chemical castration with 30 % errection


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if u want to keep ur hair then whats the harm trying?

it will mean u can still have babies , but not sex cuz u wont enjoy it,

and u can go off it say when u are 40 ? cuz noone cares about hair after 40!

and so when ur 40 u can take v**** and stop chemical castration and have a LOOOT of sex.

what do u say , i would do it , just tell me how to get hold of the chemicals?

should i go to the Doctor and say i am a transgender like i wanna be a girl and dont like my penis, but still wana have babies, so he will prescribe me chemical castration drugs?

only knowlegdefull people comment please


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stnl said:
if u want to keep ur hair then whats the harm trying?

it will mean u can still have babies , but not sex cuz u wont enjoy it,

and u can go off it say when u are 40 ? cuz noone cares about hair after 40!

and so when ur 40 u can take v**** and stop chemical castration and have a LOOOT of sex.

what do u say , i would do it , just tell me how to get hold of the chemicals?

should i go to the Doctor and say i am a transgender like i wanna be a girl and dont like my penis, but still wana have babies, so he will prescribe me chemical castration drugs?

only knowlegdefull people comment please

Good luck on your treatment. Dont forget to write some feedback here.


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stnl said:
if u want to keep ur hair then whats the harm trying?

it will mean u can still have babies , but not sex cuz u wont enjoy it,

and u can go off it say when u are 40 ? cuz noone cares about hair after 40!

and so when ur 40 u can take v**** and stop chemical castration and have a LOOOT of sex.

what do u say , i would do it , just tell me how to get hold of the chemicals?

should i go to the Doctor and say i am a transgender like i wanna be a girl and dont like my penis, but still wana have babies, so he will prescribe me chemical castration drugs?

only knowlegdefull people comment please

Thats fairly extreme isnt it... :shock:


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yeap sure thing.

30% erection = 100 % stop in hair loss



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as they say nothing cums for free not even ur semen (if u expel too much u will suffer)

so as they say nothing cums for free to achive sonmthing u have to giv up something e.g. give up 70% errection for 100% hair loss stoppage.

and when u wanna have kids or when ur over 40 , simply stop using it.

its my body i hav e the right to do what i want


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okay, but if you castrate yourself someone's gonna bang your wife/girlfriend in your place. she'll want a real man to knock her up, not some self-castrating unconfident nutjob. at least you'll have the satisfaction of running your hands through your own thick mane while your girl is climaxing on top of the pool boy. it's your own little piece of the american dream!

Wash n' Gone

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Are you serious? You want to chemically castrate yourself? I thought the Mastrubation stuff was stange, but this is just weird beyond belief :shock:

I hope this is just attention seeking.


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I've been considering chemical castration and have read up on the drugs that can do this (not for hair loss reasons though).

You need a shot of Depo Povera every few months and a Tamoxifen tablet every day. Side effects can include "weight gain, fatigue, thromboembolism, malaise, hypertension, mild depression, hypoglycemia, erectile dysfunction, and rare changes in liver enzymes"

I don't, however, know whether chemical castration will have an effect on hair loss.

I've personally decided not to go ahead with it, the main reason being that I don't think I'll be able to convince my doctor (I don't know how to shoot up safely myself, and even if I could, I wouldn't know where to acquire the shot).


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Dude. I hope you're joking. What is the point of keeping your hair then? Are you going to sit in front of your mirror and brush it all day? A guy can't have sex is much less attractive than a guy with no hair.

Just seems like selling your soul to the devil.


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IMO there are more benefits to having decent hair and looking good in general than picking up women.


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stampede said:
I've been considering chemical castration . help now!


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JustShaveIt said:
stampede said:
I've been considering chemical castration . help now!


Who do you think would actually "help" me, though, instead of telling me that I'm a nut job and/or filling me full of anti-d's?

I know my own mind :) I'm not depressed, I hold down a full-time job and have an active social life. But I don't like the idea of sex and I don't like my sexual urges.

Why shouldn't I chemically change my own body? It won't hurt anyone else :)


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if you are castrated, you cannot have children, unless you save some sperm at a sperm bank

what does castration have to do with a 30% erection

what a retartd


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I'm also confused by the "30% erection" thing, no idea what that's all about.

As for children, obviously, you won't be having any if you're castrated. However, chemical castration is, as far as I'm aware, a temporary thing. Stop getting the shots and fertility should return.


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to stnl, i sort of agree with you,at this moment my hair looks shite so i would not go down the road of chemical castretion,however 1 year ago if you had asked me knowing what i know now then i would get myself chemical castrateed,but i am not going to give up on a sex life to keep this sh*t hair i have now


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for the millionth time, this guy stnl is either a windup or someone like helpme007.

but since I'm commenting; yes. I think you should be castrated. Keep your weak genes** out of the pool.

** I'm not talking about hair loss.