Credit card info been stolen after purchasing here

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New Member
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I have this problem,someone been trying to use my card for fraudelent payments,and this is the ONLY site where i used my card,so I am pretty sure it has something to do with it,i dont wanna accuse anyone but it is happening.It was series of payments which did not come through tho,fortunately.My card is now blocked.This happend few days later after i purchased stuff on here.I have read somewhere on web that iam not the only one who encountered such problem.Can anyone tell me what is going on ? I enjoy the products i ordered here,but if someone is trying to screw me over it just pisses me off obviously.

For this reason,i wont be able to use this site ever again,i wonder why you guys dont accept paypal.


New Member
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As i mentioned,none of the payments went through,but iam suspicous that my info been sold on here or used by the staff because again,this is the only place where my card was used.


New Member
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The same exact thing has happened to me for the last TWO purchases. I believe every person who purchases from hairlosstalk has to be experiencing the same credit card fraud.


Established Member
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Yup, I purchased my minoxidil from here and 2 weeks later bam, someone tried to take 8 grand from my account. I no longer shop here and get my minoxidil from amazon. Someone connected to this site is dodgy as hell. The police are investigating it.


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lol. No offence I know we are all in this together in regards to balding etc. but this is the a hairloss forum, not ebay... trust no one, you can only blame yourselves


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Same thing happened to me after purchasing S5 sprio cream from this website. After a couple of weeks I got a call from my credit card company asking if I was in another country trying to withdraw $3000.


Senior Member
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Glad I didnt buy topical spironolactone from here. Maybe this is next up on american greed conning balding men out of their money


Staff member
My Regimen
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First off -

Apologies to everyone for the delay on this. The people I hired to monitor the forums for very serious issues like these failed to inform me that this thread has been sitting here for nearly 2 months, un-responded to. I would never ignore something like this. Secondly, no ... nobody associated with this site is doing anything illegal. Our site has been hacked on numerous occasions in the past. Most recently a guy we had to ban vowed to DDOS the site, so I am constantly trying to pick up the mess that people who were never taught right and wrong, make. In the last 6 months we got one report of someone buying from us and later seeing their card used on another website.

This was several months ago. A security expert was hired, the store was put on lock-down, and everything that could've been compromised was double and triple checked for security. We have been operating fine ever since. Any claims to the contrary are false. We are a victim just as much as our customers, and since I take customer security very seriously, I was all over this immediately. I can assure you of that.

Credit card numbers are stolen and used on a regular basis. Target recently had a hack of $40 million, and I believe just this month Home Depot was hacked as well. I would assume that everyone here - having had credit cards for years - knows that they are easily stolen. The plus side is that you only have to contact your bank and you can be refunded the money immediately. But this is a huge part of why we are now becoming big proponents of Bitcoin rather than Visa and Mastercard. Personally identifiable information is not even part of the equation with Bitcoin, and there are absolutely no risks of your information being stolen from a bitcoin transaction, as the means necessary for theft don't even enter into the equation. We will be making Bitcoin available as a payment option on the store very soon.

I myself had my card disabled and turned off just last month because apparently it was being used without my knowledge. This type of thing is going rampant right now all over the place. What I can commit to you is this: No credit card information is being stored for customers any more. This was disabled long long ago, because it is simply not safe. I do not care about "checking out faster" when credit cards are so easily hacked.

If you are *EVER* dealt with a situation where you are not able to get your money back on a purchase you made, I will do everything in my power to get the money to you myself. But this should never be the case, as banks always rule in favor of the cardholder. There absolutely is no risk in purchasing on this site. After I got the first notice from someone a few months back, everything was carefully locked down.

I am a consumer just like all of you, so I understand this feeling. Again thats why I am such a huge proponent of Bitcoin. Simply because there isn't a damn thing any of us can do about this. The Visa/Mastercard system is over 60 years old. Its broke as a joke, and thankfully is about to go the way of the dinosaur. Military-grade cryptography backs the Blockchain system and the complete omission of personally identifiable information is going to make identity theft a thing of the past. Im on your team on this guys. Please contact me directly with *any* issues and I will fix anything. You can reach me at ^^^at^^^

It is completely safe to use the store at this time.

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