Could It Be True That Dutasteride Improved My Hairline While Destroying My Crown?


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Last summer I tried dutasteride for around a month. I added it to my 0.25mg daily finasteride back then, starting from 0.5mg per week, and gradually updosed to 0.5mg per 3-4 days. (I know this doesn't make sense but some people claim to have less sides on dutasteride and I was desperate)

During this period my hormones rollercoastered. Some days extreme fatigue and brain fog, other days high energy and libido. After a while my crown started getting insane burning and itch, followed by massive shedding, with almost every single hair visibly tapering towards the root. I was extremely scared and depressed and quit.

However, during that one month, I noticed that the itch on my right temple (which is the worse side) was gone, and my hairline felt healthier in general. After inspecting the thousands of photos I took over the past year, I realized that I actually got considerable regrowth for the 2-3 months after I took dutasteride bring me back to a Norwood 1.5, and my hairline has been going downhill ever since. Considering the long half life of dutasteride, I know it's possible that it stayed in my body for a few more months.

So my question is did anyone have a similar experience in which dutasteride improved their hairline while decimating the crown? This is apparently against the popular "dutasteride ruined my hairline" myth but that's what happened to me. I'm considering adding dutasteride again as my hairline recession is getting me really depressed right now, but I'd be sent off the edge if it burns away my barely recovered crown again.

ryan r

Established Member
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Is that a populair myth, dutasteride ruining peoples hairline? Cause that's what happening to me right now. Hair overall has never been this thick. At least not in the last 12 years....But hairline keeps moving up! Will this stop somewhere, is this just a long shedding? Curious if you know more about this...Sorry for going offtopic. Maybe add minoxidil to your regimen?
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