Bunchies's Story - (20) it got a bit worse


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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

Hey guys it's been a while and i kept an eye on my hair and noticed it receded a bit , but i thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me .

now this week my parents came back home from their vacation and my mother started to look really weird at my hair and said : did someone cut in youre hair ? and this made me feel pretty bad . after that i looked in the mirror and she was right :s i had thin spots at the temples .

now i made some new pictures ( yes i know :'( ) and when my hair is wet u can even see that its thinner .

I'm getting really worried now since i already have my mature hairline and i think its going up :( , altho i think i'm balding quite slowly .

Also i'm considering using proscar since i really wanna keep my hair , should i start using it or wait ? .



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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

Hmmmm, its difficult to tell, the two pictures dont have much difference between them (only a month separating). But if i had to answer, i think it's the earliest possible sign of hairloss, it may stop right there and not progress for years though.

I think you should revaluate your situation in another 3 months by taking pictures, its never a good idea to take meds unless they are really needed. And you should try not to look at your hair in the mirror everyday... You may over analyse.

Whats your father and grandfathers hair like, is there a history of male pattern baldness in your family?


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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

grandfather mothers side (at age 70+) : NW2
grandfather father's side (at age 90+) : Norwood 4
Father : bald all the way and started to bald around age 38
nephew mother side : 38 years old and NW1/mature hairline at worst .
nephew father side : bald and also started to bald in his thirties i think , i'm not sure .


edit : the first pics i posted here were made in februari wich i posted on another forum first and tbh you can also see one of the thinner spots at the temples .


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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

Well going on your families history, i think its a good bet too say you'll be in the safe zone for a while. But only you truly know now whether your losing your hair or not.

Very very few people maintain their juvenile hairline up into there 30's so thats something to keep in mind. On a positive note, you've got a good head of hair on you + in these pictures its wet. So i wouldn't worry about it for now.


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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

Thx for the reply , and yes my hair is still thick and i wanna keep it that way .
But i have these thinner spots at the temples for over a year , and this is still what scares me the most , if it was just like my front i wouldnt be whining on this forum :D .

anyway i'm gonna see what happens with my hair till my 20th birthday , and if it's gotten worse i will go on finasteride .

also i think my widows peak makes it look like i receded more than i have .

Anyway there isnt much i can do atm so i will just have to wait and see .



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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

I'm going to be extremely honest with you, only to try and help you. My hairloss was very similiar to yours when I was 19. I remember having my baby hairline with incredibly thick hair up until I was 18. It wasn't unusual for random people to tell me I had the thickest hair they ever saw. From age 18-19 is when I moved from a NW1 to a NW2. Then right before I turned 20 my hairline looked like yours. My hairline was still in the shape of a NW2 but has slight thinning in the temples in a Norwood 2.5 pattern. I started propecia at that point and have been on it for the last year and a half. I started propecia pretty early in the balding process. However I continued to loose hair and currently have a NW2.5 hairline with NW3 thinning. I also have very early NW6 diffuse hairloss all over the top of my head. The NW6 diffuse was not present when I started propecia. I know propecia slowed down my hairloss because I have my Dads balding genes and he was a NW4 at my age. I should be bald right now!! So I suggest you start the big 3 now!!!!!!! Maybe you can keep what you have!

ME w/ NO HAIRLOSS age 18 natural solid hairline

Age 19 NW2 with clever styling

Me at age 21(now) I cant wear my hair like before because it would show the thinning on top and I always get my hairline shaped up or else it would look worse.


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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

Thx for the replies , but i think i'm still at a mature hairline and not NW2 yet , and also on youre last picture i would say youre a NW2 and not a NW3 .

edit :already started with nizoral , withouth knowing it i had a bottle of nizoral standing in my bathroom . it looked pretty oldskool tho (little white bottle with a yellow sticker on it ) but it expires on 02/10 so no worries :) .



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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

bunchies said:
Thx for the replies , but i think i'm still at a mature hairline and not NW2 yet , and also on youre last picture i would say youre a NW2 and not a NW3 .

edit :already started with nizoral , withouth knowing it i had a bottle of nizoral standing in my bathroom . it looked pretty oldskool tho (little white bottle with a yellow sticker on it ) but it expires on 02/10 so no worries :) .


Your hairline is similar to mine.


This is a "mature hairline". It also seems to have stabalised, no further recession after six months of observation. A mature hairline DOES not mean that you are balding as it is something that happens to a lot of men in their early/late twenties when they lose their juvinile (straight) hairline with age.

Just keep an eye on it and use a good hairloss shampoo. I am using revita.

I am 23.

Oh and read this:

http://www.baldingblog.com/2009/06/10/r ... th-photos/

And also your hairline is thick and very defined (sharp V shaped), normally the guys with the worse hairloss have a more undefined hairline like on the norwood scale.


Here is another example despite thinking that he is a twat:


Also 23 with a v shaped hairline.


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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

ok , i will keep an eye on it like i always would .

btw is it normal that those hairs at my temples are lighter ?


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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

bunchies said:
ok , i will keep an eye on it like i always would .

btw is it normal that those hairs at my temples are lighter ?

Yeah apparently it is. I have the same as you.


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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

@ OKnow : ive read the links you gave and i saw that its really thinner at the whole hairline but with me its just at the corners .

and here are the pictures of my hair dry but goofy due to gel :D .
you can really see its in the corners wich draw too much attention imo .



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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

bunchies said:
@ OKnow : ive read the links you gave and i saw that its really thinner at the whole hairline but with me its just at the corners .

and here are the pictures of my hair dry but goofy due to gel :D .
you can really see its in the corners wich draw too much attention imo .


Seriously nothing wrong with your hair.

Yes, your temple points are fine - the triangular bits where your sideburns are. That is normal, mine is the same, and as you can see from my link I am not balding. Your hairline is very similar to mine.

As I said just keep an eye on it. Your hair looks good.


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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

well , the corners at my temples seem to get thinner and it looks like ive receded a bit lately .

should i go see my docter for this and eventually start using finasteride ? cuz about a year ago a mate of mine started to bald just like me and now hes getting a bald spot and even his front is thinning out .

and i dont wanna end like that so young :( .



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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

Dude, you have very good hair. It's in your head. Forget about finasteride and minoxidil for now. Wait a year if it gets bad you will see but some receeding is normal for the age of 20. Wait half a year or a year, then check the pictures. Then you can eventually start with drugs, it is not going to be late at all.


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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

Hey guys it's been a long time since i posted here , not worrying about my hair .
But lately i saw that my left temple is thinning since i can see the birthmark better .
The right one is still kinda the same , its thicker than my left one but not too good imo .

the pics in the links are pretty big but theyre very precise .

left temple :

right temple :

should i get on meds or is it still a mature hairline (wich i doubt) ?



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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

It seems you were right about experiencing some VERY slight recession on the temple points, but it is still a mature hairline IMO. No need to be alarmed yet.

In case it turns out to be balding, and not a maturing hairline, you still have quite a good prognosis, since it's so slow. With meds it should slow down even further. You'll probably never be seen as "bald" by people.



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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

its gotten worse man, its not bad but thats more than 'a little recession' looks like u were right about it.


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Re: Bunchies's Story - (19 /and has some questions)

Yeah it has recessed a little, but it still looks like a mature hairline. Since it's so slow it's up to you wether or not you want to interfere with medications etc.