Can I get a hair system even if I'm not completely bald?


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Hi.. So my hairline is receding to a point where its very noticeable now that I am in fact balding.


I am a norwood 2.

I wanted to know what I can do in terms of hair systems, as they seem likely to be my best bet to actually retain my image.

Can I shave my head and use the hair system.

How long can I generally wear one for.

Are they easy to remove and clean? Or is it something I have to go to a salon for?



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Hey Mate, I'm 22 and started wearing a system when I was 20 and they basically shave the top of your head where the balding pattern is and glue a hairpiece to the shaved area. The hair around your sides and back are your own. You can generally wear a system for a week at a time if you are DIY or for upto 4-6 weeks if you go to salon. You can clean and remove your system yourself, but it can be a bit time consuming until you get used to it. Cheers Jack,


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You can also just order a system to cover the area which needs coverage. For example, if it is just your hairline, just order a strip for the front. If it is just the front of your head, just order a partial piece for your front. If it is just your crown, just order a crown topper. Keep as much of your own hair as is viable, but shave off the thin weedy stuff and cover it with a piece.


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My hair is extremely curly. It's afro like. I usually straighten it every day to make it straight. I don't know how I'd go with a partial system because of this. If anything I'd get a full cap, because it would absolve my worries about straightening it every day or getting it wet.. Is this a stupid idea?


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I reakon the plan to get a full cap is a good option, especially if you have to straignten your hair evey day. I personally don't know to much about full hair systems as mine only covers the top of my head.Perhaps someone with full cap experience could chime in? There was a guy who goes to a salon when I used to go that had dreadlocks and it looked very good. It just goes to show that almost anything is possible. BTW I see you're in Australia - where abouts? Cheers Jack.


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Hi mate. I'm from NSW. Do you mean he got a full cap and dread locked it? I thought of getting my natural hair dreadlocked but now it's probably too late as it doesn't grow much any more.

Do you recommend any hair system companies?


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Hey mate, I'm pretty sure that just the top was a system and the sides and back was his natural hair (albeit dreadlocked). I reckon the best places to buy hair online is Northwest lace and coolpiece. You can save yourself a great deal of cash if you start out online, but I’m sort of glad I got the basis at a studio, before I started DIY.

Cheers Jack.