm wondering if it's even worth it at this point. Hair systems are absolutely my plan B and I can't think of a better solution to hairloss (unless you catch it with drugs early in the process).

Wolf Pack

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a wig is not a viable solution for hair loss, but it's like joan says, a bald woman would be stared at for all the wrong reasons and i dont wanna be that woman.

This part is sadly very true. You may have to wear a wig to just appear normal. As a bald girl looks highly strange. I can't remember any I have seen in person. Thinning yes, that's not too bad on an older woman. A bald man looks "normal but usually $h1T," at least he will blend in even if women won't touch him.


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I think for a female, the hardest thing about a wig is not the limitation it gives (although it is hard), but rather that it is not their real hair, not only a loss of their identity but also a loss of their femininity.


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I think for a female, the hardest thing about a wig is not the limitation it gives (although it is hard), but rather that it is not their real hair, not only a loss of their identity but also a loss of their femininity.

Very true.


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Alright guys, thanks alot for your responses.

I'll try to keep my mind off hair loss. Also, I've made an appointment with a dermatologist to possibly get me on finasteride and see whether there's not something else happening on my head (I had very bad dandruff, which nizoral got rid of, but my hair still itches alot from time to time.)


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Even though most people say i'm good looking and i look younger than my age my hair loss and thinning has been a major bummer for me. I like going out with younger girls and my hair does not give me the confidence that i can go out with girls 10 plus years younger than me. No matter how many people say i look young and how many times i get carded it's what i see when i look in the mirror and not what others see and tell me. losing my hair has been such a blow to my self esteem, i want to wear a hat all the time and afraid to show my head anymore.


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First know that you are truly not alone. I've been in your shoes 7 years ago, just know that there is life after hair loss.

I will not lie to you, you will go through dark moments and everything will seem hopeless at times.

One of the most important thing I've learned through my hair loss is that you should never be ashamed that you feel bad about it.

No it's not just hair you can tell people who put you down for feeling bad about it that hair is a big deal. It's not a 4 billion dollar a year industry for nothing!

The best I can do is to tell you what I have done and what has helped me to get through hair loss at such a young age.

First, get on treatments, if you're not scared of sides, use both finasteride and minoxidil. Delay your hair loss for as long as you can.

Don't hesitate to use concealers as toppik and dermmatch. There is no shame in using them and they might boost your confidence, which is what you need now.

If it really starts to look bad up there, buzz your head really short, but never shave. Don't listen to people who tell you to shave it all off. It's a mistake and it will make you feel horrible.

Finally, take your mind off your hair as much as possible.

For me, it was: reading, entertaining and cultivating myself with good movies and TV shows, playing videogames, focusing on university, socializing, seeing my friends and meeting women.

Know that you will inevitably go bald, and once it happens, all hope is not lost. A top hair transplant surgeon can give you the appearance of having hair back.

Above all, don't lose hope. Hair loss might be a nightmare, but it's a great forger of character. If you survive this, you can survive anything life will throw at you.

Good luck!
I was thinking that too !


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I dont think hair loss causes psychological problems

I think it just brings out ones you already had


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Have you ever talked to them? Like seriously, take them out to have a beer? I have. And almost all bald men told me they suffered a lot from losing their hair.

A bartender I know had always these "alpha" reactions about his baldness. "I've moved on, real men don't care! etc." One day, him and I had a beer and then he let it all out.

"You know I was obsessed with it, treating it, I was 24, and in the end, trying to treat it cost me the price of a brand-new car." So much for being an "alpha" who doesn't give a f-ck, right.

All bald men care, they won't shout it on rooftops, they will even say the exact opposite of what they think.

No one's moving on from baldness. Here on this forum, we're just strong enough to admit we have a problem.

It may bother them but they don't breakdown nervously about it and get depressed. My brother dosent like being bald but it dosent affect him, it's more of a nuisance. There's big difference between "damn I hate being bald, it sucks" and a complete mental breakdown

Agustin Araujo

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I personally believe that hair loss will at least cause psychological distress in every individual who experiences it to a certain degree. Perhaps certain men who are bald or balding may say that they do not care much about their hair anymore and genuinely recovered from the trauma of Male Pattern Baldness. However, if they were to say that they never cared, then clearly they're straight out lying. I'm sure any normal man who is bald/balding would prefer to have their original full head of hair again than to just stay with where they're at.