best shampoo for getting rid of the dermmartch and couvre


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whats a good shampoo to use to get rid of the dermmatch and couvre that i use. i find that even with one wash using head and shoulders when i scratch my head i still have some black residue left on my nails-when my hair is dry.

whats do u guys think is the best shampoo for geeting rid of the residue of left over derrmatch and couvre out


Senior Member
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your lucky. All mine rinses off with just water, or comes off on the pillow. If I could keep it on my head, I would not have quit using it two years ago.


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I use Nanogen's shampoo anyway, I haven't used Dermatch much, only a few time as it was reccomended to use with the Nanogen fibres I use, but it came off fine with that, not a particularly strong shampoo though so I should think you can find something cheaper that'd do if you didn't fancy trying the Nanogen one.

Or how about something medicated like Nizoral? Might as welll kill too birds with one stone?