Yes, in private messages Fred told me I had AA. He actually told me that a while ago but I dismissed it; a month or so later I came to the same conclusion. I definitely have AA because it was confirmed by my dermatologist in the beard area. Whether or not I also have male pattern baldness is the question. Look at that picture I linked, AA can affect the temples.
Point is, I'm just going to ask for a dermascopy. That should be able to differentiate AA from male pattern baldness easily.
There is a type of AA called alopecia areata incognita aka diffuse alopecia. Look it up! But I am very much done arguing with finasteride Nazis. I am going to get everything checked out. If the dermascopy confirms male pattern baldness, I will hop right back on finasteride. Everyone just take a deep breath. This is something I need to deal with on my own.