Curis, P&g, And The Lost Baldness Cure


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I did wound before applying it. Afterwards I waited month to heal before wounding again and then applying another dose. I'll do it again in another month if I'm still alive.:D I'm honestly a little freaked out by the last pictures I took. My skin is really dark at the center of my hairline and my right temple. It just looks like melanocytes are proliferating like crazy.

Giant congenital nevi are associated with clinical complications such as neurocutaneous melanosis and melanoma. Virtually nothing is known about why some individuals develop these lesions. We previously identified the sonic hedgehog (Shh) pathway regulator Cdon as a candidate nevus modifier gene. Here we validate this by studying Cdon knockout mice, and go on to establishing the mechanism by which Shh exacerbates nevogenesis. Cdon knockout mice develop blue nevi without the need for somatic melanocyte oncogenic mutation. In a mouse model carrying melanocyte NRASQ61K, we found that strain backgrounds that carry genetic variants that cause increased keratinocyte Shh pathway activity, as measured by Gli1 and Gli2 expression, develop giant congenital nevi. Shh components are also active adjacent to human congenital nevi. Mechanistically, this exacerbation of nevogenesis is driven via the release of the melanocyte mitogen endothelin-1 from keratinocytes. We then suppressed nevus development in mice using Shh and endothelin antagonists. Our work suggests an aspect of nevus development whereby keratinocyte cytokines such as endothelin-1 can exacerbate nevogenesis, and provides potential therapeutic approaches for giant congenital nevi. Furthermore, it highlights the notion that germline genetic variation, in addition to somatic melanocyte mutation, can strongly influence the histopathological features of melanocytic nevi.

You can also see from Table 1 in this study that GLI highly upregulates EDN1 - the gene encoding endothelin-1 - in human keratinocytes.


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I didn't steal them.
Then how did you ask jimbo for permission to post his pictures? I used to be in contact with him back in the day, but he's not been active for years at this point. And I have not seen him post any pictures outside of the two private forums which have confidentiality rules.

If I show you something will you promise not to try this at home?
I've long settled on staying with finasteride and minoxidil after trying a few of those experimental compounds with nothing to show.

I'll give you a teaser. My temple end of Oct, then at the start of April. It started to come alive during that time. What did adding SAG + estriol 2x/day to my regimen do over the next month? Probably nothing according to shadowcast and fgsfds.
The first picture isn't as focused as the second one but in my opinion there is a change.


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Then how did you ask jimbo for permission to post his pictures? I used to be in contact with him back in the day, but he's not been active for years at this point. And I have not seen him post any pictures outside of the two private forums which have confidentiality rules.

I've long settled on staying with finasteride and minoxidil after trying a few of those experimental compounds with nothing to show.

The first picture isn't as focused as the second one but in my opinion there is a change.

I was sent the pictures by someone who gave me permission to post them. I'm not even on the private forum.

Many experimental compounds work if you stick with it, but I understand sticking with what's proven to work over time.

Yeah, the first picture isn't as good, but believe me when I say that whole temple was pretty much slick bald when I started treatment. There were maybe a couple of the tiniest, invisible hairs in there somewhere.

I updated the post now with the after pic since taking sag. The first pic was around the last week of October when I started treatments. Second pic was April 1, a day or two after I took my first dose of SAG. Last pic is April 30, 6 days after my second dose.

Because I don't want to get cancer. I just hope you'll be very careful. This thread will be interesting if you continue to post photos. Cheers.
Can't blame you for that at all. It's a risk.
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You can also see from Table 1 in this study that GLI highly upregulates EDN1 - the gene encoding endothelin-1 - in human keratinocytes.

So you're saying I'm gonna die? :eek: Perhaps I should put some vismodegib on that area to slow things down just in case.

Most of my skin is normal. Just this temple

Same lighting, just darker skin.
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Well, Hh agonists are powerful drugs for sure. They ain't pumpkin seed oil. ;)

Yeah, it's no joke, but it works. The darkening has greatly subsided now. Half of that area is back to normal pigmentation. It didn't do this after the first dose as far as I know. At least that tells us that I didn't use too much for it to be effective. I think you'd have to use an extremely high dose of this before it would inhibit shh. If this skin reaction is anything to go by then 1% is more effective than .15%, but time will tell.
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Do whatever you want with your own pics, but consider deleting jimbo’s. Idk what the clown who PM’d you told you, but he certainly isn’t jimbo, and publicizing private pics someone shared of themself onto the open internet is pretty uncool.

Aside from that yeah that’s undeniable progress. Godspeed.


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Do whatever you want with your own pics, but consider deleting jimbo’s. Idk what the clown who PM’d you told you, but he certainly isn’t jimbo, and publicizing private pics someone shared of themself onto the open internet is pretty uncool.

Aside from that yeah that’s undeniable progress. Godspeed.
Once someone uploads to the internet, they are assuming that risk. So I don't see the point in being a white knight about it.


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John Difool

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Or by eye :) it's true that at some point when I am somewhat happy with the recovery, i will stop it this regimen. This is not sustainable long term. Maybe a maintenance once a while. Tough balance to find but for now this is not the concern. The other thing to keep in mind is how good is good enough. Gridiness is a syndrome I've read about more than once. Things go well, you reach a plateau, want more and add something you heard about which collapses your results like a house of cards.

Zon Ama

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Do you guys think it makes sense to contact Angela Christiano or any person involved in this project linking the recent study?

So you want to apply it until lets say NW2 and then stop the application, what application "timeframe" would be needed to maintain it then?

Thanks for taking that big risk and sharing the progress!!!


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Or by eye :) it's true that at some point when I am somewhat happy with the recovery, i will stop it this regimen. This is not sustainable long term. Maybe a maintenance once a while. Tough balance to find but for now this is not the concern. The other thing to keep in mind is how good is good enough. Gridiness is a syndrome I've read about more than once. Things go well, you reach a plateau, want more and add something you heard about which collapses your results like a house of cards.
Why is it not sustainable long term? Because of the price?


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Do you guys think it makes sense to contact Angela Christiano or any person involved in this project linking the recent study?

So you want to apply it until lets say NW2 and then stop the application, what application "timeframe" would be needed to maintain it then?

Thanks for taking that big risk and sharing the progress!!!

Dr. Christiano probably knows more than what's public, but she did not participate in this research. Someone on btt spoke with one of the researchers from Curis years back , but that person has left the forums.
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Why is it not sustainable long term? Because of the price?
The price is not bad. If you had to use it every day it would be, but if you had to use it every day I wouldn't be doing this because cancer would be a certainty, probably within weeks. Activating Hh persistently with these drugs causes cancer. How often is too often? If they actually tested and released a targeted version then maybe it could be used once a year to maintain at minimal risk. As it is I will have to use dutasteride or finasteride to maintain when I get to the point that I'm satisfied. I think this would have been a fairly safe treatment had they been able to develop the targeted and least toxic molecule, and figure out the safe dosage and spacing of treatment. As it is it's very risky. Personally I'm not really comfortable using it more than once a month for a short time. Anything more than once a week is completely crazy. How much more risk and effect is there in once a week vs once a month or once every three months? I wish we knew.
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