Calorie Restriction Most Likely Slows The Ageing Process In Primates

Armando Jose

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Personally, I'd rather eat normally and have a fully functioning metabolism than feel sluggish and cold all day long.

Also, physical activity has been proven time and again to increase the lifespan of humans despite the increase in metabolism.

In conclusion: screw starving yourself indefinitely. Intermittent fasting maybe has some uses though.

a recent study
Calorie restriction (CR) is the most conserved and well‐studied extracellular intervention that prolongs lifespan 16, 17


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My dermato told me that overweight increased testosterone. So fasting should be good for the hair but should not be too restrictive
Nothing to see. I saw a report yesterday and scientists are about to update a molecule that would allow the body to produce its own stem cells. Stem cells would be produced from ancient cells. A Japanese who discovered that. He had the nobel prize
Good when I say soon it may be in 20 years


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Nadia's dermatologist is close to becoming a running gag around here.
It's people of this forum are running gag.You 're so ridiculous with your ignorance displayed.
You are so stupid that even when one is right, one is wrong
This is the last time I come in here. There are other hairloss forums. Maybe they will make "did you see me" less


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It's people of this forum are running gag.You 're so ridiculous with your ignorance displayed.
You are so stupid that even when one is right, one is wrong
This is the last time I come in here. There are other hairloss forums. Maybe they will make "did you see me" less

You say that all the time.

Whatever, you'll be back in a couple days to let us know that your dermatos has advised you to take lemon juice to keep your hair colour.


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What would a low calorie diet consist of? My brain consumes a lot of calories and I feel of lot of fatigue, sounds a like a lose-lose situation for me.
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You know what else worsens hair loss?


You would have started thinning out no matter what.

Stop spreading this misinformation.

The newbies could benefit a lot (Yeah WhitePolarBear 2.0) from lifting weights.

You're telling them to go bald and look like Auschwitz prisoners here.

Great idea!


ImmortalHair is calling for you, plenty of guys who have cured their hair loss naturally there.

No pictures at all though, you just have to take their word for it.

It happened to me, not saying it can happen to you. When I ate alot and lifted heavy, scalp was alway itching. When I stopped eating 3400 calories a day and stopped lifting heavy, scalp stopped itching and hair bulbs stopped falling out of my head in an insane amount. I mostly joined this forum to stay up to date on the Brotzu Lotion, but that got pushed back. Idk who Imortalhair is, nor do I care. Being bald sucks for many people, I get that..but you don't have to act mentally unstable when I post about something that I experienced personally. It's up to you to agree or disagree with what I said, I don't care lol

Morning Norwood

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You know what else worsens hair loss?


You would have started thinning out no matter what.

Stop spreading this misinformation.

The newbies could benefit a lot (Yeah WhitePolarBear 2.0) from lifting weights.

You're telling them to go bald and look like Auschwitz prisoners here.

Great idea!


ImmortalHair is calling for you, plenty of guys who have cured their hair loss naturally there.

No pictures at all though, you just have to take their word for it.

I agree that any link between hair loss and caloric intake is just speculation, but the other health benefits of IF are supported time and time again by credible studies.

So unless what people are saying is actually misinformation (and no, anecdotes and speculation are not misinformation as long as the reader is aware that's what it is), I think it's fine. People will have to make their own INFORMED decisions - this is a good life skill to have, newbie or not.

michel sapin

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bro stop this , male pattern baldness is 100% genetic . at first when i was totaly desespertate i even tried the vegan regimen with quinoa and bullshit for 6 month . Result i lost weight and got some acne , moreover hair loss didn't stop.

If you have the good gene you can eat all you want , mac donald on a daily and keep great head of hair .


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I think diet is really really over rated when it comes to male pattern baldness, and its one of those things like aging that is kind of a blanket catch all statement where we dump everything no one understands. Why am I going bald? maybe its your diet or your just getting older.


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I think diet is really really over rated when it comes to male pattern baldness, and its one of those things like aging that is kind of a blanket catch all statement where we dump everything no one understands. Why am I going bald? maybe its your diet or your just getting older.

calorie restriction slows down ageing, not balding.

They're not the same thing.

You're probably still going to go bald if you restrict calorie, it will just take longer as your clock is moving more slowly.


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a recent study
Calorie restriction (CR) is the most conserved and well‐studied extracellular intervention that prolongs lifespan 16, 17

It's an interesting study but the experiment was conducted on yeast.

Remember the numerous studies concerning hair that are done on mice? How many of those are truly applicable to humans?

For calorie restriction, I would need at least one solid longitudinal study done on humans before I can justify transforming my entire lifestyle or at minimum many smaller studies that point to the same conclusion.


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Dieting is just one piece of the hair loss puzzle. For SOME people, it may very well be a big factor in their hair loss.

Meanwhile calorie abusers have more fat, which secretes extra estrogen. Hence, fatties and/or people on high-fat diets have more estrogen. Ergo, they have less DHT to kill their hair follicles. Perhaps we should all get really fat to preserve our hair?

That isnt how it works. The link is between the rate of free testosterone is being converted into DHT. So you can have high testosterone but your body is converting low amounts to DHT, or you can have low testosterone, but your body is converting it to DHT at a much higher rate.

Additionally, don't ignore that fact that if you're eating a bunch of fatty junk food all the time, your body will be secreting a lot of cortisol. Constant high cortisol levels will lead to your body's inability to absorb nutrients properly which in effect will cause hair loss.

Yes its scientifically proven that a lower caloric intake diet will help slow the aging process of your body. I dont see why the same wouldnt apply to to your hair.

Someone mentioned drinking lemon juice to help hair above. I could only see the benefit because lemon juice helps alkalize the body, which in turn lowers inflammation, which means less cortisol is secreted by the adrenal glands, which leads to better absorption of nutrients in your body. So yeh, lemon juice is good for your body in general. But for changing hair color? Maybe changing greys to black again.


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There have been two studies on this matter in primates (Rhesus Monkeys) and the other one showed that caloric restriction does not play a role in aging. One study does not prove anything. Those results would have to be repeated multiple times by other scientists before they are to be considered significant. A single study just is just a starting point. I am not saying that caloric restriction doesn't work. I am just saying that it is not proven to work and that study is worthless until its results are repeated.