Can The Vehicle For Topical Finasteride/dutasteride Cause Chronic Telogen Effluvium


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The compounding pharmacy I use mixes a standard PGE solution with .5% Dutasteride. Is it try PG can cause chronic Telogen Effluvium? What are better alternatives?


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Are you crazy man? 0.5% dutasteride is 5mg duta per ml and you aren’t even going to use liposomal solution, but a primitive pge one. You could just take it orally and it still would be safer.


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The compounding pharmacy I use mixes a standard PGE solution with .5% Dutasteride. Is it try PG can cause chronic Telogen Effluvium? What are better alternatives?
If you are so concerned then just use it orally. Your chronic telogen effluvium is because you constantly change your treatments and use drugs that mess with your hormones. Not only that but you stress about your hair constantly. My hair is in much better shape because I just stick to the same treatments and don't think about my hair as much as I used to because I had enough validation by some of the most educated hair loss experts and posters on here that my situation is better than I view it myself. You have had way more positive validation than me yet it never seems to be enough. The problem with BDD is you constantly seek validation and end up posting multiple photos to prove you are right. It's almost similar to the boy who cried wolf. How do you feel when people say your hair is great for your age or when people question why are you even here?


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If you are so concerned then just use it orally. Your chronic telogen effluvium is because you constantly change your treatments and use drugs that mess with your hormones. Not only that but you stress about your hair constantly. My hair is in much better shape because I just stick to the same treatments and don't think about my hair as much as I used to because I had enough validation by some of the most educated hair loss experts and posters on here that my situation is better than I view it myself. You have had way more positive validation than me yet it never seems to be enough. The problem with BDD is you constantly seek validation and end up posting multiple photos to prove you are right. It's almost similar to the boy who cried wolf. How do you feel when people say your hair is great for your age or when people question why are you even here?

What are your treatments at the moment


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Are you crazy man? 0.5% dutasteride is 5mg duta per ml and you aren’t even going to use liposomal solution, but a primitive pge one. You could just take it orally and it still would be safer.

I think he means 0.05%.......


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I appreciate the validation but it rarely aligns to the extraordinary baseline. Am I still fine for my age yes. Has the change in under 3 years been insane yes. At 40 I had the hair of a healthy Mexican 20 year old with zero sign of male pattern baldness. Three years later I shed 200 hairs daily, my hair is weak and horrible. Still far better than the average 43 year old (and I am grateful) but the equivalent of 15 years of loss had this started when I was 25-30...

I’m not looking to get back to perfect hair. I want this to stabilize get a chill normal hair cut, move on with my life. I have had sides on topical, and on oral. I’ve been using excessive doses of topical and things only got worse. My issue is that I believe the AAs have done more harm than good. My serum DHT is off. My overall all labs have confused quite a few doctors. Most still say Telogen Effluvium.

If I knew Propecia/avid art worked. I’d take Propecia and manage the sides, start a family and give zero fucks about my hair at 45 with a baby. But meds hurt fertility, they f*** with my head and too be honest my insane posts usually align with high doses of this, no offense ☠️ drug.

I don’t have anyone in my life to vent this sh*t. So I spew the crazy here hoping for some context and ideas.


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What compounding pharmacy do you use and they sell topical formulations? Always good to know more options as I use a place in America.


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