Calcification And Fibrosis As Major Causes Of Androgenetic Alopecia


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I just stumbled upon these two articles about Androgenetic Alopecia being cause by more than just DHT.

I just wanted to know what you think of them. I've read several theories about calcification and fibrosis being major causes of Androgenetic Alopecia besides DHT, but there are actually few things we can do to stop them.

What do you think guys? Please DO read them. They are really interesting articles.
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People confuse the effects of baldness with causes. As the follicle shrinks it is replaced with fibrosis. Rather than being the cause of hair loss it is the result of hair loss. The reason the follicles shrink in the first place is because of the immune response to androgens. Remove androgens and the hair follicle does not shrink thus it never gets replaced by skin. Fibrosis plays a role in preventing the regeneration of follicles after treatment, but it doesn't contribute to the miniaturization process.


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That's actually my point: that's not what the article says. It says that fibrosis is a cause, not a consequence. That's why I'm asking all your opinion of it.


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People confuse the effects of baldness with causes. As the follicle shrinks it is replaced with fibrosis. Rather than being the cause of hair loss it is the result of hair loss. The reason the follicles shrink in the first place is because of the immune response to androgens. Remove androgens and the hair follicle does not shrink thus it never gets replaced by skin. Fibrosis plays a role in preventing the regeneration of follicles after treatment, but it doesn't contribute to the miniaturization process.

I think DHT can make a man start to lose hair, but the fibrosis and calcification continue it, like a death spiral. This might explain why hair is rarely saved after hair loss is noticed, despite suppressing 90% DHT.


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I think DHT can make a man start to lose hair, but the fibrosis and calcification continue it, like a death spiral. This might explain why hair is rarely saved after hair loss is noticed, despite suppressing 90% DHT.

That's kind of what I just explained, but it's not causing the miniaturization, it's just preventing the reversal of it.


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The cause of androgenetic alopecia is low in oxygen hypoxic, environment in the scalp. As you can see, where the muscles are located hair grows and where there is no muscles - hair doesn't not grow. Whether you lose hair or not it depends on your body's ability to supply the galea with oxygen. The more blood vessels you have on your head, the thicker and faster hair you grow and the least likely you are to go bald. I notice that people with low hair density usually go bald and those with thick hair seldom do. Most people who never lose hair have INCREDIBLY thick hair.
The muscles in donor area help blood circulation in this area and this lead to higher aromatase activity and low dht conversion. Higher aromatase activity prevent testosterone from converting into DHT an it converts into estradiol.

The galea is an environment of constant mechanical force coming from these muscles and this mechanical tension restricts the blood supply and this makes the environment too low in oxygen and impossible for healthy hair to grow. The mechanical tension is the strongest at the temples and veretex area and these are most hypoxic area and most DHT is produced. That's why hair loss starts from there. As you can see most men lose the finer hair at the temples when puberty starts because there are less blood vessels than the rest of the scalp there and these area easily develop hypoxia and the hair is gone fast. For the other hair either it takes time for people who have naturally hypoxic scalps or the skin that is supplying the hair is thinning with age and then male pattern baldness hits. That's the reason why more older men go bald than younger. DHT levels are highest in young age but most men don't go bald because their bodies are still supplying the hair. Balding in men rarely occurs before age 25.

DHT doesn't directly miniaturize hair follicles. It causes blood vessels calcification and excessive collagen synthesis - fibrosis. Just like calcification and fibrosis are observed in heart diesease patients. It's not just DHT it is low oxygen environment that both enhances TGF-B1 related colagen synthesis and increase TGF-B1 expression. I am not aware about calcification.
Men with Androgenetic Alopecia are more likely to develop heart diesease because of this reason - low blood flow circulation.

Beard doesn't miniaturize because the environment is high in oxygen and the expression is different.

There is no balding gene. It's the same in most men. 95% of men experience some DHT - induced miniaturisation.

That's my final conclusion about male pattern baldness and I do not make more scientific investigations about it and I am going to focus on other worse dieseases.


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Can DMSO destroy fibrosis in our scalp ? DMSO + castor oïl 3 times a Week until fibrosis is gone while using minoxidil + needling ?


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The cause of androgenetic alopecia is low in oxygen hypoxic, environment in the scalp. As you can see, where the muscles are located hair grows and where there is no muscles - hair doesn't not grow. Whether you lose hair or not it depends on your body's ability to supply the galea with oxygen. The more blood vessels you have on your head, the thicker and faster hair you grow and the least likely you are to go bald. I notice that people with low hair density usually go bald and those with thick hair seldom do. Most people who never lose hair have INCREDIBLY thick hair.
The muscles in donor area help blood circulation in this area and this lead to higher aromatase activity and low dht conversion. Higher aromatase activity prevent testosterone from converting into DHT an it converts into estradiol.

The galea is an environment of constant mechanical force coming from these muscles and this mechanical tension restricts the blood supply and this makes the environment too low in oxygen and impossible for healthy hair to grow. The mechanical tension is the strongest at the temples and veretex area and these are most hypoxic area and most DHT is produced. That's why hair loss starts from there. As you can see most men lose the finer hair at the temples when puberty starts because there are less blood vessels than the rest of the scalp there and these area easily develop hypoxia and the hair is gone fast. For the other hair either it takes time for people who have naturally hypoxic scalps or the skin that is supplying the hair is thinning with age and then male pattern baldness hits. That's the reason why more older men go bald than younger. DHT levels are highest in young age but most men don't go bald because their bodies are still supplying the hair. Balding in men rarely occurs before age 25.

DHT doesn't directly miniaturize hair follicles. It causes blood vessels calcification and excessive collagen synthesis - fibrosis. Just like calcification and fibrosis are observed in heart diesease patients. It's not just DHT it is low oxygen environment that both enhances TGF-B1 related colagen synthesis and increase TGF-B1 expression. I am not aware about calcification.
Men with Androgenetic Alopecia are more likely to develop heart diesease because of this reason - low blood flow circulation.

Beard doesn't miniaturize because the environment is high in oxygen and the expression is different.

There is no balding gene. It's the same in most men. 95% of men experience some DHT - induced miniaturisation.

That's my final conclusion about male pattern baldness and I do not make more scientific investigations about it and I am going to focus on other worse dieseases.

That's more or less my theory, and I wanted to know which methods people use to supply the galea with oxygen. I know about scalp massages and scalp exercises (check out Tom Hagerty for that), but I'm unable to use the muscles of my head. I simply can't move them they way they do.

I'm attacking DHT with Finasteride already, having scalp massages, taking hair vitamins, dermarolling, etc, but I want to know if there's an alternative to Minoxidil regarding blood vessels and oxygen supply for the scalp. I think it's the key to regrowing hair (apart, of course, from mesotherapies)

Minoxidil works (or PRP) because of that actually.
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That's more or less my theory, and I wanted to know which methods people use to supply the galea with oxygen. I know about scalp massages and scalp exervises (check out Tom Hagerty for that), but I'm unable to use the muscles of my head.

I'm attacking DHT with Finasteride already, having scalp massages, taking hair vitamins, dermarolling, etc, but I want to know if there's an alternative to Minoxidil regarding blood vessels and oxygen supply for the scalp. I think it's the key to regrowing hair (apart, of course, from mesotherapies)

Minoxidil works (or PRP) because of that actually.

There is a tension reliever device called grow band. It is designed to promote blood flow to the galea.
Minoxidil works only if the hair loss is recent. If it's advanced it doesn't because calcification and fibrosis advance and the blood flow can't go up there.


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Raw eggs? Lol you srs?

You're not massaging, etc?
My regimen is working fine for me. As long as I started to wash my hair with raw eggs only it is getting less oily, and I have zero dandruff. My itching and trichodynia are slowly disappearing. I've had dandruff since when I was a kid. My hair problems started when I moved to another city in completely different environment and completely different diet. It's most likely the water that causes it.
In february this year I noticed that my scalp is itching more and increased shedding and waking up with more hair on my pillow. I have nothing on my pillow now, but I remember I used to see 7-8 hairs every morning.
It continued to get worse to itch more and I started getting huge dandruff flakes. I noticed hair loss noticed hair loss at some places but it significantly thickened up.
Raw eggs are incredibly nutritious and full of antioxidants. I used wooden brush but it did very little for me. Raw eggs are better.

I used to see my scalp on the left side when. i tie my ponytail. It significantly thickened up and other thinner places too.

Look, it is getting better.

1. Now
2. June
3. September
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My regimen is working fine for me. As long as I started to wash my hair with raw eggs only it is getting less oily, and I have zero dandruff. My itching and trichodynia are slowly disappearing. I've had dandruff since when I was a kid. My hair problems started when I moved to another city in completely different environment and completely different diet. It's most likely the water that causes it.
In february this year I noticed that my scalp is itching more and increased shedding and waking up with more hair on my pillow. I have nothing on my pillow now, but I remember I used to see 7-8 hairs every morning.
It continued to get worse to itch more and I started getting huge dandruff flakes. I noticed hair loss noticed hair loss at some places but it significantly thickened up.
Raw eggs are incredibly nutritious and full of antioxidants. I used wooden brush but it did very little for me. Raw eggs are better.

I used to see my scalp on the left side when. i tie my ponytail. It significantly thickened up and other thinner places too.

Look, it is getting better.

1. Now
2. June
3. September

You have good hair, you really should do everything to keep it
How old are you btw??


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My regimen is working fine for me. As long as I started to wash my hair with raw eggs only it is getting less oily, and I have zero dandruff. My itching and trichodynia are slowly disappearing. I've had dandruff since when I was a kid. My hair problems started when I moved to another city in completely different environment and completely different diet. It's most likely the water that causes it.
In february this year I noticed that my scalp is itching more and increased shedding and waking up with more hair on my pillow. I have nothing on my pillow now, but I remember I used to see 7-8 hairs every morning.
It continued to get worse to itch more and I started getting huge dandruff flakes. I noticed hair loss noticed hair loss at some places but it significantly thickened up.
Raw eggs are incredibly nutritious and full of antioxidants. I used wooden brush but it did very little for me. Raw eggs are better.

I used to see my scalp on the left side when. i tie my ponytail. It significantly thickened up and other thinner places too.

Look, it is getting better.

1. Now
2. June
3. September

Looks the same


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My regimen is working fine for me. As long as I started to wash my hair with raw eggs only it is getting less oily, and I have zero dandruff. My itching and trichodynia are slowly disappearing. I've had dandruff since when I was a kid. My hair problems started when I moved to another city in completely different environment and completely different diet. It's most likely the water that causes it.
In february this year I noticed that my scalp is itching more and increased shedding and waking up with more hair on my pillow. I have nothing on my pillow now, but I remember I used to see 7-8 hairs every morning.
It continued to get worse to itch more and I started getting huge dandruff flakes. I noticed hair loss noticed hair loss at some places but it significantly thickened up.
Raw eggs are incredibly nutritious and full of antioxidants. I used wooden brush but it did very little for me. Raw eggs are better.

I used to see my scalp on the left side when. i tie my ponytail. It significantly thickened up and other thinner places too.

Look, it is getting better.

1. Now
2. June
3. September

Good news: you do not have hair loss.
Bad news: you have been putting eggs on your head for nothing.


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The cause of androgenetic alopecia is low in oxygen hypoxic, environment in the scalp. As you can see, where the muscles are located hair grows and where there is no muscles - hair doesn't not grow. Whether you lose hair or not it depends on your body's ability to supply the galea with oxygen. The more blood vessels you have on your head, the thicker and faster hair you grow and the least likely you are to go bald. I notice that people with low hair density usually go bald and those with thick hair seldom do. Most people who never lose hair have INCREDIBLY thick hair.
The muscles in donor area help blood circulation in this area and this lead to higher aromatase activity and low dht conversion. Higher aromatase activity prevent testosterone from converting into DHT an it converts into estradiol.

The galea is an environment of constant mechanical force coming from these muscles and this mechanical tension restricts the blood supply and this makes the environment too low in oxygen and impossible for healthy hair to grow. The mechanical tension is the strongest at the temples and veretex area and these are most hypoxic area and most DHT is produced. That's why hair loss starts from there. As you can see most men lose the finer hair at the temples when puberty starts because there are less blood vessels than the rest of the scalp there and these area easily develop hypoxia and the hair is gone fast. For the other hair either it takes time for people who have naturally hypoxic scalps or the skin that is supplying the hair is thinning with age and then male pattern baldness hits. That's the reason why more older men go bald than younger. DHT levels are highest in young age but most men don't go bald because their bodies are still supplying the hair. Balding in men rarely occurs before age 25.

DHT doesn't directly miniaturize hair follicles. It causes blood vessels calcification and excessive collagen synthesis - fibrosis. Just like calcification and fibrosis are observed in heart diesease patients. It's not just DHT it is low oxygen environment that both enhances TGF-B1 related colagen synthesis and increase TGF-B1 expression. I am not aware about calcification.
Men with Androgenetic Alopecia are more likely to develop heart diesease because of this reason - low blood flow circulation.

Beard doesn't miniaturize because the environment is high in oxygen and the expression is different.

There is no balding gene. It's the same in most men. 95% of men experience some DHT - induced miniaturisation.

That's my final conclusion about male pattern baldness and I do not make more scientific investigations about it and I am going to focus on other worse dieseases.
Bro science at it's finest.


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But... source? As in scientific backup for your claims?

The articles I posted on the first post.

But calcification is already known as a major cause of hair loss since the 60s. Not saying is the only one, but its almost as important as DHT.