Can I crush Proscar, and dissolve in water to take it?


New Member
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Hey guys,

So I want to get on finasteride. However, looking at the prices of Propecia, I found it to be way too expensive for me.

Judging from this 5a inhibition curve I can get near the 70% DHT reduction by only using 0.5mg of finasteride. (Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not sure about the credibility of this graph)


It makes sense to get Proscar and take 1/10 of a tablet daily. However, cutting a pill in 10s doesn't really seem feasible, as the pills aren't that big.

But can I grind Proscar, divide it in 10s, and put it in water to drink it? (I know I can't dissolve it in water, but if you shake it you can get a suspension that lasts long enough to drink it, like with other medications. Also, I won't be storing it in water, I only use the water to get the finasteride in my body.)

I doubt whether this will work as some Finasteride tablets come in a pill with film coating, is finasteride metabolised in the stomach or something like that? If it isn't, this would probably work. Does anyone on the forum have experience with this?

Hope you guys can help me out.

Wolf Pack

Senior Member
My Regimen
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I've heard this before. Thing is no one knows the stability of Finasteride in water, I mean it could be ok but we don't know.

Cut it up into 8s, giving you someone like 0.6 mg, not hard to do.


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Why don't you get proscar cut it in 4 and then take EOD if you want to save money. Never heard of people dissolving it in water before


Experienced Member
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U can try what massa said.

Or buy generic 1mg from Costco (something like 21 bux for 90 pills) and take half of one a day.