Concealers for diffuse thinners


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Alright fellas,
after a bit of advice on the best concealer to use as a very fair haired diffuse thinner? I have recently tried dermatch which is ok but the lightest colour is a quite a bit darker than my hair. I also worry it would be noticed when I am in strong sunlight as my hair looks really thin then. I would love to hear from anyone with similar hair as to what they use. I worry that fibres will be the same i.e visible in strong light?? Before thinkin of concealers I used Aveda hair potion and a hair texturiser spray that works ok. Going off the subject for a minute, I've been on minoxidil now for 2 1/2 years without any big differences. My hair is fairly thin but its been this way since I was 19 (I am now 31). I don't know whether I could expect any more thickening after all this time? I think I use it now as a security blanket more than anythin else, thinkin that if I stop it I will go thinner? Any thoughts?