Botched Transplant or expectations too high


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Hey everyone! First, thanks for taking the time to read this, I desperately need advice on what to do.

Last year, I had 1200 grafts to my front hairline with Dr. Nusbaum in Miami ( The idea was to combine the transplanted hairline with a hair system. But the results were extremely underwhelming. I ended up with an incredibly wispy hairline that can, in no way, help conceal a hair system behind it. Please take this moment to observe the pictures attached. It has been more than a year, so the growth is all there. I went to see Dr. Nusbaum today in order to get a more definitive statement from him regarding my results. When he initially performed the surgery, he mentioned that what I was trying to do could be accomplished. The difference between the start and now, is that he tells me it will take 1 additional surgery and maybe a third in order to accomplish my goal. I find it extremely enraging that he didn't mention that bit the first time. Regardless, I am still willing to sacrifice yet ANOTHER year wearing a hat 24/7 if I can just get my hairline back. But now I just don't trust my doctor. So please, someone tell me what I should do.

Should I visit other doctors for their opinions?

Should I get the second/third surgery? How do I even know that the end result is my desired hairline? I don't want to go through two more operations just to have the same wispy hairline.

I'm seriously considering suing my doctor at this point.


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My Regimen
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1) 1200 grafts ridiculously low for the amount of area your doctor was trying to cover. You will get no density with that.

2) Either he did not transplant 1200, or a lot of them did not grow. This is no where near 1200 grafts

3) He did a very bad job. You will look fine if you shave it all off, but at that length, and i will be totally honest, it doesn't look natural at all. There is WAY too much space between the grafts.

I would post your story every where you can, with photos, so you can warn people of this doctor.


Senior Member
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botched transplant, the literally looks like only 100-200 grafts grew.


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That's what I thought, but just to be clear, I had ZERO hair in my hairline when we started. Would this still be considered botched at this point?

(attached is a picture of me from the initial consultation and the graft area)


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My Regimen
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That's what I thought, but just to be clear, I had ZERO hair in my hairline when we started. Would this still be considered botched at this point?

(attached is a picture of me from the initial consultation and the graft area)

I had two hair transplants and maybe I have the experience to tell you it was totally botched regardless of your initial situation. Those are not 1200 grafts.
Precisely how many months passed?
FUE or strip?

BTW: from his website one would think he is the maximum expert of hair transplants in the Southern US. What is wrong with this guy?


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I got a strip procedure done in August of 2014. It was for 1186 grafts, but I rounded up to 1200. It has been over a year and a half, or approximately 19 Months.


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That's terribly disappointing for you HighGuy. I don't know whether that is professional negligence or simply one of the risks you take with a hair transplant. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be that uncommon. I certainly wouldn't be going back for more, if I were you.

The only ray of optimism I can offer is that at least he has left your scalp in pretty good shape, so you still at least have the option of shaving or wearing a piece with the hairline positioning of your choice. I have spoken to a few guys who have had a similar failed transplant but with the added kicker that their scalp is all mashed up and scarred under the transplanted area. They now wear hairpieces to cover up the mess, but they are stuck positioning the hairline of the piece further down than they would choose, because they have to cover their scars. That positioning eventually becomes age-inappropriate and compromises the undetectability of their hairpieces.


My Regimen
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That's terribly disappointing for you HighGuy. I don't know whether that is professional negligence or simply one of the risks you take with a hair transplant. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be that uncommon. I certainly wouldn't be going back for more, if I were you.

The only ray of optimism I can offer is that at least he has left your scalp in pretty good shape, so you still at least have the option of shaving or wearing a piece with the hairline positioning of your choice. I have spoken to a few guys who have had a similar failed transplant but with the added kicker that their scalp is all mashed up and scarred under the transplanted area. They now wear hairpieces to cover up the mess, but they are stuck positioning the hairline of the piece further down than they would choose, because they have to cover their scars. That positioning eventually becomes age-inappropriate and compromises the undetectability of their hairpieces.

This is malpractice. They lured him in with the idea that he would have density, enough to match a hair system, in his hair line. they proceeded to transplant TWELVE HUNDRED grafts within what appears to be four inches of his frontal area. 1) This is NO WHERE NEAR enough grafts to create any kind of appreciable density. Given the area they were trying to cover, he would need about 4,000. 2) Either the grafts didn't take, they did a poor job during the transplant and transected follicles, or they didn't even transplant 1200 hairs. Because, there are not even 1200 hairs there, let alone 1200 grafts, would should amount to about 2,000 hairs.

I can tell from one picture that your surgeon is an unethical quack. He should never be allowed to come within fifty feet of another person's scalp. Please do ALL YOU CAN to expose him and warn people.


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I'm certainly not disagreeing with you Buckthorn; I don't know enough to express a view one way or the other.


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This is malpractice. They lured him in with the idea that he would have density, enough to match a hair system, in his hair line. they proceeded to transplant TWELVE HUNDRED grafts within what appears to be four inches of his frontal area. 1) This is NO WHERE NEAR enough grafts to create any kind of appreciable density. Given the area they were trying to cover, he would need about 4,000. 2) Either the grafts didn't take, they did a poor job during the transplant and transected follicles, or they didn't even transplant 1200 hairs. Because, there are not even 1200 hairs there, let alone 1200 grafts, would should amount to about 2,000 hairs.

I can tell from one picture that your surgeon is an unethical quack. He should never be allowed to come within fifty feet of another person's scalp. Please do ALL YOU CAN to expose him and warn people.

I'm calling three doctors tomorrow to set up appointment to have Dr. Nusbaum's work reviewed. Once they give me an evaluation of the work, I'm going to ask them if they can salvage this. My best plan would be to simply shave the hair behind the hairline and graft 1000 into the front of the hairline itself. Like this attachment. F**ked up thing was, I showed my doctor this very picture and he said it was doable. He made it seem like I would have the density from the picture. but much wider: under the guise that if I one day chose to do my whole head it would be viable.


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Senior Member
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Your problem seems to be you are not venturing out of your comfort zone and settling for the 'local guy'

there is a reason why almost everyone commutes for their transplant, it's hard to find quality work. I was fortunate enough to be able to drive 7 hours for my transplant. toronto-ottawa

Most people have to fly about


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Your problem seems to be you are not venturing out of your comfort zone and settling for the 'local guy'

there is a reason why almost everyone commutes for their transplant, it's hard to find quality work. I was fortunate enough to be able to drive 7 hours for my transplant. toronto-ottawa

Most people have to fly about

Dr. Jeffrey Epstein was just recommended to me on this forum and he seems to be local. I'm most likely going to go with him, but I'll still shop around.


New Member
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Also from what I understand going for a hair system is more dependent on your sides, some people don't have the sides which makes the hair system look off the place.

You already have decent sides, and you could have gone for those polythin material if you wanted a realistic hairline.

Again I'm a total newb myself in this but having done the reading and looking at the results the only reason I would go for a transplant + hair system would be if my sides were too receded.

Hope it works out.


New Member
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i made a hair tranplant back in 2001... i so much regret it, bacause i get only the result like u get... and a ugle scar back in my had... i will not do it again.!