big3nme success so far after 8 months


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So my username is a bit outdated these days as I no longer just use the "big 3." My new username should really be kitchensinknme =) but who cares. I decided it was time for a post in the success stories because Ive gotten several comments from people asking what I did with my hair, did you dye it..etcetc.

My case is a bit different than just standard AA / male pattern baldness as i am diagnosed with LPP (Lichen PlanoPilaris) a scarring alopecia of the scalp. I also do have normal male pattern baldness in addition to this though. When starting treatment I didn't have too high of hopes because of a) fighting hair loss is a tough battle b) i had let my hair get extremely diffuse and c) i had to deal with the LPP in addition.

With that being said here is my current regimen with how long I've been on each.

-minoxidil - 5% Kirkland - 2x daily application of 3ml - 8 months

-Nizoral - 2% Generic - EOD - 8 months

-finasteride - 4 months of 1mg of finpecia - took a break for 1.5 months - now on -1.25mg of fincar for the last 2 months

-RU - 50-75mg daily mixed in 3ml EC + .75ml PPG - 2 months

-Skin Needling - derma roller .5mm needles- 1.5 months EOD

-emu oil // coconut oil - not really sure how often to use or when to apply but I use it when I feel like it

-MSM - 3000mg (i think its this much) daily - off and on for about 3 months now

-Curcumin - (not sure of dosage yet) - 2 pills a day - 3 days!

-ZMA - (zinc supplement) - 1 pill a day - 3 days!

-Fish Oil - (not sure of exact dosage) - 2 capsules a day - about 3 months now

I added curcumin//zma//oils to try to help my LPP inflammation. I have recently read a study suggesting a diabetes drug called Actos could treat LPP by doing something with insulin. I posted an article about this in the general forums.

You can't really see in these pictures but my hair is improving everywhere except for the crown (it might be improving a little bit but its hard to tell). Which is basically what i expected because that is the area affected by my LPP. Kind of ironic since thats the area that usually responds well to treatment.

Another thing I'll throw out there (and I think a lot of people experience this?) is that my right side // temple is a LOT worse than my left side. I might be crazy but I say its because I sleep with that side of my head on the pillow. Now maybe its not the actual rubbing/compression against the pillow but maybe my nightly topicals are getting rubbed off into the pillow on that side. Because of this I started sleeping on my back, which I find very hard to do.

My hair continues to get better and I don't see end in site for improvement. I still see and feel tons of tiny hairs all over my head and can see lots of white/colorless hairs. I have no doubt these all will eventually become as thick as my normal hair.

Another thing I am excited about is the only treatment I've really been on for a "significant" amount of time is minoxidil + nizoral. I could almost throw finasteride in there but I took a break for a while because when I switched to fincar from finpecia (around 4 months in) I thought I started experiencing sides and quit. Im on the train that sides from finasteride are mostly caused by one's own mind. You worry about having a low libido from it and that worry in fact causes a low libido. Also a lot of people dealing with hairloss are going through a lot of stress // depression about it and Im pretty sure that also contributes to the low libido sides. i try not to think about it and have had no real problems.

Hopefully consistent finasteride/ RU/Needling/Extra Vitamins/Oils will help push my regrowth even further.

Lastly, the only thing i am considering adding to my regimen at this point is some form of copper peptide. Im looking at tricomin and folligen. These itnerest me because of their claim at reversing scarring // repairing follicles. I think this could be great for me because a lot of my hairloss is from inflammation.

Anyways, sorry I wrote so much.. I could write all day about my hairloss experiences. Here are the pictures you all came here to see.

The best difference imo is when I did not buzz my hair. My 4 month and most recent 8 month (not buzzed) photos really show you how well I am doing.

Grew my hair out a bit right before my 4 month update:

Grew my hair out again before my 8 month update to compare:

Here is my full transformation:


  • 4months_notbuzzed.PNG
    164.6 KB · Views: 6,301
  • topfront_8months.PNG
    708.1 KB · Views: 841
  • hairtransformation.PNG
    1,012.6 KB · Views: 3,092


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Couple of things:

1) Keep your head buzzed. It looks better and makes your male pattern baldness less detectable.

2) Did I read correct? You are applying 3 ml of minoxidil twice a day? That's a lot; you might not need that much.

3) As for adding a copper peptide product or SOD, I would check out Dr. Proctor's Prox-N. It has far more than just copper peptides, goes on clean, and dries quickly.

4) Consistency is key! Keep doing what you're doing, and congrats!


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JWM said:
Couple of things:

1) Keep your head buzzed. It looks better and makes your male pattern baldness less detectable.

2) Did I read correct? You are applying 3 ml of minoxidil twice a day? That's a lot; you might not need that much.

3) As for adding a copper peptide product or SOD, I would check out Dr. Proctor's Prox-N. It has far more than just copper peptides, goes on clean, and dries quickly.

4) Consistency is key! Keep doing what you're doing, and congrats!

1) I agree, this is the first time I haven't buzzed my head (except for that 4 month mark). It's easier to tell how my hair is doing once it gets a little longer. Surprisingly I thought it looked a LOT better this time around. I guess my next haircut i'll try buzzing it but I don't mind the way it looks longer anymore.

2) Yeah I use 1ml for my crown, 1ml for the top, and 1ml for the front. I use a lot for 2 reasons. 1) It's extremely cheap. 2) The way I apply it I feel like a lot of it gets on my fingers and hair. I tend to rub it with my fingertips.

3) I've been searching these forums // reviews that I can find on tricomin/folligen/prox-n for a while now. I see mixed reviews about all of them so it's hard to really tell. Just have to pick one and try it I guess.

4) Exactly! I feel like a lot of people do not stay consistent or give up too easily and that is why these meds don't work for them.