Can Anyone Recommend A Cheap Alcoholic Drink In The Uk To Help Cope With Hairloss?


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As the title implies. To cope with my hair loss i pretty much turned into a borderline alcoholic, drinking most days a week. I currently drink cheap cider, but im honestly sick of it. I got £5.30 to spend at the shops Co-op and Tesco.


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When I was in London with my college friend we used to get fucked up on something called Lambrini? I don't think it could be called a wine because we would get this massive bottle for 3 or 4 pounds. Effective though!


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Also AnxiousAndy, on further thought I honestly believe drink isn't the answer (without giving you a lecture). Take it from a guy who has lost two cousins in the last five years through alcohol and who has issues with drink himself.

Tell me those Minoxidil pills are not messing your head up?


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Also AnxiousAndy, on further thought I honestly believe drink isn't the answer (without giving you a lecture). Take it from a guy who has lost two cousins in the last five years through alcohol and who has issues with drink himself.

Tell me those Minoxidil pills are not messing your head up?
Ive had lambrini before, its alright.. not sure if its wine or cider though. My family is plagued with substance abuse so its in my genes, as is male pattern baldness. The minoxidil pills are fine, they are working but not as well as i had hoped so far. Im only 3 months in so there is plenty of room for further improvement. Im not back to baseline yet ( when i started finasteride ), but im getting there.
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Grape juice and bread yeast fermented on your radiator... Will produce around 8 or 9 % 'wine'.

In seriousness, I really feel resonance with this post as I've relied on the sauce heavily to cope with issues in my life, I feel for you man. I'm assuming you mean that ghastly white cider shite? I can scarcely believe it's legal.

If it was me right now and I was choking for a drink, I'd look in local off licences for a four pack of strong Polish lagers, mutch more palatable, stomach lining friendly.


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Grape juice and bread yeast fermented on your radiator... Will produce around 8 or 9 % 'wine'.

In seriousness, I really feel resonance with this post as I've relied on the sauce heavily to cope with issues in my life, I feel for you man. I'm assuming you mean that ghastly white cider shite? I can scarcely believe it's legal.

If it was me right now and I was choking for a drink, I'd look in local off licences for a four pack of strong Polish lagers, mutch more palatable, stomach lining friendly.
Thanks for the tips and condolences man. Yeah the infamous frosty jacks white cider has been my go to for a while now, can bearly keep it down anymore. I got myself some scrumpy jack, which tastes marginally better.


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Best wrecked/price ratio IMO, first choice of hobos tho
Don't drink those for the flavor, it's disgusting, but pretty efficient

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Thanks for the tips and condolences man. Yeah the infamous frosty jacks white cider has been my go to for a while now, can bearly keep it down anymore. I got myself some scrumpy jack, which tastes marginally better.

Anytime man. Yeah I used to drink up to six litres of white lightning when I was a skint student, eventually it caught up to me and just a whiff would make me gag. Scrumpy's much better but I've found cider in general eventually lead to reflux issues.

Polish beers I've found, are an effective blend between cost effectiveness, potency and tolerability.

Uh I'm such an alky.. I'm gonna have to crack a Stella now.

g.i joey

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Get a 40 oz of 10.1% beer, usually cheap as hell and nasty but hey, you won't think about hairloss when you're slumped over puking


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Real talk: Drink sh*t that is low cal. I packed on 20 lbs when I first 21 and I finally just lost all that beer weight now (I'm a fresh 24).


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Real talk: Drink sh*t that is low cal. I packed on 20 lbs when I first 21 and I finally just lost all that beer weight now (I'm a fresh 24).
Yeah im dealing with that right now, i used to be thin and atheltic.. now im getting fat and lazy all because of alcohol :rolleyes:


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Yeah im dealing with that right now, i used to be thin and atheltic.. now im getting fat and lazy all because of alcohol :rolleyes:

Stop being a wimp and get control over your alcohol consumption. If you cannot, then become sober for life. Hair loss sucks, and you cannot do anything more than just apply the recommended treatments. It's a harsh fact that balding makes you look uglier. If you are so insecure about it, then just wear a hat. Though it's more like taking a 5 down to a 4 or a 9 down to an 8. That being said, there are a number of other things before your hair that would determine 90% of how good-looking you are that include, but are not limited to: your facial symmetry, your brow bone, chin, jawline, cheekbones, eye color, nose size, nose shape, eye shape, athleticism, body proportions, skin color, skin condition, etc. Those would probably determine 90-95% of your attractiveness.


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Agree with pizzaman. Something like codeine is easy to acquire and less destructive than alcohol both personally and socially.

Plus, it may even help you keep your hair by knocking down your T levels.