Batci Hair 7 to 14 Day Concealer Turkey - Anyone Try it?

Thinning Sucks

Experienced Member
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This looks amazing! Can anyone in Turkey visit this guy to check this out or maybe try order some product? It’s a hair color that stains the scalp for a week or two it appears. I would be concerned on how it degrades on the scalp nonuniformly over the week or two. Spotty staining would be terrible to correct.

On instagram also

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Established Member
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I'm wondering if you can still use hair loss products like minoxidil with this stuff on my head and will this stuff come off after using them ?

Thinning Sucks

Experienced Member
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I'm wondering if you can still use hair loss products like minoxidil with this stuff on my head and will this stuff come off after using them ?
I would say yes - sure can use and I doubt would dissolve off unless rubbed hard with a cotton ball and minoxidil
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Established Member
My Regimen
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This looks amazing! Can anyone in Turkey visit this guy to check this out or maybe try order some product? It’s a hair color that stains the scalp for a week or two it appears. I would be concerned on how it degrades on the scalp nonuniformly over the week or two. Spotty staining would be terrible to correct.

Very interesting.