At What Stage In Hair loss Dose It Really Start To Affect You ?


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Some guys lose all the hair within a short period and it doesn't bother than much at all. I've met guys who I'm pretty sure kind of enjoyed going bald. I think there would be a few pivotal moment that would most likely bother someone. The first time you suspect any hair loss, when you realize it's not in fact a maturing hairline / the barber didn't make your hair thin in a spot , when anyone comments on it. Maybe it wont bother ever you, I wish it didn't bother me! However, I feel like its relevant to add that maintaining your hair is way easier than regrowing in bald spots. So if you were going to go down a treatment route at some point in your life, it would make sense to do it sooner rather than later. Along with that, it can be difficult to project how you will feel about the issue within a few years.


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I noticed last year in August. Receding hairline, NW2.5 and it didn't seem like i was diffusing or crown thinning. My hair was dense enough that I could still style it and it looked okay. But in six months it lost density fairly quickly across the top and i could style it no longer. I started buzzing with a #4 guard on the clippers around january but these days i buzz down with a number 2 and thinking about just buzzing with a 0.

It affected me pretty quickly. Less than a year between noticing recession and having to buzz my hair.


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once it begins. it turns into your daily companion, and will slowly take away everything