Considering Starting Spironolactone, Need Advice.


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Okay, so first things first, i have been on a Finasteride 1mg/day treatment for three and a half years now. (23yrs old) and i have pretty much managed to maintain since starting Finasteride, which for most of you would be considered a success story. But i waited far too long to start treating my hairloss... Far too long...

Right now i'm a NW2-2.5, with very wide temple recession and no hairline to speak of (thankfully no noticeable crown loss) however i'm not happy with my hair. Maybe some of you will say "i'd kill to have your NW2, GTFO", but the truth is my hairloss, alongside another illness that also took a toll on my appearance, turned the simple act of looking into a mirror into torture for the past four years of my life and it's a miracle that i'm not clinically depressed or suicidal after four years of that. I've had enough of this. I want to change, i want to go back to the days where i could look into the mirror and feel good about myself again, and here i am looking for help.

"Abba, have you tried using _": Well, i have considered Dutasteride but i don't expect much improvement from it and so i decided to go for what i think is a step further with spironolactone. I have tried minoxidil in the past (with disastrous results, will never give it another chance), cannot realistically obtain RU or any of the experimental treatments and am not willing to go further than Spironolactone in my regimen (Aka the Antydhtor/Bridgeburn route). I also don't believe Hair Transplants are good for much more than giving you the illusion of hair, when what i want is actual hair, and i also stopped expecting anything from the "up and coming" treatments, that are at best 5 years away or just pure snake oil.

And so i'm asking the users here who have added Spironolactone on their regimen and are successful with it: What kind of regrowth can i expect after adding spironolactone to my regimen and in which timeframes? And what side effects should i expect to get and which dosage should i use? (heard good things about 100mg day and 100mg night). What do you wish you had known before you started taking spironolactone? Anything in particular that i should be wary of? (like Potassium levels). And finally, do hairs gained on spironolactone become spironolactone-dependent like it is the case with Minoxidil? Or do i expect spironolactone to be a lifetime commitment like Finasteride is?


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Post pics of your current hair situation.


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I'm asking the users here who have added Spironolactone on their regimen and are successful with it: What kind of regrowth can i expect after adding spironolactone to my regimen and in which timeframes? And what side effects should i expect to get and which dosage should i use? (heard good things about 100mg day and 100mg night). What do you wish you had known before you started taking spironolactone? Anything in particular that i should be wary of? (like Potassium levels). And finally, do hairs gained on spironolactone become spironolactone-dependent like it is the case with Minoxidil? Or do i expect spironolactone to be a lifetime commitment like Finasteride is?

I started taking Spironolactone, and I won't call it a complete success, since I withdrew before getting significant results, because I was taking it for only five months. To be honest, I hadn't really completely recovered from the 'Anti-Androgen induced Telogen Effluvium', before I switched to Bicalutamide, but I did see a few baby hairs along my hairline.
I withdrew because I was concerned about osteoporosis and electrolyte imbalance. I was getting numerous muscle spasms and I figured it out quite easily that it's not safe for long term use. I think it's effective for hairloss, but side effects can be severe. They can even be non existent for some of us. You can try it and see if it works. I think it's safe to withdraw from it, if it doesn't work.
If it works, I don't think you should use it for more than three years, particularly at that dosage. It's too high, yet safe in women. For men, I think 100mg/day is fine, just in case you want to avoid any nasty heart conditions.
I think that hairs don't become dependent to anti-androgens, but withdrawal from them simply means that you're making them sensitive to androgens again, thereby reinitiating your hair loss. And this might happen very quickly.


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I started taking Spironolactone, and I won't call it a complete success, since I withdrew before getting significant results, because I was taking it for only five months. To be honest, I hadn't really completely recovered from the 'Anti-Androgen induced Telogen Effluvium', before I switched to Bicalutamide, but I did see a few baby hairs along my hairline.
I withdrew because I was concerned about osteoporosis and electrolyte imbalance. I was getting numerous muscle spasms and I figured it out quite easily that it's not safe for long term use. I think it's effective for hairloss, but side effects can be severe. They can even be non existent for some of us. You can try it and see if it works. I think it's safe to withdraw from it, if it doesn't work.
If it works, I don't think you should use it for more than three years, particularly at that dosage. It's too high, yet safe in women. For men, I think 100mg/day is fine, just in case you want to avoid any nasty heart conditions.
I think that hairs don't become dependent to anti-androgens, but withdrawal from them simply means that you're making them sensitive to androgens again, thereby reinitiating your hair loss. And this might happen very quickly.
Ein how is your hair? Are you still on Bicalutimide?

To OP spironolactone could help your hair if you respond well. I've seen people recover alot of hair by using spironolactone. Wasn't the case for me unfortunately :(
If you do start on it please keep us updated!


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Oral spironolactone will definitely stop a guys hairloss, it just depends on the dose. The issue, which is an extremely big issue for males is that it can't be taken long term due to feminaizion. The successful dose for guys hair loss is around 100mg-200mg a day.

Not one guy online I have read who has taken around that dose has continued to lose hair BUT all eventually stopped because they either couldn't get a hard on, balls shrank, balls always ached, had sore chest, started devolpeing gyno, or face started to feminize. There is actually 2 threads on here with guys who took high oral spironolactone and while their hair stopped falling by like 6 months both their faces started to feminize.

If you take it you need to be extremely careful and be very observant of your body.


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I could only handle spironolactone for around 2 weeks. I was exhausted 24/7. I was peeing 24/7. I was drinking water 24/7. I felt like a truck had hit me every minute of the day. It was so f*****g exhausting.

All of this was likely the diuretic effect. Also I never got my electrolytes checked so I might have been developing a deadly imbalance. :)

My dick got shut down by around 50% at least too. Not as bad as cypro but pretty hard.

I was taking 200 mg a day. I have no idea how trannies do it. They must be less sensitive to the diuresis than me.


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Ein how is your hair? Are you still on Bicalutimide?

AnxiousAndy, my hair is better than what it used to be a few months ago. The massive shedding phase has stopped and I can clearly see some regrowth, despite being on my sixth month of Bicalutamide. There are absolutely no side effects. Of course, I use Tamoxifen for breast tenderness, but at a very low dosage. I think Bicalutamide works much better than what I had anticipated. I'm going to hang in with it for a long time, perhaps forever.
Just letting y'all know that I didn't have male pattern baldness to begin with. It was female pattern hairloss, but I knew that it was androgen dependent in the first place, because of family history. Even my elder brother who's 20 has a NW2.5 or NW3 hairline, and he's not on any meds. Thankfully, I'm blessed with a better hairline (NW0).


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AnxiousAndy, my hair is better than what it used to be a few months ago. The massive shedding phase has stopped and I can clearly see some regrowth, despite being on my sixth month of Bicalutamide. There are absolutely no side effects. Of course, I use Tamoxifen for breast tenderness, but at a very low dosage. I think Bicalutamide works much better than what I had anticipated. I'm going to hang in with it for a long time, perhaps forever.
Just letting y'all know that I didn't have male pattern baldness to begin with. It was female pattern hairloss, but I knew that it was androgen dependent in the first place, because of family history. Even my elder brother who's 20 has a NW2.5 or NW3 hairline, and he's not on any meds. Thankfully, I'm blessed with a better hairline (NW0).
Thanks for the info. How could you have female patterned baldness if you are a male? Surely you were suffering simply from DUPA? Which is almost the exact same thing as FPHL. I'm glad things are working out for you though, hopefully the same happens with me!

I could only handle spironolactone for around 2 weeks. I was exhausted 24/7. I was peeing 24/7. I was drinking water 24/7. I felt like a truck had hit me every minute of the day. It was so f*****g exhausting.

All of this was likely the diuretic effect. Also I never got my electrolytes checked so I might have been developing a deadly imbalance. :)

My dick got shut down by around 50% at least too. Not as bad as cypro but pretty hard.

I was taking 200 mg a day. I have no idea how trannies do it. They must be less sensitive to the diuresis than me.
For some reason im having the opposite effect on cypro ( regarding errections )
When I was on spironolactone ( 150mg - 200mg ) usually the best I'd get would be half hard with maybe a minute or two of full errectness before it deflated like a balloon. On 50mg cypro and low dose estrogen ( 1mg ) my errections are fine, I even still get morning wood.. My quantity of sperm has reduced significantly though. Are you still using cypro?


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Thanks for the info. How could you have female patterned baldness if you are a male? Surely you were suffering simply from DUPA? Which is almost the exact same thing as FPHL. I'm glad things are working out for you though, hopefully the same happens with me!

For some reason im having the opposite effect on cypro ( regarding errections )
When I was on spironolactone ( 150mg - 200mg ) usually the best I'd get would be half hard with maybe a minute or two of full errectness before it deflated like a balloon. On 50mg cypro and low dose estrogen ( 1mg ) my errections are fine, I even still get morning wood.. My quantity of sperm has reduced significantly though. Are you still using cypro?

No i stopped cypro 2 weeks after starting daro since daro made it unnecessary. I was only on cypro a few weeks.


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No i stopped cypro 2 weeks after starting daro since daro made it unnecessary. I was only on cypro a few weeks.[/7QUOTE]
Has daro given you regrowth and do you have any pics you could share?