CaliforniaOceans911....My Story...


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CaliforniaOceans911....My Story...1 MONTH UPDATE

UPDATE! (This post left unchanged, read update on 8/4/2014!)

Hey everyone been posting on here a little bit but I wanted to post my background info and my current story. Here are the basics first:

Age: 30, two brothers age 32 (been on finasteride 1mg and Rogaine foam for 1 year, maintaining NW2) and 35 (NW3, doesn't care)
Educational background: Engineer/Scientist (BS physics, phd materials science-engineering)
Hair pattern: Been NW1.5 since at least age 20, NW2 since age 24-25......been seeing slightly faster loss in the last year, as did my middle brother.

Been on Minoxidil (Rogaine foam) for about 1.5 months maybe 2 months. Seeing lots of shedding in the front (pics below) and some little hairs popping out at my temples. Originally thought the speed up of hair loss was due to stress from defending my PhD dissertation, but likely not the case. That is why I got on minoxidil.

Next I did a lot of research, and I mean A LOT. I went to the university archives and pulled up about 50 papers on finasteride, prostate cancer, BPH, Androgenetic Alopecia, ketaconazole, etc...

Conclusion I have come to: finasteride can be dangerous, but you have to just be cautious and diligent in self-observation without being paranoid. Also have read lots of papers on dosage, and I think (now don't flay me) that 1mg is too high of a dose. Caveat: 1mg is good for people with more advanced hair loss, low levels of DHT, or people who really need the extra boost. I'm a NW2 (or 2.5? I dunno) and I am perfectly happy with the way I look at the moment. I think I'm handsome, my gf thinks I'm hot, and I get lots of looks from other women. If I can keep what I have, I'll be happy. That being said, I think I am going to start finasteride 0.125 mg EOD or if I can 0.0625 ED (too hard to cut). As long as I don't have bad side effects, I will power through this dosage for 3 months before I up the dosage (unless I see some rapid crazy loss or something). I'm more scared of taking excess finasteride not because of the sexual side effects but rather the central nervous system side effects. My brain is more important to me than my hair, I have invested a lot of time and money on it, I don't want to get the (maybe) mythical "brain fog".

I'm also going to change my lifestyle, but this is more for me than the hairloss. I smoke 2 cigarette a day on average, that's going out the door. I drink one night a week so I don't see any harm in that. I'm going to start running again, and I definitely need to drink more water because I barely drink water. I also have ADHD and take adderall daily to help manage it. I used to think that the blood constriction was causing the hair loss but my dermatologist said it would not be in the pattern that it is right now (ie more diffuse thinning rather than temple recession, thoughts?).

I have two questions:

1. I tried to take very good pictures, I can take more but am I a NW1.5, NW2, NW3?

2. I go to the gym 4 times a week. I'm 135-140 lbs 5'8, thin build, narrow shoulders. Despite being small, at the gym I always get weird looks because I'm actually strong for my size (ie deadlift 8 reps of ~280lb, squat 10 reps of 275, bench 6 reps of 160lb). I also never gain fat and if I do one day of abs I get a 6 pack. This is something I really feel blessed for and I am scared that losing a big chunk of my DHT is going to have a really big effect on this. Is anyone here a workout junkie? What are your experiences?

As always, I'm blessed to have found this forum. Thank all of you so much for all your support and help. I have felt pretty depressed the last couple of months, and nobody seems to understand unless they are a balding man too. My gf says "stop it you're not even going bald I think you're hot". They don't get it. I tried to explain to her that going bald is something like getting a double-mastectomy, it makes you feel like less of a man. It may be a society thing, but its a thing nonetheless.

Here are pictures from last night, my hair was damp, towel dry from straight out of the shower. I thought this would show my patterns more. I can take try pictures too if you guys think it's a good idea. I started getting bored in photoshop taking my face out so I started to have a bit of fun :p I think having a sense of humor is important lol.


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You look like a NW2A. If you look at Peapody's thread, he proves finasteride does nothing to alter a perfect physique. If you manage not to get depressed from losing more hair in the future and keep your gym routine and diet the same, you will be fine. The fact that your girlfriend thinks you are hot still should be enough reassurance for you unless you are looking to play the field again. I think a double-masectomy is worse than going bald but that is just my opinion.


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You look like a NW2A. If you look at Peapody's thread, he proves finasteride does nothing to alter a perfect physique. If you manage not to get depressed from losing more hair in the future and keep your gym routine and diet the same, you will be fine. The fact that your girlfriend thinks you are hot still should be enough reassurance for you unless you are looking to play the field again. I think a double-masectomy is worse than going bald but that is just my opinion.

Yes I agree a double-mastectomy is MUCH worse than going bald, I only meant that the aspect of the DM in that sometimes women feel like less of a women afterward. I was only equating the feeling of going bald with that feeling. I think it's pretty obvious that a double mastectomy is much worse.

Thanks for the Peapody's reference I'll look it up.


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So here is my update from trying finasteride (Generic Brand Activis):

Day 1: I took 0.5 mg of finasteride (half a pill) the night before. My legs felt super weak and I felt tired, also had a dull ache on the right side of my groin every once in a while. The difference was night and day. It was pretty scary.

Day 2: I was scared so I only took 0.125 mg (1/16 pill) roughly 24 hours after the first 0.5 mg dose. Still felt weak in the knees, didn't feel any change from day one, no sex drive, erection seemed impossible.

Day 3: I backed off and took nothing to see how I would feel in the next few days as DHT surged back into my bloodstream. Felt only slightly better today. Still low sex drive. Had not masturbated in 3 days (could be a result of other factors going on at work too though, busy busy).

Day 4-6: Legs feel stronger as days go by, return back to normal self. Sex drive back up, etc...

Day 7: I decide on this night to stop being crazy and just start a normal regimen. finasteride 0.125 mg every day, keto twice a week. Take the pill before bed, after 2 hours of laying in bed felt a slight dull pain in groin again.

Day 8: First full day on 0.125 mg. Legs feel weak again, had a little trouble concentrating at work, but most likely placebo effect, not sure. Sex drive drops a little (but again gf and I took a break so the sex drive is also a result of just being possibly sad about that).

Day 9: Continuing 0.125 mg, groin aches once in a while, trouble achieving full erection. Prostate pain a bit but still able to "flex" like a male kegel.

Day 10: Continuing 0.125 mg, sex drive returns, had not masturbated in 3-4 days and achieved strongest erection I have had in a while, tried to maintain it for an hour, no problems. However, minor throat pain, not in upper throat like a soar throat but more in the bottom of my throat near the stop of sternum. Basically below adam's apple but above the "V" shaped recession. This pain had been surmounting but started getting really bad. Legs hurt all the time, feel weak. Fatigue every day. Note: I had been smoking 2 cigarettes a day for weeks. Pain got worse after smoking a cig, but not sure if it is the cause.

Day 11-14: Sexual side effects all but gone, sex drive back in full force. Just took 3-4 days to equalize. Thyroid area pain persists. As I press deep beyond the ligaments and touch the sides of my trachea I get a sharp pain. Pain shoots up to my jaw and I can feel it in my teeth. Also muscles in the nape of my neck hurt, and I begin to get headaches all the time. Note: I NEVER get headaches, rare thing for me, but now a common occurrence. Again, since it started slightly before finasteride usage I am not sure if it is the finasteride that is doing it. Legs still feel weak, I can't sleep until 2AM, wake up at 10AM, late for work, still tired as all hell even though I slept 8 hours. Headache persisting and thyroid area hurts. Fatigue comes in an out, and is coupled with chills and fever like symptoms.

Day 15: Monday (today) back at work, can't concentrate. Last night I only took 0.0625 mg instead of 0.125 mg. Feel the same. Making an appointment with my GP to see if I may have a thyroid problem, an upper respiratory infection, or something that is causing the symptoms I have. Will go off finasteride if he suggests it, but like I said I had these symptoms even when I stopped on days 4-6 (the throat pain near thyroid and trachea).

Just wanted to keep you updated. Sexual function problems subside pretty readily. I stopped smoking on day 12 to see if it helps. Can't tell yet. Has anyone else felt the fatigue/weak muscles/headache symptoms?

- - - Updated - - -

Also as an aside, as soon as I started taking finasteride, my scalp itch instantly vanished, it was like night and day, it felt great! On days 4-6, when I stopped taking it, it slowly started to return.


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Any other sides? Paranoid masturbation?

WTF? you're not even NW2. You're overanalizing- I suggest you better quit finasteride.


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Any other sides? Paranoid masturbation?

WTF? you're not even NW2.

To anyone posting in this thread, do not respond to maher, Mr. The Hairy Monkey, Dreamermerlin, or other non-constructive posters of this forum. The more you feed them the more the thread turns into a carnival. Just ignore their posts. Thanks!
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To anyone posting in this thread, do not respond to maher, Mr. The Hairy Monkey, Dreamermerlin, or other non-constructive posters of this forum. The more you feed them the more the thread turns into a carnival. Just ignore their posts. Thanks!

and what did I do to you wise guy ? I don't want it to become personal between us.

I have nothing to say to you concerning what you are posting on this thread.

and don't throw this on dreamermerlin , that guy is a sage.

edit : actually , the best way to make a troll shutting it is to feed it until his mouth is full , so he can't speak.


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It's not like I have a DHT & Testosterone magical testing machine in my living room. It takes time and considerable money to get an appointment. I barely used rogaine for a month and a half and have not used it in 3 weeks, I doubt it's related to Rogaine.


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Wanted to update everyone. Not sure if this is related to the finasteride. But the "throat/neck pain" I had turned out to be inflammation of my thyroid. Going in for a CT scan and ultrasound today to make sure it's not a tumor :wacko:

Just thought I would post the changes in my bloodwork for information, again I have no idea if it is the finasteride or just coincidence:

Bloodwork in June 2014:

TSH HIGH SENSITIVITY0.350 - 5.500 uIU/mL0.980
Reflex testing not indicated

Bloodwork in August 2014:

FREE T40.8 - 1.7 ng/dL2.2
TSH HIGH SENSITIVITY0.350 - 5.500 uIU/mL<0.019

SED RATE0.0 - 15.0 mm/Hr56

CRP<10.0 mg/L48.6

TPO<35 IU/mL20

It looks like very strong hyperthyroid, and from what I can tell it is highly treatable. Lots of inflammation as well, could be an overactive nodule or something. Will update later.


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The doctor that prescribed finasteride to you should have his licence revoked. I mean, I have a hard enough time getting a prescription for finasteride with my NW5!

Seriously, you need to get your act together. You would think an engineer had more brains.

Just don't go designing any bridges near me.


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The doctor that prescribed finasteride to you should have his licence revoked. I mean, I have a hard enough time getting a prescription for finasteride with my NW5!

Seriously, you need to get your act together. You would think an engineer had more brains.

Just don't go designing any bridges near me.

The f*ck are you talking about?


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Peter is right. WTF were you thinking..

Ok trolls, keep saying "wtf were you thinking..." without explaining why. GTFO my thread if you're going to be useless.


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This is what happens when 30yr old NW1.5 goes on finasteride. Anyway... good luck.

Norwood 2.5 dumba*s, not 1.5. I was definitely thinning in the front like crazy. Finasteride wasn't likely the cause of the hyperthyroid disease, rather the hyperthyroid disease was likely the cause of the acceleration in hair loss.


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The doctor that prescribed finasteride to you should have his licence revoked. I mean, I have a hard enough time getting a prescription for finasteride with my NW5!

Seriously, you need to get your act together. You would think an engineer had more brains.

Just don't go designing any bridges near me.


Good luck with your thyroid tests.

- - - Updated - - -

Best thing to do is just to ignore the trolls. Guys just come here to get attention. They get tired of getting attention from hot women and choose to come here to get it from bald/balding guys. haha


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Good luck with your thyroid tests.

- - - Updated - - -

Best thing to do is just to ignore the trolls. Guys just come here to get attention. They get tired of getting attention from hot women and choose to come here to get it from bald/balding guys. haha

Yea since Maher stopped banging 10s he has more time to come here and post stuff. I find it funny that he says nofap cured his baldness yet he's still on a forum talking about hair loss.

Keeping my fingers crossed that it's not a tumor, but I'm sure that if it is a tumor it was probably caused by masturbation lol :woot:


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Keeping my fingers crossed that it's not a tumor, but I'm sure that if it is a tumor it was probably caused by masturbation lol :woot:

I am not psychic, but it's not. My girl friend had/has the same thing going on, but at the moment refuses to take meds. If they ask to do a biopsy with a needle say hell no.