Calcification And Fibrosis As Major Causes Of Androgenetic Alopecia


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That's because the hairline is the first thing to go.

I believe that this is not always the case but most Androgenetic Alopecia sufferers do really have low or average hair density.

The hairline just never go in some people. They are immune to the effects of androgenetic alopecia.

What do you think about craniofacial development playing a major role. I noticed that balding people have different craniofacial development than non balding people.

I noticed long time ago that balding men have bigger, more rigid and more expansive galea while non balding men have flat and more smooth galea.

Look at Jason Statham's head. How big is his galea.

Look at these two guys.

Nick Jonas who has full head of hair. He's one of those guy like Ronald Reagan, Andrew Napolitano, Sean Hanity who keep their inborn hairline well into their thenties and beyond. He's born with that widow's peak. The finer hairs are still there .

And photo of a random guy with receding hairline.

There is a big difference.

I can give 100 more examples if you want.

Balding men's muscles are attached to the galea in a way that they apply mechanical tension that restrict the blood flow creating a hypoxic environment where hair cannot grow.

There is enough evidence that hypoxia is the cause
- shorter finer hair dies first
- in the studies that are done the hair on top has high 5 alpha reductase activity with most on temples and veretex while the sides and occipital follicles show high aromatase activity and normal DHT levels.

Low oxygen environment reduces estradiol production and aromatase expression.


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I think it's confirmation bias on your part. I have what you call a flatter and smooth galea. I also had very hair and a juvenile hairline into my mid to late twenties. That didn't stop me from going bald.


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I think it's confirmation bias on your part. I have what you call a flatter and smooth galea. I also had very hair and a juvenile hairline into my mid to late twenties. That didn't stop me from going bald.

I'd like to see photos of your head