Chris Cornell, Hairline


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It has a hairline "different" can mean male pattern baldness or is it normal ?




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There are often people with weird hairlines that are only thinning slowly or they have a bizzare "mature" hairline.


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My hairline is receding like his. My hairline is straight across but it receded higher than it used to be when I was younger. Most typical male pattern baldness recedes at the temples and forms the little frontal island tuft. In Cornell's case and mine we don't recede much at the temples but the whole entire hairline just slightly moves up so basically it looks like our forehead is getting larger.


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Thats like the 2A on the norwood scale. I think I'd prefer that way of balding. I hate the curved hairline so much. I think black men tend to recede like this, but it's just my theory. And yes, Cornell will never go completely bald as Cassin pointed out. That's just a mature hairline and he's in his 40s.


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I don't think he is losing

Too bad the same thing can't be said about his music credibility :whistle:


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My case is similar to his, then I believe that is not a male pattern baldness


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Its definitely a form of male pattern baldness but its mostly considered FPB as females tend to recede like that. Johnny Depp has this form of balding as well as his forehead has enlarged over the years but his hairline is still straight across just higher than when he was in his 20's. Brady has the classic male pattern baldness as it was evident in older photos. Most males I have seen in their 40's and older who never recede or thin are the ones that have no signs of male pattern baldness. Those are mostly hispanics or just genetically blessed with NW1 for life. Ronald Reagan would be a prime example of that. Its true that most of those with FPB rarely every reach past a NW3 so most people do not consider that balding yet. I still consider a NW2 or mature hairline as the first stage of balding/ receding/ thinning that just never progresses for some people. I honestly do not think a NW1 or NW2 looks bad on any male at any age. It will always just give someone a youthful look for the rest of their life. However, most guys with BDD are going to have that perspective anyway.


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Soundgarden adn Euphoria morning :punk:

But Chris will never go bald.
Hower he definitely did have some thinning and receiding.
The guy had a perfect hairline till the end of his 20's. After he cutted his hair is did receide pretty fast till the weird hairline he has these days. He is lucky that his receiding went very fast for 2 years and then kind of stopped...
His hair is also a bit thinner these days but hey, I would kill to have this guy's hair when I reach his age.

PS: I'm 20 years old and my hair is very similair to his only I have more curl and a little more thickness.


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I've noticed a lot of older guys with longer hair are usually deep NW2 or NW3 and the center of their hairline has moved up but they've never really lost much density.


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I bumped this thread just because I wanted some feedback at a different angle. If your hairline receded like his in your 40's and now it appears you have a large forehead like he does, would you get a hair transplant to lower it slightly? Basically this is my situation. My hair density is not as thick as his as it never has been as I have fine hair like Tom Cruise but I have about the same balding pattern as him. Sometimes I wonder if the skull expansion theory has some merit. Does it not look like his hairline almost basically stayed the same but his head slightly elongated so his forehead got bigger only or did his hairline recede straight across but higher? This guy is the best example of my hair loss so I am just curious what you guys see. I have BDD so my perspective will be slightly distorted. To me normal would be how his hairline looked when he was young. Its low enough but not too low although for some reason I prefer a low hairline like most Puerto Ricans have.


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Man...he has the greatest head of hair and looks to kill for at his age. male pattern baldness is not one of his concerns that's for sure...


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Man...he has the greatest head of hair and looks to kill for at his age. male pattern baldness is not one of his concerns that's for sure...
Should I count this as a NO?:)


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I bumped this thread just because I wanted some feedback at a different angle. If your hairline receded like his in your 40's and now it appears you have a large forehead like he does, would you get a hair transplant to lower it slightly? Basically this is my situation. My hair density is not as thick as his as it never has been as I have fine hair like Tom Cruise but I have about the same balding pattern as him. Sometimes I wonder if the skull expansion theory has some merit. Does it not look like his hairline almost basically stayed the same but his head slightly elongated so his forehead got bigger only or did his hairline recede straight across but higher? This guy is the best example of my hair loss so I am just curious what you guys see. I have BDD so my perspective will be slightly distorted. To me normal would be how his hairline looked when he was young. Its low enough but not too low although for some reason I prefer a low hairline like most Puerto Ricans have.

You know everyone without BDD is going to say no, me included. Especially when you're already 40 or older. I am SHOCKED (and saddened) by over thirty dudes with great density that get hair transplant's to lower their hairline. I could never imagine doing that and honestly see it as a monumentally stupid. Of course I'm a 24 year old NW2 who's diffusing in a NW6 pattern and even with treatments, still losing it. Different perspectives as you said.


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You know everyone without BDD is going to say no, me included. Especially when you're already 40 or older. I am SHOCKED (and saddened) by over thirty dudes with great density that get hair transplant's to lower their hairline. I could never imagine doing that and honestly see it as a monumentally stupid. Of course I'm a 24 year old NW2 who's diffusing in a NW6 pattern and even with treatments, still losing it. Different perspectives as you said.
I appreciate your feedback. That is why apart of is still waiting to see if I get worse. The fact that your never safe at any age to continue balding bothers me the most. You really don't think this guy's forehead is huge due to his receding ?


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Not at all because he's got all of his hair and a sufficient hairline so big or small forehead is unimportant. It's like Daniel Day-Lewis, he has mild male pattern baldness and a NW3 but no one (besides neurotic male pattern baldness suffers) would look at his forehead and think "geez he'd look more handsome with a lower hairline". No one would even consider him balding because he's got full coverage despite the deep recession.


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Should I count this as a NO?:)

I would it is not male pattern baldness. We tend to be a n a l on these forums. Does he have the hair of his childhood? No, but it is not male pattern baldness either :)


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i don't understand the he'll never be bald idea dad had jet black thick hair like elvis until he was around 55 and lost it ...he had no male pattern baldness either straight hairline