Baldness Drives Me Insane 7 Words 1123


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Probably to troll, possibly to help understand why they'll never get laid - women are too busy desperately chasing pedos with unobtainable aesthetics. That is not the reason.

And what do you mean you realise women are sl*ts "these days" you're probably 17. Some women have always been sl*ts and of course some are now.

I don't even think all tinder experiments are bullshit, but if you think there's not a chance this one could be, and you honestly can't think of why someone would fake it to show their hate of women and the world, then you have serious ironic cope.

Changing social norms, premarital sex especially a lot less frowned upon nowadays. 60s and 70s sexual revolution caused it


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The sexual revolution was supposed to make sex available for more people. The irony that it made it way less available than before.
Not true - most people have more sex than their parents generation


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View attachment 64054

Changing social norms, premarital sex especially a lot less frowned upon nowadays. 60s and 70s sexual revolution caused it
I think what sparked it was the introduction of contraception (birth control pill, condoms) - then if that failed next stop was abortion.

80% of woman may eventually reproduce but contraception gave them the license to sl*t around.


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And the possibility to have your own career and thus being your own provider.
And the government being a substitute male provider.
And the sl*t shaming who was been heavily reduced, social norms adapting to a new era.
There should never be cause for "sl*t shaming."

I never have liked this behaviour.
Its a pathetic attempt by disgruntled men and envious womem to try to keep a wayward citizen in line.
No right minded and fair thinking adult (male or female) should ever indulge in this petty and very base behaviour.

I think we as humans have advanced far enough for there not to be any shaming involved against anybody exercising free will.


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just played some recreational sport with people twice age as mine (50yo+)

everyone hairmogged me into oblivion

thick NW1 with a little to none grey hair when I'm NW3.5 with diffused forelock and grey temples in my 20-s

and how the f*** am I suppose to cope with it? I mean even if I would grow bones and get big in gym I would be inferior to them hairwise anyway


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just played some recreational sport with people twice age as mine (50yo+)

everyone hairmogged me into oblivion

thick NW1 with a little to none grey hair when I'm NW3.5 with diffused forelock and grey temples in my 20-s

and how the f*** am I suppose to cope with it? I mean even if I would grow bones and get big in gym I would be inferior to them hairwise anyway

I know dat feel brah.

Old guys with great hair is possibly my worst trigger.
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just played some recreational sport with people twice age as mine (50yo+)

everyone hairmogged me into oblivion

thick NW1 with a little to none grey hair when I'm NW3.5 with diffused forelock and grey temples in my 20-

Little to no gray hair in their 50's? I'd wager that's even rarer than NW1 in the 50's.


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I think we as humans have advanced far enough for there not to be any shaming involved against anybody exercising free will.

I have the free will to laugh at your hairline, I should be shamed for such a thing. I can give many more examples.


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I shouldn't be shamed for shaming sl*ts :p it's wrong I'm just exercising my free will.


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I have the free will to laugh at your hairline, I should be shamed for such a thing. I can give many more examples.
Lets use common sense here. A lifestyle choice, sleeping around, and attacking someone for something they have no control over are two completely different things.


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Then let me exercise my free will, that's my opinion.
Everybody has his own opinions on things. I do respect yours, same doesn't apply for you.
Since you tried to shame me by calling me indirectly a "disgruntled man" and "no right minded and fair thinking adult" for having the opinion you dislike.

We all shame things we don't like. It is not bad nor good, it's just human.
Your free will should not extend to criticising others for there lifestyle choices.

Keep it to yourself.