Awesome thickening shampoo/conditioner- can be used as styling product


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hey guys

so ive never posted on here about anything other than minoxidil/finasteride but I have used this shampoo/conditioner for a while and i kind of didn't realize how much it "thickens up" my hair. its the bosley revive and you can get it pretty damn cheap on amazon/ebay in the big bottles. After I shampoo/condition with it, my hair is way more "fluffed" up, and using the conditioner as a styling product works better than almost any pomade/cream/gel ive tried. im trying to embed a pic below, im not sure if this is essentially what nizoral does as i have never used it, but its worth a shot for those with thinning hair. it really thickens up my hair in the middle so i can move it around and cover up one side of my hairline. ive tried literally every crew/paul mitchell/etc styling products and i really think my hair looks best when i just put this conditioner in.
